mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:55:56 +01:00
feat: Add buffered channel with worker thread for job start API
Fixes #293 Refactoring on the way
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -316,6 +317,9 @@ func serverShutdown() {
// First shut down the server gracefully (waiting for all ongoing requests)
// Then, wait for any async jobStarts still pending...
// Then, wait for any async archivings still pending...
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ func (api *RestApi) MountApiRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
r.HandleFunc("/jobs/start_job/", api.startJob).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut)
r.HandleFunc("/jobs/stop_job/", api.stopJobByRequest).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut)
r.HandleFunc("/jobs/stop_job/{id}", api.stopJobById).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut)
// r.HandleFunc("/jobs/import/", api.importJob).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut)
r.HandleFunc("/jobs/", api.getJobs).Methods(http.MethodGet)
@ -421,7 +420,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) getJobs(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
StartTime: job.StartTime.Unix(),
res.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(r.Context(), &job.ID)
res.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), &job.ID)
if err != nil {
handleError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError, rw)
@ -494,7 +493,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) getCompleteJobById(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(r.Context(), &job.ID)
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), &job.ID)
if err != nil {
handleError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError, rw)
@ -587,7 +586,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) getJobById(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(r.Context(), &job.ID)
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), &job.ID)
if err != nil {
handleError(err, http.StatusInternalServerError, rw)
@ -728,7 +727,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) tagJob(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(r.Context(), &job.ID)
job.Tags, err = api.JobRepository.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), &job.ID)
if err != nil {
http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
@ -741,7 +740,7 @@ func (api *RestApi) tagJob(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
for _, tag := range req {
tagId, err := api.JobRepository.AddTagOrCreate(r.Context(), job.ID, tag.Type, tag.Name, tag.Scope)
tagId, err := api.JobRepository.AddTagOrCreate(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), job.ID, tag.Type, tag.Name, tag.Scope)
if err != nil {
http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
@ -791,11 +790,6 @@ func (api *RestApi) startJob(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// aquire lock to avoid race condition between API calls
var unlockOnce sync.Once
defer unlockOnce.Do(api.RepositoryMutex.Unlock)
// Check if combination of (job_id, cluster_id, start_time) already exists:
jobs, err := api.JobRepository.FindAll(&req.JobID, &req.Cluster, nil)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
@ -810,16 +804,16 @@ func (api *RestApi) startJob(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
repository.TriggerJobStart(repository.JobWithUser{Job: &req, User: repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context())})
id, err := api.JobRepository.Start(&req)
if err != nil {
handleError(fmt.Errorf("insert into database failed: %w", err), http.StatusInternalServerError, rw)
// unlock here, adding Tags can be async
for _, tag := range req.Tags {
if _, err := api.JobRepository.AddTagOrCreate(r.Context(), id, tag.Type, tag.Name, tag.Scope); err != nil {
if _, err := api.JobRepository.AddTagOrCreate(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()), id, tag.Type, tag.Name, tag.Scope); err != nil {
http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
handleError(fmt.Errorf("adding tag to new job %d failed: %w", id, err), http.StatusInternalServerError, rw)
@ -834,56 +828,6 @@ func (api *RestApi) startJob(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// stopJobById godoc
// @summary Marks job as completed and triggers archiving
// @tags Job add and modify
// @description Job to stop is specified by database ID. Only stopTime and final state are required in request body.
// @description Returns full job resource information according to 'JobMeta' scheme.
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Database ID of Job"
// @param request body api.StopJobApiRequest true "stopTime and final state in request body"
// @success 200 {object} schema.JobMeta "Job resource"
// @failure 400 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Bad Request"
// @failure 401 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized"
// @failure 403 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Forbidden"
// @failure 404 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Resource not found"
// @failure 422 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Unprocessable Entity: finding job failed: sql: no rows in result set"
// @failure 500 {object} api.ErrorResponse "Internal Server Error"
// @security ApiKeyAuth
// @router /jobs/stop_job/{id} [post]
func (api *RestApi) stopJobById(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Parse request body: Only StopTime and State
req := StopJobApiRequest{}
if err := decode(r.Body, &req); err != nil {
handleError(fmt.Errorf("parsing request body failed: %w", err), http.StatusBadRequest, rw)
// Fetch job (that will be stopped) from db
id, ok := mux.Vars(r)["id"]
var job *schema.Job
var err error
if ok {
id, e := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 64)
if e != nil {
handleError(fmt.Errorf("integer expected in path for id: %w", e), http.StatusBadRequest, rw)
job, err = api.JobRepository.FindById(r.Context(), id)
} else {
handleError(errors.New("the parameter 'id' is required"), http.StatusBadRequest, rw)
if err != nil {
handleError(fmt.Errorf("finding job failed: %w", err), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, rw)
api.checkAndHandleStopJob(rw, job, req)
// stopJobByRequest godoc
// @summary Marks job as completed and triggers archiving
// @tags Job add and modify
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func (r *clusterResolver) Partitions(ctx context.Context, obj *schema.Cluster) (
// Tags is the resolver for the tags field.
func (r *jobResolver) Tags(ctx context.Context, obj *schema.Job) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
return r.Repo.GetTags(ctx, &obj.ID)
return r.Repo.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx), &obj.ID)
// ConcurrentJobs is the resolver for the concurrentJobs field.
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (r *mutationResolver) AddTagsToJob(ctx context.Context, job string, tagIds
return nil, err
if tags, err = r.Repo.AddTag(ctx, jid, tid); err != nil {
if tags, err = r.Repo.AddTag(repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx), jid, tid); err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while adding tag")
return nil, err
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func (r *mutationResolver) RemoveTagsFromJob(ctx context.Context, job string, ta
return nil, err
if tags, err = r.Repo.RemoveTag(ctx, jid, tid); err != nil {
if tags, err = r.Repo.RemoveTag(repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx), jid, tid); err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while removing tag")
return nil, err
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func (r *queryResolver) Clusters(ctx context.Context) ([]*schema.Cluster, error)
// Tags is the resolver for the tags field.
func (r *queryResolver) Tags(ctx context.Context) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
return r.Repo.GetTags(ctx, nil)
return r.Repo.GetTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(ctx), nil)
// GlobalMetrics is the resolver for the globalMetrics field.
@ -493,9 +493,11 @@ func (r *Resolver) Query() generated.QueryResolver { return &queryResolver{r} }
// SubCluster returns generated.SubClusterResolver implementation.
func (r *Resolver) SubCluster() generated.SubClusterResolver { return &subClusterResolver{r} }
type clusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type jobResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type metricValueResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type mutationResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type queryResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type subClusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
type (
clusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
jobResolver struct{ *Resolver }
metricValueResolver struct{ *Resolver }
mutationResolver struct{ *Resolver }
queryResolver struct{ *Resolver }
subClusterResolver struct{ *Resolver }
@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ func Connect(driver string, db string) {
if err != nil {
@ -99,6 +99,23 @@ func (r *JobRepository) FindById(ctx context.Context, jobId int64) (*schema.Job,
return scanJob(q.RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow())
// FindByIdWithUser executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the database id. The user is passed directly,
// instead as part of the context.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func (r *JobRepository) FindByIdWithUser(user *schema.User, jobId int64) (*schema.Job, error) {
q := sq.Select(jobColumns...).
From("job").Where("job.id = ?", jobId)
q, qerr := SecurityCheckWithUser(user, q)
if qerr != nil {
return nil, qerr
return scanJob(q.RunWith(r.stmtCache).QueryRow())
// FindByIdDirect executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the database id.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) CountJobs(
return count, nil
func SecurityCheck(ctx context.Context, query sq.SelectBuilder) (sq.SelectBuilder, error) {
user := GetUserFromContext(ctx)
func SecurityCheckWithUser(user *schema.User, query sq.SelectBuilder) (sq.SelectBuilder, error) {
if user == nil {
var qnil sq.SelectBuilder
return qnil, fmt.Errorf("user context is nil")
@ -134,6 +133,12 @@ func SecurityCheck(ctx context.Context, query sq.SelectBuilder) (sq.SelectBuilde
func SecurityCheck(ctx context.Context, query sq.SelectBuilder) (sq.SelectBuilder, error) {
user := GetUserFromContext(ctx)
return SecurityCheckWithUser(user, query)
// Build a sq.SelectBuilder out of a schema.JobFilter.
func BuildWhereClause(filter *model.JobFilter, query sq.SelectBuilder) sq.SelectBuilder {
if filter.Tags != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package repository
import (
type JobWithUser struct {
Job *schema.JobMeta
User *schema.User
var (
jobStartPending sync.WaitGroup
jobStartChannel chan JobWithUser
func startJobStartWorker() {
jobStartChannel = make(chan JobWithUser, 128)
go jobStartWorker()
// Archiving worker thread
func jobStartWorker() {
for {
select {
case req, ok := <-jobStartChannel:
if !ok {
jobRepo := GetJobRepository()
id, err := jobRepo.Start(req.Job)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("insert into database failed: %v", err)
for _, tag := range req.Job.Tags {
if _, err := jobRepo.AddTagOrCreate(req.User, id, tag.Type, tag.Name, tag.Scope); err != nil {
log.Errorf("adding tag to new job %d failed: %v", id, err)
// Trigger async archiving
func TriggerJobStart(req JobWithUser) {
if jobStartChannel == nil {
log.Fatal("Cannot start Job without jobStart channel. Did you Start the worker?")
jobStartChannel <- req
// Wait for background thread to finish pending archiving operations
func WaitForJobStart() {
// close channel and wait for worker to process remaining jobs
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TestGetTags(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.WithValue(getContext(t), contextUserKey, contextUserValue)
// Test Tag has Scope "global"
tags, counts, err := r.CountTags(ctx)
tags, counts, err := r.CountTags(GetUserFromContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
@ -560,9 +560,9 @@ func (r *JobRepository) jobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
) (*model.MetricHistoPoints, error) {
// Get specific Peak or largest Peak
var metricConfig *schema.MetricConfig
var peak float64 = 0.0
var unit string = ""
var footprintStat string = ""
var peak float64
var unit string
var footprintStat string
for _, f := range filters {
if f.Cluster != nil {
@ -712,8 +712,8 @@ func (r *JobRepository) runningJobsMetricStatisticsHistogram(
for idx, metric := range metrics {
// Get specific Peak or largest Peak
var metricConfig *schema.MetricConfig
var peak float64 = 0.0
var unit string = ""
var peak float64
var unit string
for _, f := range filters {
if f.Cluster != nil {
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
package repository
import (
@ -16,8 +15,8 @@ import (
// Add the tag with id `tagId` to the job with the database id `jobId`.
func (r *JobRepository) AddTag(ctx context.Context, job int64, tag int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
j, err := r.FindById(ctx, job)
func (r *JobRepository) AddTag(user *schema.User, job int64, tag int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
j, err := r.FindByIdWithUser(user, job)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while finding job by id")
return nil, err
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddTag(ctx context.Context, job int64, tag int64) ([]*sc
return nil, err
tags, err := r.GetTags(ctx, &job)
tags, err := r.GetTags(user, &job)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while getting tags for job")
return nil, err
@ -47,8 +46,8 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddTag(ctx context.Context, job int64, tag int64) ([]*sc
// Removes a tag from a job
func (r *JobRepository) RemoveTag(ctx context.Context, job, tag int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
j, err := r.FindById(ctx, job)
func (r *JobRepository) RemoveTag(user *schema.User, job, tag int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
j, err := r.FindByIdWithUser(user, job)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while finding job by id")
return nil, err
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) RemoveTag(ctx context.Context, job, tag int64) ([]*schem
return nil, err
tags, err := r.GetTags(ctx, &job)
tags, err := r.GetTags(user, &job)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error while getting tags for job")
return nil, err
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) CreateTag(tagType string, tagName string, tagScope strin
return res.LastInsertId()
func (r *JobRepository) CountTags(ctx context.Context) (tags []schema.Tag, counts map[string]int, err error) {
func (r *JobRepository) CountTags(user *schema.User) (tags []schema.Tag, counts map[string]int, err error) {
// Fetch all Tags in DB for Display in Frontend Tag-View
tags = make([]schema.Tag, 0, 100)
xrows, err := r.DB.Queryx("SELECT id, tag_type, tag_name, tag_scope FROM tag")
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) CountTags(ctx context.Context) (tags []schema.Tag, count
// Handle Scope Filtering: Tag Scope is Global, Private (== Username) or User is auth'd to view Admin Tags
readable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(ctx, "read", t.Scope)
readable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(user, "read", t.Scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -120,8 +119,6 @@ func (r *JobRepository) CountTags(ctx context.Context) (tags []schema.Tag, count
user := GetUserFromContext(ctx)
// Query and Count Jobs with attached Tags
q := sq.Select("t.tag_name, t.id, count(jt.tag_id)").
From("tag t").
@ -172,13 +169,13 @@ func (r *JobRepository) CountTags(ctx context.Context) (tags []schema.Tag, count
// AddTagOrCreate adds the tag with the specified type and name to the job with the database id `jobId`.
// If such a tag does not yet exist, it is created.
func (r *JobRepository) AddTagOrCreate(ctx context.Context, jobId int64, tagType string, tagName string, tagScope string) (tagId int64, err error) {
func (r *JobRepository) AddTagOrCreate(user *schema.User, jobId int64, tagType string, tagName string, tagScope string) (tagId int64, err error) {
// Default to "Global" scope if none defined
if tagScope == "" {
tagScope = "global"
writable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(ctx, "write", tagScope)
writable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(user, "write", tagScope)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -194,7 +191,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) AddTagOrCreate(ctx context.Context, jobId int64, tagType
if _, err := r.AddTag(ctx, jobId, tagId); err != nil {
if _, err := r.AddTag(user, jobId, tagId); err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -213,7 +210,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) TagId(tagType string, tagName string, tagScope string) (
// GetTags returns a list of all scoped tags if job is nil or of the tags that the job with that database ID has.
func (r *JobRepository) GetTags(ctx context.Context, job *int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
func (r *JobRepository) GetTags(user *schema.User, job *int64) ([]*schema.Tag, error) {
q := sq.Select("id", "tag_type", "tag_name", "tag_scope").From("tag")
if job != nil {
q = q.Join("jobtag ON jobtag.tag_id = tag.id").Where("jobtag.job_id = ?", *job)
@ -234,7 +231,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) GetTags(ctx context.Context, job *int64) ([]*schema.Tag,
return nil, err
// Handle Scope Filtering: Tag Scope is Global, Private (== Username) or User is auth'd to view Admin Tags
readable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(ctx, "read", tag.Scope)
readable, err := r.checkScopeAuth(user, "read", tag.Scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -295,8 +292,7 @@ func (r *JobRepository) ImportTag(jobId int64, tagType string, tagName string, t
return nil
func (r *JobRepository) checkScopeAuth(ctx context.Context, operation string, scope string) (pass bool, err error) {
user := GetUserFromContext(ctx)
func (r *JobRepository) checkScopeAuth(user *schema.User, operation string, scope string) (pass bool, err error) {
if user != nil {
switch {
case operation == "write" && scope == "admin":
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func setupAnalysisRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
func setupTaglistRoute(i InfoType, r *http.Request) InfoType {
jobRepo := repository.GetJobRepository()
tags, counts, err := jobRepo.CountTags(r.Context())
tags, counts, err := jobRepo.CountTags(repository.GetUserFromContext(r.Context()))
tagMap := make(map[string][]map[string]interface{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("GetTags failed: %s", err.Error())
@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ type SubCluster struct {
type SubClusterConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Footprint string `json:"footprint,omitempty"`
Energy string `json:"energy"`
Peak float64 `json:"peak"`
Normal float64 `json:"normal"`
Caution float64 `json:"caution"`
Alert float64 `json:"alert"`
Remove bool `json:"remove"`
LowerIsBetter bool `json:"lowerIsBetter"`
Energy string `json:"energy"`
type MetricConfig struct {
Unit Unit `json:"unit"`
Energy string `json:"energy"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Scope MetricScope `json:"scope"`
Aggregation string `json:"aggregation"`
Footprint string `json:"footprint,omitempty"`
SubClusters []*SubClusterConfig `json:"subClusters,omitempty"`
Peak float64 `json:"peak"`
Normal float64 `json:"normal"`
Caution float64 `json:"caution"`
Alert float64 `json:"alert"`
Timestep int `json:"timestep"`
Normal float64 `json:"normal"`
LowerIsBetter bool `json:"lowerIsBetter"`
Energy string `json:"energy"`
type Cluster struct {
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ type IntRange struct {
type TimeRange struct {
Range string `json:"range,omitempty"` // Optional, e.g. 'last6h'
From *time.Time `json:"from"`
To *time.Time `json:"to"`
Range string `json:"range,omitempty"`
type FilterRanges struct {
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ type Retention struct {
type ResampleConfig struct {
// Trigger next zoom level at less than this many visible datapoints
Trigger int `json:"trigger"`
// Array of resampling target resolutions, in seconds; Example: [600,300,60]
Resolutions []int `json:"resolutions"`
// Trigger next zoom level at less than this many visible datapoints
Trigger int `json:"trigger"`
type CronFrequency struct {
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ import (
type JobData map[string]map[MetricScope]*JobMetric
type JobMetric struct {
Unit Unit `json:"unit"`
Timestep int `json:"timestep"`
Series []Series `json:"series"`
StatisticsSeries *StatsSeries `json:"statisticsSeries,omitempty"`
Unit Unit `json:"unit"`
Series []Series `json:"series"`
Timestep int `json:"timestep"`
type Series struct {
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Statistics MetricStatistics `json:"statistics"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Data []Float `json:"data"`
Statistics MetricStatistics `json:"statistics"`
type MetricStatistics struct {
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ type MetricStatistics struct {
type StatsSeries struct {
Percentiles map[int][]Float `json:"percentiles,omitempty"`
Mean []Float `json:"mean"`
Median []Float `json:"median"`
Min []Float `json:"min"`
Max []Float `json:"max"`
Percentiles map[int][]Float `json:"percentiles,omitempty"`
type MetricScope string
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ func (jd *JobData) AddNodeScope(metric string) bool {
return false
var maxScope MetricScope = MetricScopeInvalid
maxScope := MetricScopeInvalid
for scope := range scopes {
maxScope = maxScope.Max(scope)
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ type User struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Roles []string `json:"roles"`
Projects []string `json:"projects"`
AuthType AuthType `json:"authType"`
AuthSource AuthSource `json:"authSource"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Projects []string `json:"projects"`
func (u *User) HasProject(project string) bool {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user