mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 18:15:16 +01:00
Merge branch 'likwid_collector_gval_and_fix' into develop
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,40 +13,59 @@ import (
cclog "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-collector/internal/ccLogger"
lp "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-collector/internal/ccMetric"
topo "github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-collector/internal/ccTopology"
type MetricScope int
type MetricScope string
const (
func (ms MetricScope) String() string {
return []string{"Head", "Shoulder", "Knee", "Toe"}[ms]
return string(ms)
func (ms MetricScope) Granularity() int {
grans := []string{"hwthread", "core", "llc", "numadomain", "die", "socket", "node"}
for i, g := range grans {
if ms.String() == g {
return i
return -1
type LikwidCollectorMetricConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Calc string `json:"calc"`
Scope MetricScope `json:"socket_scope"`
Publish bool `json:"publish"`
Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the metric
Calc string `json:"calc"` // Calculation for the metric using
Aggr string `json:"aggregation"` // if scope unequal to LIKWID metric scope, the values are combined (sum, min, max, mean or avg, median)
Scope MetricScope `json:"scope"` // scope for calculation. subscopes are aggregated using the 'aggregation' function
Publish bool `json:"publish"`
granulatity MetricScope
type LikwidCollectorEventsetConfig struct {
Events map[string]string `json:"events"`
Metrics []LikwidCollectorMetricConfig `json:"metrics"`
Events map[string]string `json:"events"`
granulatity map[string]MetricScope
Metrics []LikwidCollectorMetricConfig `json:"metrics"`
type LikwidCollectorConfig struct {
@ -67,13 +86,14 @@ type LikwidCollector struct {
mresults map[int]map[int]map[string]float64
gmresults map[int]map[string]float64
basefreq float64
running bool
type LikwidMetric struct {
name string
search string
socket_scope bool
group_idx int
name string
search string
scope MetricScope
group_idx int
func eventsToEventStr(events map[string]string) string {
@ -84,6 +104,21 @@ func eventsToEventStr(events map[string]string) string {
return strings.Join(elist, ",")
func getGranularity(counter, event string) MetricScope {
if strings.HasPrefix(counter, "PMC") || strings.HasPrefix(counter, "FIXC") {
return "hwthread"
} else if strings.Contains(counter, "BOX") || strings.Contains(counter, "DEV") {
return "socket"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(counter, "PWR") {
if event == "RAPL_CORE_ENERGY" {
return "hwthread"
} else {
return "socket"
return "unknown"
func getBaseFreq() float64 {
var freq float64 = math.NaN()
@ -117,6 +152,53 @@ func getSocketCpus() map[C.int]int {
return outmap
func (m *LikwidCollector) CatchGvalPanic() {
if rerr := recover(); rerr != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Gval failed to calculate a metric", rerr)
m.init = false
func (m *LikwidCollector) initGranularity() {
for _, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
evset.granulatity = make(map[string]MetricScope)
for counter, event := range evset.Events {
gran := getGranularity(counter, event)
if gran.Granularity() >= 0 {
evset.granulatity[counter] = gran
for i, metric := range evset.Metrics {
s := regexp.MustCompile("[+-/*()]").Split(metric.Calc, -1)
gran := MetricScope("hwthread")
evset.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for _, x := range s {
if _, ok := evset.Events[x]; ok {
if evset.granulatity[x].Granularity() > gran.Granularity() {
gran = evset.granulatity[x]
evset.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for i, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
s := regexp.MustCompile("[+-/*()]").Split(metric.Calc, -1)
gran := MetricScope("hwthread")
m.config.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
for _, x := range s {
for _, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
for _, m := range evset.Metrics {
if m.Name == x && m.granulatity.Granularity() > gran.Granularity() {
gran = m.granulatity
m.config.Metrics[i].granulatity = gran
func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
var ret C.int
m.name = "LikwidCollector"
@ -126,38 +208,70 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
return err
if m.config.ForceOverwrite {
os.Setenv("LIKWID_FORCE", "1")
m.meta = map[string]string{"source": m.name, "group": "PerfCounter"}
cpulist := CpuList()
m.cpulist = make([]C.int, len(cpulist))
slist := getSocketCpus()
// in some cases, gval causes a panic. We catch it with the handler and deactivate
// the collector (m.init = false).
defer m.CatchGvalPanic()
m.meta = map[string]string{"source": m.name, "group": "PerfCounter"}
cpulist := topo.CpuList()
m.cpulist = make([]C.int, len(cpulist))
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Create maps for socket, numa, core and die metrics")
m.sock2tid = make(map[int]int)
// m.numa2tid = make(map[int]int)
// m.numa2tid = make(map[int]int)
// m.core2tid = make(map[int]int)
// m.die2tid = make(map[int]int)
for i, c := range cpulist {
m.cpulist[i] = C.int(c)
if sid, found := slist[m.cpulist[i]]; found {
m.sock2tid[sid] = i
m.sock2tid[topo.GetCpuSocket(c)] = i
// m.numa2tid[topo.GetCpuNumaDomain(c)] = i
// m.core2tid[topo.GetCpuCore(c)] = i
// m.die2tid[topo.GetCpuDie(c)] = i
m.results = make(map[int]map[int]map[string]interface{})
m.mresults = make(map[int]map[int]map[string]float64)
m.gmresults = make(map[int]map[string]float64)
ret = C.topology_init()
if ret != 0 {
return errors.New("Failed to initialize LIKWID topology")
if m.config.ForceOverwrite {
os.Setenv("LIKWID_FORCE", "1")
err := errors.New("failed to initialize LIKWID topology")
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
ret = C.perfmon_init(C.int(len(m.cpulist)), &m.cpulist[0])
if ret != 0 {
return errors.New("Failed to initialize LIKWID topology")
err := errors.New("failed to initialize LIKWID topology")
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
globalParams := make(map[string]interface{})
globalParams["time"] = float64(1.0)
globalParams["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0)
for i, evset := range m.config.Eventsets {
estr := eventsToEventStr(evset.Events)
params := make(map[string]interface{})
params["time"] = float64(1.0)
params["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0)
for counter, _ := range evset.Events {
params[counter] = float64(1.0)
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
_, err := gval.Evaluate(metric.Calc, params, gval.Full())
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
if _, ok := globalParams[metric.Name]; !ok {
globalParams[metric.Name] = float64(1.0)
cstr := C.CString(estr)
gid := C.perfmon_addEventSet(cstr)
if gid >= 0 {
@ -172,95 +286,173 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Init(config json.RawMessage) error {
m.gmresults[tid] = make(map[string]float64)
for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
_, err := gval.Evaluate(metric.Calc, globalParams, gval.Full())
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
if len(m.groups) == 0 {
return errors.New("No LIKWID performance group initialized")
err := errors.New("no LIKWID performance group initialized")
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
m.basefreq = getBaseFreq()
m.init = true
return nil
func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric) {
if !m.init {
func (m *LikwidCollector) takeMeasurement(group int, interval time.Duration) error {
var ret C.int
for i, gid := range m.groups {
evset := m.config.Eventsets[i]
ret = C.perfmon_setupCounters(gid)
if ret != 0 {
log.Print("Failed to setup performance group ", C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
ret = C.perfmon_startCounters()
if ret != 0 {
log.Print("Failed to start performance group ", C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
ret = C.perfmon_stopCounters()
if ret != 0 {
log.Print("Failed to stop performance group ", C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
var eidx C.int
for tid := range m.cpulist {
for eidx = 0; int(eidx) < len(evset.Events); eidx++ {
ctr := C.perfmon_getCounterName(gid, eidx)
gctr := C.GoString(ctr)
res := C.perfmon_getLastResult(gid, eidx, C.int(tid))
m.results[i][tid][gctr] = float64(res)
m.results[i][tid]["time"] = interval.Seconds()
m.results[i][tid]["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0 / m.basefreq)
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpression(metric.Calc)
if err != nil {
result, err := expression.Evaluate(m.results[i][tid])
if err != nil {
m.mresults[i][tid][metric.Name] = float64(result.(float64))
gid := m.groups[group]
ret = C.perfmon_setupCounters(gid)
if ret != 0 {
gctr := C.GoString(C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to setup performance group %s", gctr)
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
ret = C.perfmon_startCounters()
if ret != 0 {
gctr := C.GoString(C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to start performance group %s", gctr)
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
m.running = true
m.running = false
ret = C.perfmon_stopCounters()
if ret != 0 {
gctr := C.GoString(C.perfmon_getGroupName(gid))
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to stop performance group %s", gctr)
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
return err
return nil
for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
for tid := range m.cpulist {
var params map[string]interface{}
expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpression(metric.Calc)
func (m *LikwidCollector) calcEventsetMetrics(group int, interval time.Duration) error {
var eidx C.int
evset := m.config.Eventsets[group]
gid := m.groups[group]
for tid := range m.cpulist {
for eidx = 0; int(eidx) < len(evset.Events); eidx++ {
ctr := C.perfmon_getCounterName(gid, eidx)
gctr := C.GoString(ctr)
res := C.perfmon_getLastResult(gid, eidx, C.int(tid))
m.results[group][tid][gctr] = float64(res)
if m.results[group][tid][gctr] == 0 {
m.results[group][tid][gctr] = 1.0
m.results[group][tid]["time"] = interval.Seconds()
m.results[group][tid]["inverseClock"] = float64(1.0 / m.basefreq)
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
value, err := gval.Evaluate(metric.Calc, m.results[group][tid], gval.Full())
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
params = make(map[string]interface{})
m.mresults[group][tid][metric.Name] = value.(float64)
return nil
func (m *LikwidCollector) calcGlobalMetrics(interval time.Duration) error {
for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
for tid := range m.cpulist {
params := make(map[string]interface{})
for j := range m.groups {
for mname, mres := range m.mresults[j][tid] {
params[mname] = mres
result, err := expression.Evaluate(params)
value, err := gval.Evaluate(metric.Calc, params, gval.Full())
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, "Calculation for metric", metric.Name, "failed:", err.Error())
m.gmresults[tid][metric.Name] = float64(result.(float64))
m.gmresults[tid][metric.Name] = value.(float64)
return nil
// func (m *LikwidCollector) calcResultMetrics(interval time.Duration) ([]lp.CCMetric, error) {
// var err error = nil
// metrics := make([]lp.CCMetric, 0)
// for i := range m.groups {
// evset := m.config.Eventsets[i]
// for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
// log.Print(metric.Name, " ", metric.Scope, " ", metric.granulatity)
// if metric.Scope.Granularity() > metric.granulatity.Granularity() {
// log.Print("Different granularity wanted for ", metric.Name, ": ", metric.Scope, " vs ", metric.granulatity)
// var idlist []int
// idfunc := func(cpuid int) int { return cpuid }
// switch metric.Scope {
// case "socket":
// idlist = topo.SocketList()
// idfunc = topo.GetCpuSocket
// case "numa":
// idlist = topo.NumaNodeList()
// idfunc = topo.GetCpuNumaDomain
// case "core":
// idlist = topo.CoreList()
// idfunc = topo.GetCpuCore
// case "die":
// idlist = topo.DieList()
// idfunc = topo.GetCpuDie
// case "node":
// idlist = topo.CpuList()
// }
// for i := 0; i < num_results; i++ {
// }
// }
// }
// }
// for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
// log.Print(metric.Name, " ", metric.Scope, " ", metric.granulatity)
// if metric.Scope.Granularity() > metric.granulatity.Granularity() {
// log.Print("Different granularity wanted for ", metric.Name, ": ", metric.Scope, " vs ", metric.granulatity)
// }
// }
// return metrics, err
// }
func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric) {
if !m.init {
defer m.CatchGvalPanic()
for i, _ := range m.groups {
// measure event set 'i' for 'interval' seconds
err := m.takeMeasurement(i, interval)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(m.name, err.Error())
m.calcEventsetMetrics(i, interval)
//metrics, err = m.calcResultMetrics(interval)
for i := range m.groups {
evset := m.config.Eventsets[i]
for _, metric := range evset.Metrics {
_, skip := stringArrayContains(m.config.ExcludeMetrics, metric.Name)
if metric.Publish && !skip {
if metric.Scope.String() == "socket" {
if metric.Scope == "socket" {
for sid, tid := range m.sock2tid {
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name,
map[string]string{"type": "socket",
@ -272,7 +464,7 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric)
output <- y
} else if metric.Scope.String() == "hwthread" {
} else if metric.Scope == "hwthread" {
for tid, cpu := range m.cpulist {
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name,
map[string]string{"type": "cpu",
@ -291,7 +483,7 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric)
for _, metric := range m.config.Metrics {
_, skip := stringArrayContains(m.config.ExcludeMetrics, metric.Name)
if metric.Publish && !skip {
if metric.Scope.String() == "socket" {
if metric.Scope == "socket" {
for sid, tid := range m.sock2tid {
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name,
map[string]string{"type": "socket",
@ -303,7 +495,7 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric)
output <- y
} else {
} else if metric.Scope == "hwthread" {
for tid, cpu := range m.cpulist {
y, err := lp.New(metric.Name,
map[string]string{"type": "cpu",
@ -322,8 +514,16 @@ func (m *LikwidCollector) Read(interval time.Duration, output chan lp.CCMetric)
func (m *LikwidCollector) Close() {
if m.init {
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Closing ...")
m.init = false
if m.running {
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Stopping counters")
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Finalize LIKWID perfmon module")
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Finalize LIKWID topology module")
cclog.ComponentDebug(m.name, "Closing done")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user