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# ClusterCockpit with a Golang backend
### Run server
# The frontend is a submodule, so use `--recursive`
git clone --recursive
# Prepare frontend
cd ./cc-jobarchive/frontend
yarn install
const JOBVIEW_URL = job => `/monitoring/job/${}`;
const USERVIEW_URL = userId => `/monitoring/user/${userId}`;
const TAG_URL = tag => `/monitoring/jobs/?tag=${}`;
yarn build
cd ..
go get
go build
# The job-archive directory must be organised the same way as
# as for the regular ClusterCockpit.
ln -s <your-existing-job-archive> ./var/job-archive
# Create empty job.db (Will be initialized as SQLite3 database)
touch ./var/job.db
# This will first initialize the job.db database by traversing all
# `meta.json` files in the job-archive. After that, a HTTP server on
# the port 8080 will be running. The `--init-db` is only needed the first time.
./cc-jobarchive --init-db
# Show other options:
./cc-jobarchive --help
### Configuration
A config file in the JSON format can be provided using `--config` to override the defaults. Loop at the beginning of `server.go` for the defaults and consequently the format of the configuration file.
### Update GraphQL schema
This project uses [gqlgen]( for the GraphQL API. The schema can be found in `./graph/schema.graphqls`. After changing it, you need to run `go run` which will update `graph/model`. In case new resolvers are needed, they will be inserted into `graph/schema.resolvers.go`, where you will need to implement them.
### TODO
- [ ] Documentation
- [ ] Write more TODOs
- [ ] Caching
- [ ] Generate JWTs based on the provided keys