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# Overview
The implementation of authentication is not easy to understand by just looking
at the code. The authentication is implemented in `internal/auth/`. In `auth.go`
an interface is defined that any authentication provider must fulfill. It also
acts as a dispatcher to delegate the calls to the available authentication
The most important routine are:
* `CanLogin()` Check if the authentication method is supported for login attempt
* `Login()` Handle POST request to login user and start a new session
* `Auth()` Authenticate user and put User Object in context of the request
The http router calls auth in the following cases:
* `r.Handle("/login", authentication.Login( ... )).Methods(http.MethodPost)`:
The POST request on the `/login` route will call the Login callback.
* Any route in the secured subrouter will always call Auth(), on success it will
call the next handler in the chain, on failure it will render the login
secured.Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return authentication.Auth(
// On success;
// On failure:
func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
// Render login form
For non API routes a JWT token can be used to initiate an authenticated user
session. This can either happen by calling the login route with a token
provided in a header or query URL or via the `Auth()` method on first access
to a secured URL via a special cookie containing the JWT token.
For API routes the access is authenticated on every request using the JWT token
and no session is initiated.
# Login
The Login function (located in `auth.go`):
* Extracts the user name and gets the user from the user database table. In case the
user is not found the user object is set to nil.
* Iterates over all authenticators and:
- Calls the `CanLogin` function which checks if the authentication method is
supported for this user and the user object is valid.
- Calls the `Login` function to authenticate the user. On success a valid user
object is returned.
- Creates a new session object, stores the user attributes in the session and
saves the session.
- Starts the `onSuccess` http handler
## Local authenticator
This authenticator is applied if
return user != nil && user.AuthSource == AuthViaLocalPassword
Compares the password provided by the login form to the password hash stored in
the user database table:
if e := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(r.FormValue("password"))); e != nil {
log.Errorf("AUTH/LOCAL > Authentication for user %s failed!", user.Username)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AUTH/LOCAL > Authentication failed")
## LDAP authenticator
This authenticator is applied if
return user != nil && user.AuthSource == AuthViaLDAP
Gets the LDAP connection and tries a bind with the provided credentials:
if err := l.Bind(userDn, r.FormValue("password")); err != nil {
log.Errorf("AUTH/LOCAL > Authentication for user %s failed: %v", user.Username, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AUTH/LDAP > Authentication failed")
## JWT authenticator
Login via JWT token will create a session without password.
For login the `X-Auth-Token` header is not supported.
This authenticator is applied if either user is not nil and auth source is
`AuthViaToken` or the Authorization header is present or the URL query key
login-token is present:
return (user != nil && user.AuthSource == AuthViaToken) ||
r.Header.Get("Authorization") != "" ||
r.URL.Query().Get("login-token") != ""
The Login function:
* Parses the token
* Check if the signing method is EdDSA or HS256 or HS512
* Check if claims are valid and extracts the claims
* The following claims have to be present:
- `sub`: The subject, in this case this is the username
- `exp`: Expiration in Unix epoch time
- `roles`: String array with roles of user
* In case user is not yet set, which is usually the case:
- Try to fetch user from database
- In case user is not yet present add user to user database table with `AuthViaToken` AuthSource.
* Return valid user object
# Auth
The Auth function (located in `auth.go`):
* Returns a new http handler function that is defined right away
* This handler iterates over all authenticators
* Calls `Auth()` on every authenticator
* If err is not nil and the user object is valid it puts the user object in the
request context and starts the onSuccess http handler
* Otherwise it calls the onFailure handler
## Local
Calls the `AuthViaSession()` function in `auth.go`. This will extract username,
projects and roles from the session and initialize a user object with those
Calls the `AuthViaSession()` function in `auth.go`. This will extract username,
projects and roles from the session and initialize a user object with those
Check for JWT token:
* Is token passed in the `X-Auth-Token` or `Authorization` header
* If no token is found in a header it tries to read the token from a configured
Finally it calls AuthViaSession in `auth.go` if a valid session exists. This is
true if a JWT token was previously used to initiate a session. In this case the
user object initialized with the session is returned right away.
In case a token was found extract and parse the token:
* Check if signing method is Ed25519/EdDSA
* In case publicKeyCrossLogin is configured:
- Check if `iss` issuer claim matched trusted issuer from configuration
- Return public cross login key
- Otherwise return standard public key
* Check if claims are valid
* Depending on the option `ForceJWTValidationViaDatabase ` the roles are
extracted from JWT token or taken from user object fetched from database
* In case the token was extracted from cookie create a new session and ask the
browser to delete the JWT cookie
* Return valid user object