mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 15:25:17 +01:00
Correct return of node data from higher granularity in influxdb source
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ func (idb *LegacyInfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadData(job *schema.Job, metrics []s
row := rows.Record()
if ( host == "" || host != row.ValueByKey("host").(string) || rows.TableChanged() ) {
if ( host != "" ) {
// Append Series before reset
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries) // add to jobData before resetting
// (Re-)Set new Series
field, host = row.Field(), row.ValueByKey("host").(string)
hostSeries = schema.Series{
Hostname: host,
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ func (idb *LegacyInfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadData(job *schema.Job, metrics []s
val := row.Value().(float64)
hostSeries.Data = append(hostSeries.Data, schema.Float(val))
// Append last series
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries)
stats, err := idb.LoadStats(job, metrics, ctx)
@ -53,37 +53,17 @@ func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) epochToTime(epoch int64) time.Time {
func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadData(job *schema.Job, metrics []string, scopes []schema.MetricScope, ctx context.Context) (schema.JobData, error) {
// Set Bucket & Prepare Measurement
if (job.Cluster == "fritz" || job.Cluster == "alex") {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("New line protocol unimplemented for influx: %s", job.Cluster))
return nil, errors.New("new line protocol unimplemented")
// log.Println("<< Requested Metrics >> ")
// log.Println(metrics)
// log.Println("<< Requested Scope >> ")
// log.Println("<< Requested Scope >> ")
// log.Println(scopes)
// influxHealth, healthErr := idb.client.Health(ctx)
// influxReady, rdyErr := idb.client.Ready(ctx)
// influxPing, pingErr := idb.client.Ping(ctx)
// log.Println("<< Influx Health Status >> ")
// if healthErr == nil { log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("{Commit:%s, Message:%s, Name:%s, Status:%s, Version:%s}", *influxHealth.Commit, *influxHealth.Message, influxHealth.Name, influxHealth.Status, *influxHealth.Version))
// } else { log.Println("Influx Health Error") }
// if rdyErr == nil { log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("{Started:%s, Status:%s, Up:%s}", *influxReady.Started, *influxReady.Status, *influxReady.Up))
// } else { log.Println("Influx Ready Error") }
// if pingErr == nil {
// log.Println("<< PING >>")
// log.Println(influxPing)
// } else { log.Println("Influx Ping Error") }
fieldsConds := make([]string, 0, len(metrics))
measurementsConds := make([]string, 0, len(metrics))
for _, m := range metrics {
fieldsConds = append(fieldsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r["_field"] == "%s"`, m))
measurementsConds = append(measurementsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r["_measurement"] == "%s"`, m))
fieldsCond := strings.Join(fieldsConds, " or ")
measurementsCond := strings.Join(measurementsConds, " or ")
hostsConds := make([]string, 0, len(job.Resources))
for _, h := range job.Resources {
@ -92,120 +72,130 @@ func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadData(job *schema.Job, metrics []string,
return nil, errors.New("the InfluxDB metric data repository does not yet support HWThreads or Accelerators")
hostsConds = append(hostsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r["host"] == "%s"`, h.Hostname))
hostsConds = append(hostsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r["hostname"] == "%s"`, h.Hostname))
hostsCond := strings.Join(hostsConds, " or ")
query := fmt.Sprintf(`
from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: %s, stop: %s)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "%s" )
|> filter(fn: (r) => %s )
|> filter(fn: (r) => %s )
|> drop(columns: ["_start", "_stop", "_measurement"])`,
idb.formatTime(job.StartTime), idb.formatTime(idb.epochToTime(job.StartTimeUnix + int64(job.Duration) + int64(1) )),
idb.measurement, hostsCond, fieldsCond)
rows, err := idb.queryClient.Query(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jobData := make(schema.JobData) // Empty Schema: map[<string>FIELD]map[<MetricScope>SCOPE]<*JobMetric>METRIC
scope := schema.MetricScope("node") // use scopes argument here
// Requested Scopes
for _, scope := range scopes {
for _, met := range metrics {
jobMetric, ok := jobData[met]
if !ok {
mc := config.GetMetricConfig(job.Cluster, met)
jobMetric = map[schema.MetricScope]*schema.JobMetric{
scope: { // uses scope var from above!
Unit: mc.Unit,
Scope: mc.Scope,
Timestep: mc.Timestep,
Series: make([]schema.Series, 0, len(job.Resources)),
StatisticsSeries: nil, // Should be: &schema.StatsSeries{},
// Query Influxdb
query := ""
jobData[met] = jobMetric
switch scope {
case "node":
// Get Finest Granularity, Groupy By Measurement and Hostname (== Metric / Node), Calculate Mean, Set NULL to 0.0
query = fmt.Sprintf(`
from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: %s, stop: %s)
|> filter(fn: (r) => %s )
|> filter(fn: (r) => %s )
|> drop(columns: ["_start", "_stop"])
|> group(columns: ["hostname", "_measurement"])
|> aggregateWindow(every: 60s, fn: mean)
|> map(fn: (r) => (if exists r._value then {r with _value: r._value} else {r with _value: 0.0}))`,
idb.formatTime(job.StartTime), idb.formatTime(idb.epochToTime(job.StartTimeUnix + int64(job.Duration) + int64(1) )),
measurementsCond, hostsCond)
return nil, errors.New("the InfluxDB metric data repository does not yet support other scopes than 'node'")
rows, err := idb.queryClient.Query(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Init Metrics
for _, metric := range metrics {
jobMetric, ok := jobData[metric]
if !ok {
mc := config.GetMetricConfig(job.Cluster, metric)
jobMetric = map[schema.MetricScope]*schema.JobMetric{
scope: { // uses scope var from above!
Unit: mc.Unit,
Scope: scope,
Timestep: mc.Timestep,
Series: make([]schema.Series, 0, len(job.Resources)),
StatisticsSeries: nil, // Should be: &schema.StatsSeries{},
jobData[metric] = jobMetric
// Process Result: Time-Data
field, host, hostSeries := "", "", schema.Series{}
for rows.Next() {
row := rows.Record()
if ( host == "" || host != row.ValueByKey("hostname").(string) || rows.TableChanged() ) {
if ( host != "" ) {
// Append Series before reset
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries)
field, host = row.Measurement(), row.ValueByKey("hostname").(string)
hostSeries = schema.Series{
Hostname: host,
Statistics: nil,
Data: make([]schema.Float, 0),
val := row.Value().(float64)
hostSeries.Data = append(hostSeries.Data, schema.Float(val))
// Append last Series
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries)
field, host, hostSeries := "", "", schema.Series{}
for rows.Next() {
row := rows.Record()
if ( host == "" || host != row.ValueByKey("host").(string) || rows.TableChanged() ) {
if ( host != "" ) {
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries)
field, host = row.Field(), row.ValueByKey("host").(string)
hostSeries = schema.Series{
Hostname: host,
Statistics: nil,
Data: make([]schema.Float, 0),
val := row.Value().(float64)
hostSeries.Data = append(hostSeries.Data, schema.Float(val))
jobData[field][scope].Series = append(jobData[field][scope].Series, hostSeries)
// Get Stats
stats, err := idb.LoadStats(job, metrics, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for metric, nodes := range stats {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Add Stats for : Field %s >>", metric))
for node, stats := range nodes {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Add Stats for : Host %s : Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>", node, stats.Min, stats.Max, stats.Avg ))
for index, _ := range jobData[metric][scope].Series {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Try to add Stats to Series in Position %d >>", index))
if jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Hostname == node {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Match for Series in Position %d : Host %s >>", index, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Hostname))
jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics = &schema.MetricStatistics{Avg: stats.Avg, Min: stats.Min, Max: stats.Max}
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Result Inner: Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>", jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Min, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Max, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Avg))
for _, scope := range scopes {
for metric, nodes := range stats {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Add Stats for : Field %s >>", metric))
for node, stats := range nodes {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Add Stats for : Host %s : Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>", node, stats.Min, stats.Max, stats.Avg ))
for index, _ := range jobData[metric][scope].Series {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Try to add Stats to Series in Position %d >>", index))
if jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Hostname == node {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Match for Series in Position %d : Host %s >>", index, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Hostname))
jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics = &schema.MetricStatistics{Avg: stats.Avg, Min: stats.Min, Max: stats.Max}
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Result Inner: Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>", jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Min, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Max, jobData[metric][scope].Series[index].Statistics.Avg))
for _, met := range metrics {
for _, series := range jobData[met][scope].Series {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Result: %d data points for metric %s on %s, Stats: Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>",
len(series.Data), met, series.Hostname,
series.Statistics.Min, series.Statistics.Max, series.Statistics.Avg))
// for _, scope := range scopes {
// for _, met := range metrics {
// for _, series := range jobData[met][scope].Series {
// log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("<< Result: %d data points for metric %s on %s with scope %s, Stats: Min %.2f, Max %.2f, Avg %.2f >>",
// len(series.Data), met, series.Hostname, scope,
// series.Statistics.Min, series.Statistics.Max, series.Statistics.Avg))
// }
// }
// }
return jobData, nil
func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadStats(job *schema.Job, metrics []string, ctx context.Context) (map[string]map[string]schema.MetricStatistics, error) {
if (job.Cluster == "fritz" || job.Cluster == "alex") {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("New line protocol unimplemented for influx: %s", job.Cluster))
return nil, errors.New("new line protocol unimplemented")
stats := map[string]map[string]schema.MetricStatistics{}
hostsConds := make([]string, 0, len(job.Resources))
for _, h := range job.Resources {
if h.HWThreads != nil || h.Accelerators != nil {
return nil, errors.New("the InfluxDB metric data repository does not yet support HWThreads or Accelerators")
return nil, errors.New("the InfluxDB metric data repository does not yet support HWThreads or Accelerators")
hostsConds = append(hostsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r.host == "%s"`, h.Hostname))
hostsConds = append(hostsConds, fmt.Sprintf(`r["hostname"] == "%s"`, h.Hostname))
hostsCond := strings.Join(hostsConds, " or ")
@ -213,15 +203,15 @@ func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadStats(job *schema.Job, metrics []string
query := fmt.Sprintf(`
data = from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: %s, stop: %s)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "%s" and r._field == "%s" and (%s))
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "%s" and r._field == "value" and (%s))
union(tables: [data |> mean(column: "_value") |> set(key: "_field", value: "avg"),
data |> min(column: "_value") |> set(key: "_field", value: "min"),
data |> max(column: "_value") |> set(key: "_field", value: "max")])
|> pivot(rowKey: ["host"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> pivot(rowKey: ["hostname"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()`,
idb.formatTime(job.StartTime), idb.formatTime(idb.epochToTime(job.StartTimeUnix + int64(job.Duration) + int64(1) )),
idb.measurement, metric, hostsCond)
metric, hostsCond)
rows, err := idb.queryClient.Query(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
@ -231,7 +221,7 @@ func (idb *InfluxDBv2DataRepository) LoadStats(job *schema.Job, metrics []string
nodes := map[string]schema.MetricStatistics{}
for rows.Next() {
row := rows.Record()
host := row.ValueByKey("host").(string)
host := row.ValueByKey("hostname").(string)
avg, min, max := row.ValueByKey("avg").(float64),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user