mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 15:25:17 +01:00
Change to prod data, allow and handle null data
- fix errors regarding render timing - always collect time info in transFormData function - remove size from polar plot
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
} from "./utils.js";
import {
@ -130,8 +131,8 @@
let plots = {},
$: document.title = $initq.fetching
? "Loading..."
@ -190,7 +191,6 @@
<div class="row" bind:clientWidth={fullWidth} />
{#if $initq.error}
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@
size={fullWidth / 4.1}
] || ccconfig[`job_view_polarPlotMetrics`]}
@ -254,21 +253,24 @@
width={fullWidth / 3 - 10}
height={fullWidth / 5}
.find((c) => c.name == $initq.data.job.cluster)
(sc) => sc.name == $initq.data.job.subCluster
(m) => m.name == "flops_any" && m.scope == "node"
(m) => m.name == "mem_bw" && m.scope == "node"
<div bind:clientWidth={roofWidth}>
width={roofWidth - 10}
height={(roofWidth / 2) - 5}
.find((c) => c.name == $initq.data.job.cluster)
(sc) => sc.name == $initq.data.job.subCluster
transformDataForRoofline (
$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics.find((m) => m.name == "flops_any" && m.scope == "node").metric,
$jobMetrics.data.jobMetrics.find((m) => m.name == "mem_bw" && m.scope == "node").metric
<Col />
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
export let cluster;
let plotWidths = [],
colWidth1 = 0,
colWidth2 = 0
let from = new Date(Date.now() - 5 * 60 * 1000),
to = new Date(Date.now());
const topOptions = [
@ -429,14 +429,14 @@
width={plotWidths[i] - 10}
(data) => data.subCluster == subCluster.name
(data) => data.subCluster == subCluster.name
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
<hr style="margin-top: -1em;" />
<!-- Usage Stats as Histograms -->
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
export let size
export let metrics
export let cluster
export let jobMetrics
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@
<div class="chart-container">
<Radar {data} {options} width={size} height={size}/>
<Radar {data} {options}/>
@ -4,99 +4,52 @@
import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte'
import { Card } from 'sveltestrap'
export let flopsAny = null
export let memBw = null
export let maxY = null
export let data = null
export let renderTime = false
export let maxY = null // Optional
export let cluster = null
export let width = 500
export let height = 300
export let renderTime = false
export let data = null
let plotWrapper = null
let uplot = null
let timeoutId = null
// Three Render-Cases:
// #1 Single-Job Roofline -> Has Time-Information: Use data, allow renderTime
// #2 MultiNode Roofline - > Has No Time-Information: Transform from nodeData, only "IST"-state of nodes, no timeInfo
// #3 Multi-Job Roofline as Heatmap -> Keep Original
/* Data Format
* data = [null, [], []] // 0: null-axis required for scatter, 1: Array of XY-Array for Scatter, 2: Optional Time Info
* data[1][0] = [100, 200, 500, ...] // X Axis -> Intensity (Vals up to clusters' flopRateScalar value)
* data[1][1] = [1000, 2000, 1500, ...] // Y Axis -> Performance (Vals up to clusters' flopRateSimd value)
* data[2] = [0.1, 0.15, 0.2, ...] // Color Code -> Time Information (Floats from 0 to 1) (Optional)
// Start Demo Data
function randInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function randFloat(min, max) {
return roundTwo(((Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min) / randInt(1, 500));
function roundTwo(num) {
return Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100
function filledArr(len, val, time) {
let arr = Array(len);
if (typeof val == "function") {
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i)
arr[i] = val(i);
else if (time) {
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i)
arr[i] = i / 1000;
else {
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i)
arr[i] = i;
return arr;
let points = 1000;
data = [null, []] // Null-Axis required for scatter
data[1][0] = filledArr(points, i => randFloat(1,5000), false) // Intensity
data[1][1] = filledArr(points, i => randFloat(1,5000), false) // Performance
// data[1][0] = filledArr(points, 0, false) // Intensity
// data[1][1] = filledArr(points, 0, false) // Performance
data[2] = filledArr(points, 0, true) // Time Information (Optional)
// End Demo Data
// Check
// console.assert(data , "you must provide data")
// Helpers
function getGradientR(x) {
if (x < 0.5) return 0
if (x > 0.75) return 255
x = (x - 0.5) * 4.0
return Math.floor(x * 255.0)
function getGradientG(x) {
if (x > 0.25 && x < 0.75) return 255
if (x < 0.25) x = x * 4.0
else x = 1.0 - (x - 0.75) * 4.0
return Math.floor(x * 255.0)
function getGradientB(x) {
if (x < 0.25) return 255
if (x > 0.5) return 0
x = 1.0 - (x - 0.25) * 4.0
return Math.floor(x * 255.0)
function getRGB(c) {
return `rgb(${getGradientR(c)}, ${getGradientG(c)}, ${getGradientB(c)})`
function nearestThousand (num) {
return Math.ceil(num/1000) * 1000
function lineIntersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
let l = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
let a = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / l
@ -105,12 +58,11 @@
y: y1 + a * (y2 - y1)
// End Helpers
// Dot Renderers
const drawColorPoints = (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => {
const size = 5 * devicePixelRatio;
uPlot.orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc) => {
let d = u.data[seriesIdx];
let deg360 = 2 * Math.PI;
@ -136,7 +88,6 @@
const drawPoints = (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => {
const size = 5 * devicePixelRatio;
uPlot.orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc) => {
let d = u.data[seriesIdx];
u.ctx.strokeStyle = getRGB(0);
@ -158,113 +109,121 @@
return null;
function render() {
const opts = {
title: "",
mode: 2,
width: width,
height: height,
legend: {
show: false
cursor: { drag: { x: false, y: false } },
axes: [
{ label: 'Intensity [FLOPS/Byte]' },
{ label: 'Performace [GFLOPS]' }
scales: {
x: {
time: false,
range: [0.01, 1000],
distr: 3, // Render as log
log: 10, // log exp
// Main Function
function render(plotData) {
if (plotData) {
const opts = {
title: "",
mode: 2,
width: width,
height: height,
legend: {
show: false
y: {
range: [1.0, nearestThousand(cluster.flopRateSimd.value || maxY)],
distr: 3, // Render as log
log: 10, // log exp
series: [
{ paths: renderTime ? drawColorPoints : drawPoints }
hooks: {
drawClear: [
u => {
u.series.forEach((s, i) => {
if (i > 0)
s._paths = null;
cursor: { drag: { x: false, y: false } },
axes: [
label: 'Intensity [FLOPS/Byte]',
values: (u, vals) => vals.map(v => formatNumber(v))
draw: [
u => { // draw roofs when cluster set
// console.log(u)
if (cluster != null) {
const padding = u._padding // [top, right, bottom, left]
u.ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'
u.ctx.lineWidth = 2
const ycut = 0.01 * cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const scalarKnee = (cluster.flopRateScalar.value - ycut) / cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const simdKnee = (cluster.flopRateSimd.value - ycut) / cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const scalarKneeX = u.valToPos(scalarKnee, 'x', true), // Value, axis, toCanvasPixels
simdKneeX = u.valToPos(simdKnee, 'x', true),
flopRateScalarY = u.valToPos(cluster.flopRateScalar.value, 'y', true),
flopRateSimdY = u.valToPos(cluster.flopRateSimd.value, 'y', true)
if (scalarKneeX < width - padding[1]) { // Top horizontal roofline
u.ctx.moveTo(scalarKneeX, flopRateScalarY)
u.ctx.lineTo(width - padding[1], flopRateScalarY)
if (simdKneeX < width - padding[1]) { // Lower horitontal roofline
u.ctx.moveTo(simdKneeX, flopRateSimdY)
u.ctx.lineTo(width - padding[1], flopRateSimdY)
let x1 = u.valToPos(0.01, 'x', true),
y1 = u.valToPos(ycut, 'y', true)
let x2 = u.valToPos(simdKnee, 'x', true),
y2 = flopRateSimdY
let xAxisIntersect = lineIntersect(
x1, y1, x2, y2,
u.valToPos(0.01, 'x', true), u.valToPos(1.0, 'y', true), // X-Axis Start Coords
u.valToPos(1000, 'x', true), u.valToPos(1.0, 'y', true) // X-Axis End Coords
if (xAxisIntersect.x > x1) {
x1 = xAxisIntersect.x
y1 = xAxisIntersect.y
// Diagonal
u.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1)
u.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2)
// Reset grid lineWidth
u.ctx.lineWidth = 0.15
label: 'Performace [GFLOPS]',
values: (u, vals) => vals.map(v => formatNumber(v))
scales: {
x: {
time: false,
range: [0.01, 1000],
distr: 3, // Render as log
log: 10, // log exp
y: {
range: [1.0, nearestThousand(cluster.flopRateSimd.value || maxY)],
distr: 3, // Render as log
log: 10, // log exp
series: [
{ paths: renderTime ? drawColorPoints : drawPoints }
hooks: {
drawClear: [
u => {
u.series.forEach((s, i) => {
if (i > 0)
s._paths = null;
draw: [
u => { // draw roofs when cluster set
// console.log(u)
if (cluster != null) {
const padding = u._padding // [top, right, bottom, left]
uplot = new uPlot(opts, data, plotWrapper);
u.ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'
u.ctx.lineWidth = 2
const ycut = 0.01 * cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const scalarKnee = (cluster.flopRateScalar.value - ycut) / cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const simdKnee = (cluster.flopRateSimd.value - ycut) / cluster.memoryBandwidth.value
const scalarKneeX = u.valToPos(scalarKnee, 'x', true), // Value, axis, toCanvasPixels
simdKneeX = u.valToPos(simdKnee, 'x', true),
flopRateScalarY = u.valToPos(cluster.flopRateScalar.value, 'y', true),
flopRateSimdY = u.valToPos(cluster.flopRateSimd.value, 'y', true)
if (scalarKneeX < width - padding[1]) { // Top horizontal roofline
u.ctx.moveTo(scalarKneeX, flopRateScalarY)
u.ctx.lineTo(width - padding[1], flopRateScalarY)
if (simdKneeX < width - padding[1]) { // Lower horitontal roofline
u.ctx.moveTo(simdKneeX, flopRateSimdY)
u.ctx.lineTo(width - padding[1], flopRateSimdY)
let x1 = u.valToPos(0.01, 'x', true),
y1 = u.valToPos(ycut, 'y', true)
let x2 = u.valToPos(simdKnee, 'x', true),
y2 = flopRateSimdY
let xAxisIntersect = lineIntersect(
x1, y1, x2, y2,
u.valToPos(0.01, 'x', true), u.valToPos(1.0, 'y', true), // X-Axis Start Coords
u.valToPos(1000, 'x', true), u.valToPos(1.0, 'y', true) // X-Axis End Coords
if (xAxisIntersect.x > x1) {
x1 = xAxisIntersect.x
y1 = xAxisIntersect.y
// Diagonal
u.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1)
u.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2)
// Reset grid lineWidth
u.ctx.lineWidth = 0.15
uplot = new uPlot(opts, plotData, plotWrapper);
} else {
console.log('No data for roofline!')
// Copied from Histogram
// Svelte and Sizechange
onMount(() => {
onDestroy(() => {
if (uplot)
@ -272,7 +231,6 @@
if (timeoutId != null)
function sizeChanged() {
if (timeoutId != null)
@ -281,13 +239,10 @@
timeoutId = null
if (uplot)
}, 200)
$: sizeChanged(width, height)
{#if data != null}
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ const power = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12, 1e15, 1e18, 1e21]
const prefix = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
export function formatNumber(x) {
if ( isNaN(x) ) {
return x // Return if String , used in Histograms
if ( isNaN(x) || x == null) {
return x // Return if String or Null
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++)
if (power[i] <= x && x < power[i+1])
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {
} from "@urql/svelte";
import { setContext, getContext, hasContext, onDestroy, tick } from "svelte";
import { readable } from "svelte/store";
import { formatNumber } from './units.js'
// import { formatNumber } from './units.js'
* Call this function only at component initialization time!
@ -326,8 +326,11 @@ export function convert2uplot(canvasData) {
export function binsFromFootprint(weights, scope, values, numBins) {
let min = 0, max = 0
let min = 0, max = 0 //, median = 0
if (values.length != 0) {
// Extreme, wrong peak vlaues: Filter here or backend?
// median = median(values)
for (let x of values) {
min = Math.min(min, x)
max = Math.max(max, x)
@ -364,11 +367,12 @@ export function binsFromFootprint(weights, scope, values, numBins) {
export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw, renderTime) { // Uses Metric Object
export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw) { // Uses Metric Objects: {series:[{},{},...], timestep:60, name:$NAME}
const nodes = flopsAny.series.length
const timesteps = flopsAny.series[0].data.length
/* c will contain values from 0 to 1 representing the time */
let data = null
const x = [], y = [], c = []
if (flopsAny && memBw) {
@ -383,24 +387,23 @@ export function transformDataForRoofline(flopsAny, memBw, renderTime) { // Uses
c.push(renderTime ? j / timesteps : 0)
c.push(j / timesteps)
} else {
console.warn("transformData: metrics for 'mem_bw' and/or 'flops_any' missing!")
return {
x, y, c,
xLabel: 'Intensity [FLOPS/byte]',
yLabel: 'Performance [GFLOPS]'
if (x.length > 0 && y.length > 0 && c.length > 0) {
data = [null, [x, y], c] // for dataformat see roofline.svelte
return data
// Return something to be plotted. The argument shall be the result of the
// `nodeMetrics` GraphQL query.
export function transformPerNodeDataForRoofline(nodes) {
const x = [], y = [], c = []
let data = null
const x = [], y = []
for (let node of nodes) {
let flopsAny = node.metrics.find(m => m.name == 'flops_any' && m.scope == 'node')?.metric
let memBw = node.metrics.find(m => m.name == 'mem_bw' && m.scope == 'node')?.metric
@ -417,12 +420,21 @@ export function transformPerNodeDataForRoofline(nodes) {
return {
x, y, c,
xLabel: 'Intensity [FLOPS/byte]',
yLabel: 'Performance [GFLOPS]'
if (x.length > 0 && y.length > 0) {
data = [null, [x, y], []] // for dataformat see roofline.svelte
return data
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45309447/calculating-median-javascript
// function median(numbers) {
// const sorted = Array.from(numbers).sort((a, b) => a - b);
// const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2);
// if (sorted.length % 2 === 0) {
// return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2;
// }
// return sorted[middle];
// }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user