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This folder contains the collectors for the cc-metric-collector.
# `metricCollector.go`
The base class/configuration is located in `metricCollector.go`.
# Collectors
* `memstatMetric.go`: Reads `/proc/meminfo` to calculate the **node** metric `mem_used`
* `loadavgMetric.go`: Reads `/proc/loadavg` and submits the **node** metrics:
* `load_one`
* `load_five`
* `load_fifteen`
* `netstatMetric.go`: Reads `/proc/net/dev` and submits for all network devices (except loopback `lo`) the **node** metrics:
* `<dev>_bytes_in`
* `<dev>_bytes_out`
* `<dev>_pkts_in`
* `<dev>_pkts_out`
* `lustreMetric.go`: Reads Lustre's stats file `/proc/fs/lustre/llite/lnec-XXXXXX/stats` and submits the **node** metrics:
* `read_bytes`
* `read_requests`
* `write_bytes`
* `write_bytes`
* `open`
* `close`
* `getattr`
* `setattr`
* `statfs`
* `inode_permission`
* `infinibandMetric.go`: Reads InfiniBand LID from `/sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/lid` and uses the `perfquery` command to read the **node** metrics:
* `ib_recv`
* `ib_xmit`
* `likwidMetric.go`: Reads hardware performance events using LIKWID. It submits **socket** and **cpu** metrics:
* `mem_bw` (socket)
* `power` (socket, Sum of RAPL domains PKG and DRAM)
* `flops_dp` (cpu)
* `flops_sp` (cpu)
* `flops_any` (cpu, `2*flops_dp + flops_sp`)
* `cpi` (cpu)
* `clock` (cpu)
# Installation
Only the `likwidMetric.go` requires preparation steps. For this, the `Makefile` can be used. The LIKWID build needs to be configured:
* Target user for LIKWID's accessdaemon in `DAEMON_USER`. The user has to have enough permissions to read the `msr` and `pci` device files
* Target group for LIKWID's accessdaemon in `DAEMON_GROUP`
It performs the following steps:
* Download LIKWID tarball
* Unpacking
* Adjusting configuration for LIKWID build
* Build it
* Copy all required files into `collectors/likwid`
* The accessdaemon is installed with the suid bit set using `sudo` also into `collectors/likwid`