
This is a setup for docker compose to try out a complete ClusterCockpit Application Stack including all external components. This docker setup is intended for demo purposes, but can be easily configured to be used as a development environment for ClusterCockpit.

It creates containers for:

  • mysql
  • php-fpm
  • nginx
  • redis
  • openldap
  • influxdb (only in dev mode)
  • phpmyadmin (only in dev mode), this did not work with Chrome for me.

Ports and Passwords are configured in .env.

Known Issues

  • docker-compose installed on Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04) via apt-get can not correctly parse docker-compose.yml due to version differences. Install latest version of docker-compose from instead.
  • You need to ensure that no other web server is running on port 80 (e.g. Apache2). If port 80 is already in use, edit NGINX_PORT environment variable in .env.
  • Existing VPN connections sometimes cause problems with docker. If docker-compose does not start up correctly, try disabling any active VPN connection. Refer to for further information.

Using for DEMO purpose


  • The demo starts in Symfony production environment.
  • It uses prepared fixture data for databases (Changes will not be preserved).
  • ClusterCockpit is checked out and initialized from scratch on every container start (Changes will not be preserved).


The fixture data needs to be prepared once before first start of containers:

  • $ cd data
  • $ ./

After that from the root of the repository you can start up the containers with:

  • docker-compose up
  • Wait... and wait a little longer

By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at http://localhost . If the NGINX_PORT environment variable was changed, use http://localhost:$PORT .

Credentials for admin user are:

  • User: admin
  • Password: AdminDev

You can shutdown the containers by pressing CTRL-C.

To reuse an existing Symfony tree at ./data/symfony you may change the environment variable APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT in .env from true to false.

Using for DEVELOP purpose


  • The APP_ENVIRONMENT variable in .env is used to switch the php-fpm container to development environment.
  • The APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT variable in .env is used to prevent the container from initializing a new ClusterCockpit instance on every start.
  • In this case, an existing Symfony tree at ./data/symfony is required.
  • By default, this also uses prepared fixture data for databases. In order to use an existing database, changes in .env and docker-compose.yml are required (see below).


This description assumes you will let the docker setup initialize the symfony tree and data fixtures for you. If not using an existing database, the fixture data needs to be prepared before the first start of the containers:

  • $ cd data
  • $ ./ dev

In .env, change the following variables under APP


In case you want to switch from Demo to Develop you have to purge previous images. This command will purge ALL your docker images:

$ docker images -a -q | xargs docker rmi -f

Check with:

$ docker images

that all images are gone.

After that from the root of the repository you can start up the containers with (use -d switch to startup in detached mode):

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
  • Wait... and wait a little longer

After the initial setup you have to:

  • Comment or delete the line - ${DATADIR}/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d for cc-db to disable initialisation of the MySQL database.
  • Set APP_CLUSTERCOCKPIT_INIT to false in the .env file

On subsequent start of the containers you will then reuse the persisted volume data located in the ./data directory.

By default, you can access ClusterCockpit in your browser at http://localhost. If NGINX_PORT environment variable was changed, use http://localhost:$PORT. The InfluxDB Web interface can be accessed at http://localhost:8086 using the credentials set in .env. PHPMyAdmin can be reached at http://localhost:8080.

If default database fixture were used, the credentials for admin user are:

  • User: admin
  • Password: AdminDev

You can shutdown the containers by pressing CTRL-C if not started in detached mode.

A configurable docker compose setup for development and testing of ClusterCockpit
Readme MIT 1.1 MiB
Shell 67.2%
Perl 21.8%
Dockerfile 9.1%
Python 1.3%
Makefile 0.6%