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synced 2025-02-04 18:15:16 +01:00
Refactoring of LikwidCollector and metric units (#62)
* Reduce complexity of LikwidCollector and allow metric units * Add unit to LikwidCollector docu and fix some typos * Make library path configurable
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
@ -28,48 +27,6 @@ import (
type MetricScope string
const (
func (ms MetricScope) String() string {
return string(ms)
func (ms MetricScope) Likwid() string {
LikwidDomains := map[string]string{
"cpu": "",
"core": "",
"llc": "C",
"numadomain": "M",
"die": "D",
"socket": "S",
"node": "N",
return LikwidDomains[string(ms)]
func (ms MetricScope) Granularity() int {
for i, g := range GetAllMetricScopes() {
if ms == g {
return i
return -1
func GetAllMetricScopes() []MetricScope {
return []MetricScope{"cpu" /*, "core", "llc", "numadomain", "die",*/, "socket", "node"}
const (
LIKWID_LIB_NAME = "liblikwid.so"
@ -77,18 +34,16 @@ const (
type LikwidCollectorMetricConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the metric
Calc string `json:"calc"` // Calculation for the metric using
//Aggr string `json:"aggregation"` // if scope unequal to LIKWID metric scope, the values are combined (sum, min, max, mean or avg, median)
Scope MetricScope `json:"scope"` // scope for calculation. subscopes are aggregated using the 'aggregation' function
Publish bool `json:"publish"`
granulatity MetricScope
Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the metric
Calc string `json:"calc"` // Calculation for the metric using
Type string `json:"type"` // Metric type (aka node, socket, cpu, ...)
Publish bool `json:"publish"`
Unit string `json:"unit"` // Unit of metric if any
type LikwidCollectorEventsetConfig struct {
Events map[string]string `json:"events"`
granulatity map[string]MetricScope
Metrics []LikwidCollectorMetricConfig `json:"metrics"`
Events map[string]string `json:"events"`
Metrics []LikwidCollectorMetricConfig `json:"metrics"`
type LikwidCollectorConfig struct {
@ -98,28 +53,28 @@ type LikwidCollectorConfig struct {
InvalidToZero bool `json:"invalid_to_zero,omitempty"`
AccessMode string `json:"access_mode,omitempty"`
DaemonPath string `json:"accessdaemon_path,omitempty"`
LibraryPath string `json:"liblikwid_path,omitempty"`
type LikwidCollector struct {
cpulist []C.int
cpu2tid map[int]int
sock2tid map[int]int
scopeRespTids map[MetricScope]map[int]int
metrics map[C.int]map[string]int
groups []C.int
config LikwidCollectorConfig
results map[int]map[int]map[string]interface{}
mresults map[int]map[int]map[string]float64
gmresults map[int]map[string]float64
basefreq float64
running bool
cpulist []C.int
cpu2tid map[int]int
sock2tid map[int]int
metrics map[C.int]map[string]int
groups []C.int
config LikwidCollectorConfig
results map[int]map[int]map[string]interface{}
mresults map[int]map[int]map[string]float64
gmresults map[int]map[string]float64
basefreq float64
running bool
type LikwidMetric struct {
name string
search string
scope MetricScope
scope string
group_idx int
@ -131,152 +86,43 @@ func eventsToEventStr(events map[string]string) string {
return strings.Join(elist, ",")
func getGranularity(counter, event string) MetricScope {
if strings.HasPrefix(counter, "PMC") || strings.HasPrefix(counter, "FIXC") {
return "cpu"
} else if strings.Contains(counter, "BOX") || strings.Contains(counter, "DEV") {
return "socket"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(counter, "PWR") {
if event == "RAPL_CORE_ENERGY" {
return "cpu"
} else {
return "socket"
return "unknown"
func getBaseFreq() float64 {
var freq float64 = math.NaN()
info := C.get_powerInfo()
if float64(info.baseFrequency) != 0 {
freq = float64(info.baseFrequency) * 1e3
freq = float64(info.baseFrequency) * 1e6
} else {
buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/bios_limit")
if err == nil {
data := strings.Replace(string(buffer), "\n", "", -1)
x, err := strconv.ParseInt(data, 0, 64)
if err == nil {
freq = float64(x) * 1e3
freq = float64(x) * 1e6
return freq
func (m *LikwidCollector) initGranularity() {
splitRegex := regexp.MustCompile("[+-/*()]")
for _, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
evset.granulatity = make(map[string]MetricScope)
for counter, event := range evset.Events {
gran := getGranularity(counter, event)
if gran.Granularity() >= 0 {
evset.granulatity[counter] = gran
for i, metric := range evset.Metrics {
s := splitRegex.Split(metric.Calc, -1)
gran := MetricScope("cpu")
evset.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for _, x := range s {
if _, ok := evset.Events[x]; ok {
if evset.granulatity[x].Granularity() > gran.Granularity() {
gran = evset.granulatity[x]
evset.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for i, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
s := splitRegex.Split(metric.Calc, -1)
gran := MetricScope("cpu")
m.config.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for _, x := range s {
for _, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
for _, m := range evset.Metrics {
if m.Name == x && m.granulatity.Granularity() > gran.Granularity() {
gran = m.granulatity
m.config.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
type TopoResolveFunc func(cpuid int) int
func (m *LikwidCollector) getResponsiblities() map[MetricScope]map[int]int {
get_cpus := func(scope MetricScope) map[int]int {
var slist []int
var cpu C.int
var input func(index int) string
switch scope {
case "node":
slist = []int{0}
input = func(index int) string { return "N:0" }
case "socket":
input = func(index int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d:0", scope.Likwid(), index) }
slist = topo.SocketList()
// case "numadomain":
// input = func(index int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d:0", scope.Likwid(), index) }
// slist = topo.NumaNodeList()
// cclog.Debug(scope, " ", input(0), " ", slist)
// case "die":
// input = func(index int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d:0", scope.Likwid(), index) }
// slist = topo.DieList()
// case "llc":
// input = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d:0", scope.Likwid(), s)
// slist = topo.LLCacheList()
case "cpu":
input = func(index int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", index) }
slist = topo.CpuList()
case "hwthread":
input = func(index int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", index) }
slist = topo.CpuList()
outmap := make(map[int]int)
for _, s := range slist {
t := C.CString(input(s))
clen := C.cpustr_to_cpulist(t, &cpu, 1)
if int(clen) == 1 {
outmap[s] = m.cpu2tid[int(cpu)]
} else {
cclog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot determine responsible CPU for %s", input(s)))
outmap[s] = -1
return outmap
scopes := GetAllMetricScopes()
complete := make(map[MetricScope]map[int]int)
for _, s := range scopes {
complete[s] = get_cpus(s)
return complete
func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
var ret C.int
m.name = "LikwidCollector"
m.config.AccessMode = LIKWID_DEF_ACCESSMODE
m.config.LibraryPath = LIKWID_LIB_NAME
if len(config) > 0 {
err := json.Unmarshal(config, &m.config)
if err != nil {
return err
lib := dl.New(m.config.LibraryPath, LIKWID_LIB_DL_FLAGS)
if lib == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error instantiating DynamicLibrary for %s", LIKWID_LIB_NAME)
return fmt.Errorf("error instantiating DynamicLibrary for %s", m.config.LibraryPath)
err := lib.Open()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error opening %s: %v", LIKWID_LIB_NAME, err)
return fmt.Errorf("error opening %s: %v", m.config.LibraryPath, err)
if m.config.ForceOverwrite {
@ -306,10 +152,6 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
return err
// Determine which counter works at which level. PMC*: cpu, *BOX*: socket, ...
// Generate map for MetricScope -> scope_id (like socket id) -> responsible id (offset in cpulist)
m.scopeRespTids = m.getResponsiblities()
switch m.config.AccessMode {
case "direct":
@ -336,29 +178,36 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
globalParams["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0)
// While adding the events, we test the metrics whether they can be computed at all
for i, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
estr := eventsToEventStr(evset.Events)
// Generate parameter list for the metric computing test
params := make(map[string]interface{})
params["time"] = float64(1.0)
params["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0)
for counter := range evset.Events {
params[counter] = float64(1.0)
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
// Try to evaluate the metric
_, err := agg.EvalFloat64Condition(metric.Calc, params)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
var gid C.int
var cstr *C.char
if len(evset.Events) > 0 {
estr := eventsToEventStr(evset.Events)
// Generate parameter list for the metric computing test
params := make(map[string]interface{})
params["time"] = float64(1.0)
params["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0)
for counter := range evset.Events {
params[counter] = float64(1.0)
// If the metric is not in the parameter list for the global metrics, add it
if _, ok := globalParams[metric.Name]; !ok {
globalParams[metric.Name] = float64(1.0)
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
// Try to evaluate the metric
_, err := agg.EvalFloat64Condition(metric.Calc, params)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
// If the metric is not in the parameter list for the global metrics, add it
if _, ok := globalParams[metric.Name]; !ok {
globalParams[metric.Name] = float64(1.0)
// Now we add the list of events to likwid
cstr = C.CString(estr)
gid = C.perfmon_addEventSet(cstr)
} else {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Invalid Likwid eventset config, no events given")
// Now we add the list of events to likwid
cstr := C.CString(estr)
gid := C.perfmon_addEventSet(cstr)
if gid >= 0 {
m.groups = append(m.groups, gid)
@ -434,15 +283,9 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) calcEventsetMetrics(group int, interval time.Duration,
// Go over events and get the results
for eidx = 0; int(eidx) < len(evset.Events); eidx++ {
ctr := C.perfmon_getCounterName(gid, eidx)
ev := C.perfmon_getEventName(gid, eidx)
gctr := C.GoString(ctr)
gev := C.GoString(ev)
// MetricScope for the counter (and if needed the event)
scope := getGranularity(gctr, gev)
// Get the map scope-id -> tids
// This way we read less counters like only the responsible hardware thread for a socket
scopemap := m.scopeRespTids[scope]
for _, tid := range scopemap {
for _, tid := range m.cpu2tid {
if tid >= 0 {
m.results[group][tid]["time"] = interval.Seconds()
m.results[group][tid]["inverseClock"] = invClock
@ -456,7 +299,10 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) calcEventsetMetrics(group int, interval time.Duration,
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
// The metric scope is determined in the Init() function
// Get the map scope-id -> tids
scopemap := m.scopeRespTids[metric.Scope]
scopemap := m.cpu2tid
if metric.Type == "socket" {
scopemap = m.sock2tid
for domain, tid := range scopemap {
if tid >= 0 {
value, err := agg.EvalFloat64Condition(metric.Calc, m.results[group][tid])
@ -474,13 +320,15 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) calcEventsetMetrics(group int, interval time.Duration,
// Now we have the result, send it with the proper tags
if !math.IsNaN(value) {
if metric.Publish {
tags := map[string]string{"type": metric.Scope.String()}
if metric.Scope != "node" {
tags["type-id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", domain)
fields := map[string]interface{}{"value": value}
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name, tags, m.meta, fields, time.Now())
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name, map[string]string{"type": metric.Type}, m.meta, fields, time.Now())
if err == nil {
if metric.Type != "node" {
y.AddTag("type-id", fmt.Sprintf("%d", domain))
if len(metric.Unit) > 0 {
y.AddMeta("unit", metric.Unit)
output <- y
@ -495,7 +343,10 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) calcEventsetMetrics(group int, interval time.Duration,
// Go over the global metrics, derive the value out of the event sets' metric values and send it
func (m *LikwidCollector) calcGlobalMetrics(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric) error {
for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
scopemap := m.scopeRespTids[metric.Scope]
scopemap := m.cpu2tid
if metric.Type == "socket" {
scopemap = m.sock2tid
for domain, tid := range scopemap {
if tid >= 0 {
// Here we generate parameter list
@ -521,13 +372,16 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) calcGlobalMetrics(interval time.Duration, output chan
// Now we have the result, send it with the proper tags
if !math.IsNaN(value) {
if metric.Publish {
tags := map[string]string{"type": metric.Scope.String()}
if metric.Scope != "node" {
tags["type-id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", domain)
tags := map[string]string{"type": metric.Type}
fields := map[string]interface{}{"value": value}
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name, tags, m.meta, fields, time.Now())
if err == nil {
if metric.Type != "node" {
y.AddTag("type-id", fmt.Sprintf("%d", domain))
if len(metric.Unit) > 0 {
y.AddMeta("unit", metric.Unit)
output <- y
@ -4,14 +4,17 @@
The `likwid` collector is probably the most complicated collector. The LIKWID library is included as static library with *direct* access mode. The *direct* access mode is suitable if the daemon is executed by a root user. The static library does not contain the performance groups, so all information needs to be provided in the configuration.
The `likwid` configuration consists of two parts, the "eventsets" and "globalmetrics":
- An event set list itself has two parts, the "events" and a set of derivable "metrics". Each of the "events" is a counter:event pair in LIKWID's syntax. The "metrics" are a list of formulas to derive the metric value from the measurements of the "events". Each metric has a name, the formula, a scope and a publish flag. Counter names can be used like variables in the formulas, so `PMC0+PMC1` sums the measurements for the both events configured in the counters `PMC0` and `PMC1`. The scope tells the Collector whether it is a metric for each hardware thread (`cpu`) or each CPU socket (`socket`). The last one is the publishing flag. It tells the collector whether a metric should be sent to the router.
- The global metrics are metrics which require data from all event set measurements to be derived. The inputs are the metrics in the event sets. Similar to the metrics in the event sets, the global metrics are defined by a name, a formula, a scope and a publish flag. See event set metrics for details. The only difference is that there is no access to the raw event measurements anymore but only to the metrics. So, the idea is to derive a metric in the "eventsets" section and reuse it in the "globalmetrics" part. If you need a metric only for deriving the global metrics, disable forwarding of the event set metrics. **Be aware** that the combination might be misleading because the "behavior" of a metric changes over time and the multiple measurements might count different computing phases.
- An event set list itself has two parts, the "events" and a set of derivable "metrics". Each of the "events" is a counter:event pair in LIKWID's syntax. The "metrics" are a list of formulas to derive the metric value from the measurements of the "events". Each metric has a name, the formula, a scope and a publish flag. Counter names can be used like variables in the formulas, so `PMC0+PMC1` sums the measurements for the both events configured in the counters `PMC0` and `PMC1`. The scope tells the Collector whether it is a metric for each hardware thread (`cpu`) or each CPU socket (`socket`). You may specify a unit for the metric with `unit`. The last one is the publishing flag. It tells the collector whether a metric should be sent to the router.
- The global metrics are metrics which require data from all event set measurements to be derived. The inputs are the metrics in the event sets. Similar to the metrics in the event sets, the global metrics are defined by a name, a formula, a scope and a publish flag. See event set metrics for details. The only difference is that there is no access to the raw event measurements anymore but only to the metrics. So, the idea is to derive a metric in the "eventsets" section and reuse it in the "globalmetrics" part. If you need a metric only for deriving the global metrics, disable forwarding of the event set metrics (`publish=false`). **Be aware** that the combination might be misleading because the "behavior" of a metric changes over time and the multiple measurements might count different computing phases. Similar to the metrics in the eventset, you can specify a metric unit with the `unit` field.
Additional options:
- `access_mode` : Method to use for hardware performance monitoring (`direct` access as root user, `accessdaemon` for the daemon mode)
- `accessdaemon_path`: Folder with the access daemon `likwid-accessD`, commonly `$LIKWID_INSTALL_LOC/sbin`
- `force_overwrite`: Same as setting `LIKWID_FORCE=1`. In case counters are already in-use, LIKWID overwrites their configuration to do its measurements
- `invalid_to_zero`: In some cases, the calculations result in `NaN` or `Inf`. With this option, all `NaN` and `Inf` values are replaces with `0.0`.
- `access_mode`: Specify LIKWID access mode: `direct` for direct register access as root user or `accessdaemon`
- `accessdaemon_path`: Folder of the accessDaemon `likwid-accessD`
- `liblikwid_path`: Location of `liblikwid.so`
### Available metric scopes
@ -54,7 +57,8 @@ $ scripts/likwid_perfgroup_to_cc_config.py ICX MEM_DP
"calc": "time",
"name": "Runtime (RDTSC) [s]",
"publish": true,
"scope": "hwthread"
"unit": "seconds"
"scope": "cpu"
"..." : "..."
@ -104,25 +108,28 @@ $ chwon $CCUSER /var/run/likwid.lock
"name": "ipc",
"calc": "PMC0/PMC1",
"scope": "cpu",
"type": "cpu",
"publish": true
"name": "flops_any",
"calc": "0.000001*PMC2/time",
"scope": "cpu",
"unit": "MFlops/s",
"type": "cpu",
"publish": true
"name": "clock_mhz",
"name": "clock",
"calc": "0.000001*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock",
"scope": "cpu",
"type": "cpu",
"unit": "MHz",
"publish": true
"name": "mem1",
"calc": "0.000001*(DFC0+DFC1+DFC2+DFC3)*64.0/time",
"scope": "socket",
"unit": "Mbyte/s",
"type": "socket",
"publish": false
@ -140,19 +147,22 @@ $ chwon $CCUSER /var/run/likwid.lock
"name": "pwr_core",
"calc": "PWR0/time",
"scope": "socket",
"unit": "Watt"
"type": "socket",
"publish": true
"name": "pwr_pkg",
"calc": "PWR1/time",
"scope": "socket",
"type": "socket",
"unit": "Watt"
"publish": true
"name": "mem2",
"calc": "0.000001*(DFC0+DFC1+DFC2+DFC3)*64.0/time",
"scope": "socket",
"unit": "Mbyte/s",
"type": "socket",
"publish": false
@ -162,7 +172,8 @@ $ chwon $CCUSER /var/run/likwid.lock
"name": "mem_bw",
"calc": "mem1+mem2",
"scope": "socket",
"type": "socket",
"unit": "Mbyte/s",
"publish": true
@ -198,3 +209,4 @@ IPC PMC0/PMC1 -> {
-> ]
The script `scripts/likwid_perfgroup_to_cc_config.py` might help you.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user