2024-07-04 15:05:24 +02:00
// Copyright (C) NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package repository
import (
sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel"
// Find executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the batch job id, the cluster name,
// and the start time of the job in UNIX epoch time seconds.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) Find (
jobId * int64 ,
cluster * string ,
startTime * int64 ,
) ( * schema . Job , error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) . From ( "job" ) .
Where ( "job.job_id = ?" , * jobId )
if cluster != nil {
q = q . Where ( "job.cluster = ?" , * cluster )
if startTime != nil {
q = q . Where ( "job.start_time = ?" , * startTime )
2024-11-09 09:01:04 +01:00
q = q . OrderBy ( "job.id DESC" ) // always use newest matching job by db id if more than one match
2024-07-04 15:05:24 +02:00
2024-11-09 09:01:04 +01:00
log . Debugf ( "Timer Find %s" , time . Since ( start ) )
2024-07-04 15:05:24 +02:00
return scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
// Find executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the batch job id, the cluster name,
// and the start time of the job in UNIX epoch time seconds.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindAll (
jobId * int64 ,
cluster * string ,
startTime * int64 ,
) ( [ ] * schema . Job , error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) . From ( "job" ) .
Where ( "job.job_id = ?" , * jobId )
if cluster != nil {
q = q . Where ( "job.cluster = ?" , * cluster )
if startTime != nil {
q = q . Where ( "job.start_time = ?" , * startTime )
rows , err := q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . Query ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Error while running query" )
return nil , err
jobs := make ( [ ] * schema . Job , 0 , 10 )
for rows . Next ( ) {
job , err := scanJob ( rows )
if err != nil {
log . Warn ( "Error while scanning rows" )
return nil , err
jobs = append ( jobs , job )
log . Debugf ( "Timer FindAll %s" , time . Since ( start ) )
return jobs , nil
// FindById executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the database id.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
2024-07-05 16:11:42 +02:00
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindById ( ctx context . Context , jobId int64 ) ( * schema . Job , error ) {
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) .
From ( "job" ) . Where ( "job.id = ?" , jobId )
q , qerr := SecurityCheck ( ctx , q )
if qerr != nil {
return nil , qerr
return scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
2024-11-25 16:44:50 +01:00
// FindByIdWithUser executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the database id. The user is passed directly,
// instead as part of the context.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindByIdWithUser ( user * schema . User , jobId int64 ) ( * schema . Job , error ) {
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) .
From ( "job" ) . Where ( "job.id = ?" , jobId )
q , qerr := SecurityCheckWithUser ( user , q )
if qerr != nil {
return nil , qerr
return scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
2024-07-05 16:11:42 +02:00
// FindByIdDirect executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the database id.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindByIdDirect ( jobId int64 ) ( * schema . Job , error ) {
2024-07-04 15:05:24 +02:00
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) .
From ( "job" ) . Where ( "job.id = ?" , jobId )
return scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
2024-07-05 16:11:42 +02:00
// FindByJobId executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the slurm id and the clustername.
// It returns a pointer to a schema.Job data structure and an error variable.
// To check if no job was found test err == sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindByJobId ( ctx context . Context , jobId int64 , startTime int64 , cluster string ) ( * schema . Job , error ) {
q := sq . Select ( jobColumns ... ) .
From ( "job" ) .
Where ( "job.job_id = ?" , jobId ) .
Where ( "job.cluster = ?" , cluster ) .
Where ( "job.start_time = ?" , startTime )
q , qerr := SecurityCheck ( ctx , q )
if qerr != nil {
return nil , qerr
return scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
// IsJobOwner executes a SQL query to find a specific batch job.
// The job is queried using the slurm id,a username and the cluster.
// It returns a bool.
// If job was found, user is owner: test err != sql.ErrNoRows
func ( r * JobRepository ) IsJobOwner ( jobId int64 , startTime int64 , user string , cluster string ) bool {
q := sq . Select ( "id" ) .
From ( "job" ) .
Where ( "job.job_id = ?" , jobId ) .
2024-11-21 15:02:30 +01:00
Where ( "job.hpc_user = ?" , user ) .
2024-07-05 16:11:42 +02:00
Where ( "job.cluster = ?" , cluster ) .
Where ( "job.start_time = ?" , startTime )
_ , err := scanJob ( q . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . QueryRow ( ) )
return err != sql . ErrNoRows
2024-07-04 15:05:24 +02:00
func ( r * JobRepository ) FindConcurrentJobs (
ctx context . Context ,
job * schema . Job ,
) ( * model . JobLinkResultList , error ) {
if job == nil {
return nil , nil
query , qerr := SecurityCheck ( ctx , sq . Select ( "job.id" , "job.job_id" , "job.start_time" ) . From ( "job" ) )
if qerr != nil {
return nil , qerr
query = query . Where ( "cluster = ?" , job . Cluster )
var startTime int64
var stopTime int64
startTime = job . StartTimeUnix
hostname := job . Resources [ 0 ] . Hostname
if job . State == schema . JobStateRunning {
stopTime = time . Now ( ) . Unix ( )
} else {
stopTime = startTime + int64 ( job . Duration )
// Add 200s overlap for jobs start time at the end
startTimeTail := startTime + 10
stopTimeTail := stopTime - 200
startTimeFront := startTime + 200
queryRunning := q uery . Where ( "job.job_state = ?" ) . Where ( "(job.start_time BETWEEN ? AND ? OR job.start_time < ?)" ,
"running" , startTimeTail , stopTimeTail , startTime )
queryRunning = queryRunning . Where ( "job.resources LIKE ?" , fmt . Sprint ( "%" , hostname , "%" ) )
query = query . Where ( "job.job_state != ?" ) . Where ( "((job.start_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) OR (job.start_time + job.duration) BETWEEN ? AND ? OR (job.start_time < ?) AND (job.start_time + job.duration) > ?)" ,
"running" , startTimeTail , stopTimeTail , startTimeFront , stopTimeTail , startTime , stopTime )
query = query . Where ( "job.resources LIKE ?" , fmt . Sprint ( "%" , hostname , "%" ) )
rows , err := query . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . Query ( )
if err != nil {
log . Errorf ( "Error while running query: %v" , err )
return nil , err
items := make ( [ ] * model . JobLink , 0 , 10 )
queryString := fmt . Sprintf ( "cluster=%s" , job . Cluster )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var id , jobId , startTime sql . NullInt64
if err = rows . Scan ( & id , & jobId , & startTime ) ; err != nil {
log . Warn ( "Error while scanning rows" )
return nil , err
if id . Valid {
queryString += fmt . Sprintf ( "&jobId=%d" , int ( jobId . Int64 ) )
items = append ( items ,
& model . JobLink {
ID : fmt . Sprint ( id . Int64 ) ,
JobID : int ( jobId . Int64 ) ,
} )
rows , err = queryRunning . RunWith ( r . stmtCache ) . Query ( )
if err != nil {
log . Errorf ( "Error while running query: %v" , err )
return nil , err
for rows . Next ( ) {
var id , jobId , startTime sql . NullInt64
if err := rows . Scan ( & id , & jobId , & startTime ) ; err != nil {
log . Warn ( "Error while scanning rows" )
return nil , err
if id . Valid {
queryString += fmt . Sprintf ( "&jobId=%d" , int ( jobId . Int64 ) )
items = append ( items ,
& model . JobLink {
ID : fmt . Sprint ( id . Int64 ) ,
JobID : int ( jobId . Int64 ) ,
} )
cnt := len ( items )
return & model . JobLinkResultList {
ListQuery : & queryString ,
Items : items ,
Count : & cnt ,
} , nil