
1.9 KiB

ClusterCockpit with a Golang backend


Run server

# The frontend is a submodule, so use `--recursive`
git clone --recursive

# Prepare frontend
cd ./cc-jobarchive/frontend
yarn install
const JOBVIEW_URL = job => `/monitoring/job/${}`;
const USERVIEW_URL = userId => `/monitoring/user/${userId}`;
const TAG_URL = tag => `/monitoring/jobs/?tag=${}`;
yarn build

cd ..
go get
go build

# The job-archive directory must be organised the same way as
# as for the regular ClusterCockpit.
ln -s <your-existing-job-archive> ./var/job-archive

# Create empty job.db (Will be initialized as SQLite3 database)
touch ./var/job.db

# This will first initialize the job.db database by traversing all
# `meta.json` files in the job-archive. After that, a HTTP server on
# the port 8080 will be running. The `--init-db` is only needed the first time.
./cc-jobarchive --init-db

# Show other options:
./cc-jobarchive --help


A config file in the JSON format can be provided using --config to override the defaults. Loop at the beginning of server.go for the defaults and consequently the format of the configuration file.

Update GraphQL schema

This project uses gqlgen for the GraphQL API. The schema can be found in ./graph/schema.graphqls. After changing it, you need to run go run which will update graph/model. In case new resolvers are needed, they will be inserted into graph/schema.resolvers.go, where you will need to implement them.


  • Documentation
  • Write more TODOs
  • Caching
  • Generate JWTs based on the provided keys