Check all clusters in cell when building neighbor lists because ghost clusters may not be sorted

Signed-off-by: Rafael Ravedutti <>
This commit is contained in:
Rafael Ravedutti 2022-02-01 20:16:04 +01:00
parent 4a5216a177
commit 85e7954932
4 changed files with 77 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -28,9 +28,11 @@
#include <parameter.h>
#include <atom.h>
#include <stats.h>
#include <util.h>
double computeForceLJ(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *stats) {
fprintf(stdout, "computeForceLJ begin\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("computeForceLJ begin\n");
int Nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
int* neighs;
MD_FLOAT cutforcesq = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
@ -80,11 +82,6 @@ double computeForceLJ(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *s
fix += delx * force;
fiy += dely * force;
fiz += delz * force;
if(force < -50.0 || force > 50.0) {
fprintf(stdout, "%d-%d/%d-%d: %f, %f, %f ---- %f, %f, %f, %f\n", ci, cii, cj, cjj, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, fix, fiy, fiz, force);
@ -92,10 +89,6 @@ double computeForceLJ(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *s
cluster_x(cifptr, cii) += fix;
cluster_y(cifptr, cii) += fiy;
cluster_z(cifptr, cii) += fiz;
if(fix < -100.0 || fix > 100.0 || fiy < -100.0 || fiy > 100.0 || fiz < -100.0 || fiz > 100.0) {
fprintf(stdout, "%d-%d: %f, %f, %f ---- %f, %f, %f\n", ci, cii, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, fix, fiy, fiz);
@ -105,6 +98,6 @@ double computeForceLJ(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *s
double E = getTimeStamp();
fprintf(stdout, "computeForceLJ end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("computeForceLJ end\n");
return E-S;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(a) ((a) >= 0 ? (a) : -(a))
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUG_MESSAGE(msg) printf
#define DEBUG_MESSAGE(msg)
#define FF_LJ 0
#define FF_EAM 1

View File

@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ double reneighbour(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor) {
void initialIntegrate(Parameter *param, Atom *atom) {
fprintf(stdout, "initialIntegrate start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("initialIntegrate start\n");
for(int ci = 0; ci < atom->Nclusters_local; ci++) {
MD_FLOAT *ciptr = cluster_pos_ptr(ci);
MD_FLOAT *civptr = cluster_velocity_ptr(ci);
@ -133,11 +134,13 @@ void initialIntegrate(Parameter *param, Atom *atom) {
cluster_z(ciptr, cii) += param->dt * cluster_z(civptr, cii);
fprintf(stdout, "initialIntegrate end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("initialIntegrate end\n");
void finalIntegrate(Parameter *param, Atom *atom) {
fprintf(stdout, "finalIntegrate start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("finalIntegrate start\n");
for(int ci = 0; ci < atom->Nclusters_local; ci++) {
MD_FLOAT *civptr = cluster_velocity_ptr(ci);
MD_FLOAT *cifptr = cluster_force_ptr(ci);
@ -148,7 +151,8 @@ void finalIntegrate(Parameter *param, Atom *atom) {
cluster_z(civptr, cii) += param->dtforce * cluster_z(cifptr, cii);
fprintf(stdout, "finalIntegrate end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("finalIntegrate end\n");
void printAtomState(Atom *atom) {

View File

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ int atomDistanceInRange(Atom *atom, int ci, int cj, MD_FLOAT rsq) {
void buildNeighbor(Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor) {
printf("buildNeighbor start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("buildNeighbor start\n");
int nall = atom->Nclusters_local + atom->Nclusters_ghost;
/* extend atom arrays if necessary */
@ -240,17 +240,17 @@ void buildNeighbor(Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor) {
const int c = cluster_bincount[jbin];
if(c > 0) {
do {
//do {
cj = loc_bin[m];
jbb_zmin = atom->clusters[cj].bbminz;
jbb_zmax = atom->clusters[cj].bbmaxz;
} while(m + 1 < c && (ibb_zmin - jbb_zmax) * (ibb_zmin - jbb_zmax) > cutneighsq);
//} while(m + 1 < c && (ibb_zmin - jbb_zmax) * (ibb_zmin - jbb_zmax) > cutneighsq);
while(m < c) {
if((jbb_zmin - ibb_zmax) * (jbb_zmin - ibb_zmax) > cutneighsq) {
/*if((jbb_zmin - ibb_zmax) * (jbb_zmin - ibb_zmax) > cutneighsq) {
double d_bb_sq = getBoundingBoxDistanceSq(atom, ci, cj);
if(d_bb_sq < cutneighsq) {
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void buildNeighbor(Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor) {
if(resize) {
printf("RESIZE %d\n", neighbor->maxneighs);
fprintf(stdout, "RESIZE %d\n", neighbor->maxneighs);
neighbor->maxneighs = new_maxneighs * 1.2;
neighbor->neighbors = (int*) malloc(atom->Nmax * neighbor->maxneighs * sizeof(int));
@ -288,28 +288,46 @@ void buildNeighbor(Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor) {
printf("\ncutneighsq = %f, rbb_sq = %f\n", cutneighsq, rbb_sq);
DEBUG_MESSAGE("\ncutneighsq = %f, rbb_sq = %f\n", cutneighsq, rbb_sq);
for(int ci = 0; ci < 6; ci++) {
MD_FLOAT *ciptr = cluster_pos_ptr(ci);
int* neighptr = &(neighbor->neighbors[ci * neighbor->maxneighs]);
printf("Cluster %d, bbx = {%f, %f}, bby = {%f, %f}, bbz = {%f, %f}\n", ci, atom->clusters[ci].bbminx, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxx, atom->clusters[ci].bbminy, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxy, atom->clusters[ci].bbminz, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxz);
DEBUG_MESSAGE("Cluster %d, bbx = {%f, %f}, bby = {%f, %f}, bbz = {%f, %f}\n",
for(int cii = 0; cii < CLUSTER_DIM_N; cii++) {
fprintf(stdout, "%f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(ciptr, cii), cluster_y(ciptr, cii), cluster_z(ciptr, cii));
DEBUG_MESSAGE("%f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(ciptr, cii), cluster_y(ciptr, cii), cluster_z(ciptr, cii));
for(int k = 0; k < neighbor->numneigh[ci]; k++) {
const int cj = neighptr[k];
MD_FLOAT *cjptr = cluster_pos_ptr(cj);
printf(" Cluster %d, bbx = {%f, %f}, bby = {%f, %f}, bbz = {%f, %f}\n", cj, atom->clusters[cj].bbminx, atom->clusters[cj].bbmaxx, atom->clusters[cj].bbminy, atom->clusters[cj].bbmaxy, atom->clusters[cj].bbminz, atom->clusters[cj].bbmaxz);
DEBUG_MESSAGE(" Cluster %d, bbx = {%f, %f}, bby = {%f, %f}, bbz = {%f, %f}\n",
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < CLUSTER_DIM_N; cjj++) {
fprintf(stdout, " %f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(cjptr, cjj), cluster_y(cjptr, cjj), cluster_z(cjptr, cjj));
DEBUG_MESSAGE(" %f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(cjptr, cjj), cluster_y(cjptr, cjj), cluster_z(cjptr, cjj));
printf("buildNeighbor end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("buildNeighbor end\n");
/* internal subroutines */
@ -376,7 +394,7 @@ void coord2bin2D(MD_FLOAT xin, MD_FLOAT yin, int *ix, int *iy) {
void binAtoms(Atom *atom) {
printf("binAtoms start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("binAtoms start\n");
int resize = 1;
while(resize > 0) {
@ -388,7 +406,6 @@ void binAtoms(Atom *atom) {
for(int i = 0; i < atom->Nlocal; i++) {
int ibin = coord2bin(atom_x(i), atom_y(i));
if(ibin < 0 || ibin > mbins) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %f, %f\n", i, atom_x(i), atom_y(i)); }
if(bincount[ibin] < atoms_per_bin) {
int ac = bincount[ibin]++;
bins[ibin * atoms_per_bin + ac] = i;
@ -403,12 +420,13 @@ void binAtoms(Atom *atom) {
bins = (int*) malloc(mbins * atoms_per_bin * sizeof(int));
printf("binAtoms end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("binAtoms end\n");
// TODO: Use pigeonhole sorting
void sortAtomsByZCoord(Atom *atom) {
printf("sortAtomsByZCoord start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("sortAtomsByZCoord start\n");
for(int bin = 0; bin < mbins; bin++) {
int c = bincount[bin];
int *bin_ptr = &bins[bin * atoms_per_bin];
@ -433,11 +451,12 @@ void sortAtomsByZCoord(Atom *atom) {
bin_ptr[min_ac] = i;
printf("sortAtomsByZCoord end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("sortAtomsByZCoord end\n");
void buildClusters(Atom *atom) {
printf("buildClusters start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("buildClusters start\n");
atom->Nclusters_local = 0;
/* bin local atoms */
@ -506,20 +525,29 @@ void buildClusters(Atom *atom) {
printf("buildClusters end\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("buildClusters end\n");
void binClusters(Atom *atom) {
printf("binClusters start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("binClusters start\n");
fprintf(stdout, "Nghost = %d\n", atom->Nclusters_ghost);
DEBUG_MESSAGE("Nghost = %d\n", atom->Nclusters_ghost);
for(int ci = atom->Nclusters_local; ci < atom->Nclusters_local + 4; ci++) {
MD_FLOAT *cptr = cluster_pos_ptr(ci);
fprintf(stdout, "Cluster %d:\n", ci);
fprintf(stdout, "bin=%d, Natoms=%d, bbox={%f,%f},{%f,%f},{%f,%f}\n", atom->clusters[ci].bin, atom->clusters[ci].natoms, atom->clusters[ci].bbminx, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxx, atom->clusters[ci].bbminy, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxy, atom->clusters[ci].bbminz, atom->clusters[ci].bbmaxz);
DEBUG_MESSAGE("Cluster %d:\n", ci);
DEBUG_MESSAGE("bin=%d, Natoms=%d, bbox={%f,%f},{%f,%f},{%f,%f}\n",
for(int cii = 0; cii < CLUSTER_DIM_N; cii++) {
fprintf(stdout, "%f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(cptr, cii), cluster_y(cptr, cii), cluster_z(cptr, cii));
DEBUG_MESSAGE("%f, %f, %f\n", cluster_x(cptr, cii), cluster_y(cptr, cii), cluster_z(cptr, cii));
@ -590,16 +618,16 @@ void binClusters(Atom *atom) {
fprintf(stdout, "cluster_bincount\n");
for(int i = 0; i < mbins; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d, ", cluster_bincount[i]); }
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
for(int i = 0; i < mbins; i++) { DEBUG_MESSAGE("%d, ", cluster_bincount[i]); }
printf("binClusters stop\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("binClusters stop\n");
void updateSingleAtoms(Atom *atom) {
printf("updateSingleAtoms start\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("updateSingleAtoms start\n");
int Natom = 0;
for(int ci = 0; ci < atom->Nclusters_local; ci++) {
@ -620,5 +648,6 @@ void updateSingleAtoms(Atom *atom) {
if(Natom != atom->Nlocal) {
fprintf(stderr, "updateSingleAtoms(): Number of atoms changed!\n");
printf("updateSingleAtoms stop\n");
DEBUG_MESSAGE("updateSingleAtoms stop\n");