Thomas Gruber 6ab45dd3ec
Merge develop into main (#109)
* Add cpu_used (all-cpu_idle) to CpustatCollector

* Update to line-protocol/v2

* Update runonce.yml with Golang 1.20

* Update fsnotify in LIKWID Collector

* Use not a pointer to line-protocol.Encoder

* Simplify Makefile

* Use only as many arguments as required

* Allow sum function to handle non float types

* Allow values to be a slice of type float64, float32, int, int64, int32, bool

* Use generic function to simplify code

* Add missing case for type []int32

* Use generic function to compute minimum

* Use generic function to compute maximum

* Use generic function to compute average

* Add error value to sumAnyType

* Use generic function to compute median

* For older versions of go slices is not part of the installation

* Remove old entries from go.sum

* Use simpler sort function

* Compute metrics ib_total and ib_total_pkts

* Add aggregated metrics.
Add missing units

* Update likwidMetric.go

Fixes a potential bug when `fsnotify.NewWatcher()` fails with an error

* Completly avoid memory allocations in infinibandMetric read()

* Fixed initialization: Initalization and measurements should run in the same thread

* Add to Release action

* Fix path after installation to /usr/bin after installation

* ioutil.ReadFile is deprecated: As of Go 1.16, this function simply calls os.ReadFile

* Switch to package slices from the golang 1.21 default library

* Read file line by line

* Read file line by line

* Read file line by line

* Use CamelCase

* Use CamelCase

* Fix function getNumaDomain, it always returned 0

* Avoid type conversion by using Atoi
Avoid copying structs by using pointer access
Increase readability with CamelCase variable names

* Add caching

* Cache CpuData

* Cleanup

* Use init function to initalize cache structure to avoid multi threading problems

* Reuse information from /proc/cpuinfo

* Avoid slice cloning. Directly use the cache

* Add DieList

* Add NumaDomainList and SMTList

* Cleanup

* Add comment

* Lookup core ID from /sys/devices/system/cpu, /proc/cpuinfo is not portable

* Lookup all information from /sys/devices/system/cpu, /proc/cpuinfo is not portable

* Correctly handle lists from /sys

* Add Simultaneous Multithreading siblings

* Replace deprecated thread_siblings_list by core_cpus_list

* Reduce number of required slices

* Allow to send total values per core, socket and node

* Send all metrics with same time stamp
calcEventsetMetrics does only computiation, counter measurement is done before

* Input parameters should be float64 when evaluating to float64

* Send all metrics with same time stamp
calcGlobalMetrics does only computiation, counter measurement is done before

* Remove unused variable gmresults

* Add comments

* Updated go packages

* Add build with golang 1.21

* Switch to checkout action version 4

* Switch to setup-go action version 4

* Add workflow_dispatch to allow manual run of workflow

* Add workflow_dispatch to allow manual run of workflow

* Add release build jobs to runonce.yml

* Switch to golang 1.20 for RHEL based distributions

* Use dnf to download golang

* Remove golang versions before 1.20

* Upgrade Ubuntu focal -> jammy

* Pipe golang tar package directly to tar

* Update golang version

* Fix Ubuntu version number

* Add links to ipmi and redfish receivers

* Fix http server addr format

* ->

* Corrected spelling

* Add some comments

* ->

* Allow other fields not only field "value"

* Add some basic debugging documentation

* Add some basic debugging documentation

* Use a lock for the flush timer

* Add tags in lexical order as required by AddTag()

* Only access meta data, when it gets used as tag

* Use slice to store lexialicly orderd key value pairs

* Increase golang version requirement to 1.20.

* Avoid package cmp to allow builds with golang v1.20

* Fix: Error NVML library not found did crash
cc-metric-collector with "SIGSEGV: segmentation violation"

* Add config option idle_timeout

* Add basic authentication support

* Add basic authentication support

* Avoid unneccessary memory allocations

* Add documentation for send_*_total values

* Use generic package maps to clone maps

* Reuse flush timer

* Add Influx client options

* Reuse ccTopology functionality

* Do not store unused topology information

* Add batch_size config

* Cleanup

* Use stype and stype-id for the NIC in NetstatCollector

* Wait for concurrent flush operations to finish

* Be more verbose in error messages

* Reverted previous changes.
Made the code to complex without much advantages

* Use line protocol encoder

* Go pkg update

* Stop flush timer, when immediatelly flushing

* Fix: Corrected unlock access to batch slice

* Add config option to specify whether to use GZip compression in influx write requests

* Add asynchron send of encoder metrics

* Use DefaultServeMux instead of

* Add config option for HTTP keep-alives

* Be more strict, when parsing json

* Add config option for HTTP request timeout and Retry interval

* Allow more then one background send operation

* Fix %sysusers_create_package args (#108)

%sysusers_create_package requires two arguments. See:

* Add nfsiostat to list of collectors


Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
Co-authored-by: Obihörnchen <>
2023-12-04 12:21:26 +01:00

13 KiB

likwid collector

The likwid collector is probably the most complicated collector. The LIKWID library is included as static library with direct access mode. The direct access mode is suitable if the daemon is executed by a root user. The static library does not contain the performance groups, so all information needs to be provided in the configuration.

  "likwid": {
    "force_overwrite" : false,
    "invalid_to_zero" : false,
    "liblikwid_path" : "/path/to/",
    "accessdaemon_path" : "/folder/that/contains/likwid-accessD",
    "access_mode" : "direct or accessdaemon or perf_event",
    "lockfile_path" : "/var/run/likwid.lock",
    "eventsets": [
        "events" : {
          "COUNTER0": "EVENT0",
          "COUNTER1": "EVENT1",
        "metrics" : [
            "name": "sum_01",
            "calc": "COUNTER0 + COUNTER1",
            "publish": false,
            "unit": "myunit",
            "type": "hwthread"
    "globalmetrics" : [
        "name": "global_sum",
        "calc": "sum_01",
        "publish": true,
        "unit": "myunit",
        "type": "hwthread"

The likwid configuration consists of two parts, the eventsets and globalmetrics:

  • An event set list itself has two parts, the events and a set of derivable metrics. Each of the events is a counter:event pair in LIKWID's syntax. The metrics are a list of formulas to derive the metric value from the measurements of the events' values. Each metric has a name, the formula, a type and a publish flag. There is an optional unit field. Counter names can be used like variables in the formulas, so PMC0+PMC1 sums the measurements for the both events configured in the counters PMC0 and PMC1. You can optionally use time for the measurement time and inverseClock for 1.0/baseCpuFrequency. The type tells the LikwidCollector whether it is a metric for each hardware thread (cpu) or each CPU socket (socket). You may specify a unit for the metric with unit. The last one is the publishing flag. It tells the LikwidCollector whether a metric should be sent to the router or is only used internally to compute a global metric.
  • The globalmetrics are metrics which require data from multiple event set measurements to be derived. The inputs are the metrics in the event sets. Similar to the metrics in the event sets, the global metrics are defined by a name, a formula, a type and a publish flag. See event set metrics for details. The only difference is that there is no access to the raw event measurements anymore but only to the metrics. Also time and inverseClock cannot be used anymore. So, the idea is to derive a metric in the eventsets section and reuse it in the globalmetrics part. If you need a metric only for deriving the global metrics, disable forwarding of the event set metrics ("publish": false). Be aware that the combination might be misleading because the "behavior" of a metric changes over time and the multiple measurements might count different computing phases. Similar to the metrics in the eventset, you can specify a metric unit with the unit field.

Additional options:

  • force_overwrite: Same as setting LIKWID_FORCE=1. In case counters are already in-use, LIKWID overwrites their configuration to do its measurements
  • invalid_to_zero: In some cases, the calculations result in NaN or Inf. With this option, all NaN and Inf values are replaces with 0.0. See below in seperate section
  • access_mode: Specify LIKWID access mode: direct for direct register access as root user or accessdaemon. The access mode perf_event is current untested.
  • accessdaemon_path: Folder of the accessDaemon likwid-accessD (like /usr/local/sbin)
  • liblikwid_path: Location of including file name like /usr/local/lib/
  • lockfile_path: Location of LIKWID's lock file if multiple tools should access the hardware counters. Default /var/run/likwid.lock

Available metric types

Hardware performance counters are scattered all over the system nowadays. A counter coveres a specific part of the system. While there are hardware thread specific counter for CPU cycles, instructions and so on, some others are specific for a whole CPU socket/package. To address that, the LikwidCollector provides the specification of a type for each metric.

  • hwthread : One metric per CPU hardware thread with the tags "type" : "hwthread" and "type-id" : "$hwthread_id"
  • socket : One metric per CPU socket/package with the tags "type" : "socket" and "type-id" : "$socket_id"

Note: You cannot specify socket type for a metric that is measured at hwthread type, so some kind of expert knowledge or lookup work in the Likwid Wiki is required. Get the type of each counter from the Architecture pages and as soon as one counter in a metric is socket-specific, the whole metric is socket-specific.

As a guideline:

  • All counters FIXCx, PMCy and TMAz have the type hwthread
  • All counters names containing BOX have the type socket
  • All PWRx counters have type socket, except "PWR1" : "RAPL_CORE_ENERGY" has hwthread type
  • All DFCx counters have type socket

Help with the configuration

The configuration for the likwid collector is quite complicated. Most users don't use LIKWID with the event:counter notation but rely on the performance groups defined by the LIKWID team for each architecture. In order to help with the likwid collector configuration, we included a script scripts/ that creates the configuration of an eventset from a performance group (using a LIKWID installation in $PATH):

$ likwid-perfctr -i
short name: ICX
$ likwid-perfctr -a
$ scripts/ ICX MEM_DP
  "events": {
    "..." : "..."
  "metrics" : [
      "calc": "time",
      "name": "Runtime (RDTSC) [s]",
      "publish": true,
      "unit": "seconds"
      "type": "hwthread"
      "..." : "..."

You can copy this JSON and add it to the eventsets list. If you specify multiple event sets, you can add globally derived metrics in the extra global_metrics section with the metric names as variables.

Mixed usage between daemon and users

LIKWID checks the file /var/run/likwid.lock before performing any interfering operations. Who is allowed to access the counters is determined by the owner of the file. If it does not exist, it is created for the current user. So, if you want to temporarly allow counter access to a user (e.g. in a job):

Before (SLURM prolog, ...)

chown $JOBUSER /var/run/likwid.lock

After (SLURM epilog, ...)

chown $CCUSER /var/run/likwid.lock

invalid_to_zero option

In some cases LIKWID returns 0.0 for some events that are further used in processing and maybe used as divisor in a calculation. After evaluation of a metric, the result might be NaN or +-Inf. These resulting metrics are commonly not created and forwarded to the router because the InfluxDB line protocol does not support these special floating-point values. If you want to have them sent, this option forces these metric values to be 0.0 instead.

One might think this does not happen often but often used metrics in the world of performance engineering like Instructions-per-Cycle (IPC) or more frequently the actual CPU clock are derived with events like CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE (Intel) which do not increment in halted state (as the name implies). In there are different power management systems in a chip which can cause a hardware thread to go in such a state. Moreover, if no cycles are executed by the core, also many other events are not incremented as well (like INSTR_RETIRED_ANY for retired instructions and part of IPC).

send_*_total values option

  • send_core_total_values: Metrics, which are usually collected on a per hardware thread basis, are additionally summed up per CPU core.
  • send_socket_total_values Metrics, which are usually collected on a per hardware thread basis, are additionally summed up per CPU socket.
  • send_node_total_values Metrics, which are usually collected on a per hardware thread basis, are additionally summed up per node.

Example configuration

AMD Zen3

  "likwid": {
    "force_overwrite" : false,
    "invalid_to_zero" : false,
    "eventsets": [
        "events": {
          "FIXC1": "ACTUAL_CPU_CLOCK",
          "FIXC2": "MAX_CPU_CLOCK",
          "PMC1": "CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED",
          "PMC3": "MERGE",
          "DFC0": "DRAM_CHANNEL_0",
          "DFC1": "DRAM_CHANNEL_1",
          "DFC2": "DRAM_CHANNEL_2",
          "DFC3": "DRAM_CHANNEL_3"
        "metrics": [
            "name": "ipc",
            "calc": "PMC0/PMC1",
            "type": "hwthread",
            "publish": true
            "name": "flops_any",
            "calc": "0.000001*PMC2/time",
            "unit": "MFlops/s",
            "type": "hwthread",
            "publish": true
            "name": "clock",
            "calc": "0.000001*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock",
            "type": "hwthread",
            "unit": "MHz",
            "publish": true
            "name": "mem1",
            "calc": "0.000001*(DFC0+DFC1+DFC2+DFC3)*64.0/time",
            "unit": "Mbyte/s",
            "type": "socket",
            "publish": false
        "events": {
          "DFC0": "DRAM_CHANNEL_4",
          "DFC1": "DRAM_CHANNEL_5",
          "DFC2": "DRAM_CHANNEL_6",
          "DFC3": "DRAM_CHANNEL_7",
          "PWR0": "RAPL_CORE_ENERGY",
          "PWR1": "RAPL_PKG_ENERGY"
        "metrics": [
            "name": "pwr_core",
            "calc": "PWR0/time",
            "unit": "Watt"
            "type": "socket",
            "publish": true
            "name": "pwr_pkg",
            "calc": "PWR1/time",
            "type": "socket",
            "unit": "Watt"
            "publish": true
            "name": "mem2",
            "calc": "0.000001*(DFC0+DFC1+DFC2+DFC3)*64.0/time",
            "unit": "Mbyte/s",
            "type": "socket",
            "publish": false
    "globalmetrics": [
        "name": "mem_bw",
        "calc": "mem1+mem2",
        "type": "socket",
        "unit": "Mbyte/s",
        "publish": true

How to get the eventsets and metrics from LIKWID

The likwid collector reads hardware performance counters at a hwthread and socket level. The configuration looks quite complicated but it is basically copy&paste from LIKWID's performance groups. The collector made multiple iterations and tried to use the performance groups but it lacked flexibility. The current way of configuration provides most flexibility.

The logic is as following: There are multiple eventsets, each consisting of a list of counters+events and a list of metrics. If you compare a common performance group with the example setting above, there is not much difference:

EVENTSET                         ->   "events": {
FIXC2 MAX_CPU_CLOCK              ->     "FIXC2": "MAX_CPU_CLOCK",
PMC3  MERGE                      ->     "PMC3": "MERGE",
                                 ->   }

The metrics are following the same procedure:

METRICS                          ->   "metrics": [
IPC   PMC0/PMC1                  ->     {
                                 ->       "name" : "IPC",
                                 ->       "calc" : "PMC0/PMC1",
                                 ->       "type": "hwthread",
                                 ->       "publish": true
                                 ->     }
                                 ->   ]

The script scripts/ might help you.