2021-09-13 17:18:47 +02:00

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# cc-docker
This is a `docker compose` setup to try out the complete ClusterCockpit Application Stack including all external components. This docker setup can be easily configured to be used as demo or as a development environment.
It includes the following containers:
* mysql
* php-fpm
* nginx
* redis
* openldap
* influxdb
* phpmyadmin
Settings are configured in `.env`.
The setup comes with fixture data for a job archive, influxDB, mySQL, and a LDAP user directory.
## Known Issues
* `docker-compose` installed on Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04) via `apt-get` can not correctly parse `docker-compose.yml` due to version differences. Install latest version of `docker-compose` from instead.
* You need to ensure that no other web server is running on port 80 (e.g. Apache2). If port 80 is already in use, edit NGINX_PORT environment variable in `.env`.
* Existing VPN connections sometimes cause problems with docker. If `docker-compose` does not start up correctly, try disabling any active VPN connection. Refer to for further information.
## Configuration
While many aspects of this docker compose setup can be configured you usually only need to adapt the following three settings in `.env`:
* `CLUSTERCOCKPIT_BRANCH` (Default: `develop`): The branch to checkout from ClusterCockpit git repository. May also be a tag.
* `APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT` (Default: true): Wether the Symfony tree (located at `./data/symfony`) should be deleted and freshly cloned and initialized on every container startup.
* `APP_ENVIRONMENT` (Default: `dev`): The Symfony app environment. With `dev` you get the symfony debug toolbar and more extensive error handling. The `prod` environment is a setup for productions use.
## Setup
* `$ cd data`
* `$ ./`: The script asks for sudo rights as the file ownership needs to changed for some folders. **NOTICE** The script will download files of a total size of 338MB (mostly for the InfluxDB data).
After that from the root of the cc-docker sandbox you can start up the containers with:
* `$ docker-compose up`
* Wait... and wait a little longer
Before you can use ClusterCockpit the following disclaimer must be shown. To download and build all ClusterCockpit components may take up to several minutes:
-------------------- ---------------------------------
-------------------- ---------------------------------
Version 5.3.7
Long-Term Support No
End of maintenance 01/2022 (in +140 days)
End of life 01/2022 (in +140 days)
-------------------- ---------------------------------
-------------------- ---------------------------------
Type App\Kernel
Environment dev
Debug true
Charset UTF-8
Cache directory ./var/cache/dev (6.5 MiB)
Build directory ./var/cache/dev (6.5 MiB)
Log directory ./var/log (249 B)
-------------------- ---------------------------------
-------------------- ---------------------------------
Version 8.0.10
Architecture 64 bits
Intl locale n/a
Timezone UTC (2021-09-13T09:41:33+00:00)
OPcache true
APCu false
Xdebug false
-------------------- ---------------------------------
By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at `http://localhost`. If the `NGINX_PORT` environment variable was changed, you have to use `http://localhost:$PORT` . You can shutdown the containers by pressing `CTRL-C`. Refer to the common docker documentation how to start the environment in the background.
## Usage
Credentials for the preconfigured admin user are:
* User: `admin`
* Password: `AdminDev`
You can also login as regular user using any credential in the LDAP user directory at `./data/ldap/users.ldif`.