
102 lines
3.2 KiB

return {
lazy = true,
dependencies = {
opts = {
home = vim.fn.expand("~/doc/zettelkasten"),
take_over_my_home = true,
auto_set_filetype = true,
-- dailies = home .. '/' .. 'daily',
-- weeklies = home .. '/' .. 'weekly',
-- templates = home .. '/' .. 'templates',
image_subdir = "img",
extension = ".md",
new_note_filename = "uuid-title",
uuid_type = "%Y%m%d%H%M",
uuid_sep = "-",
follow_creates_nonexisting = true,
dailies_create_nonexisting = true,
weeklies_create_nonexisting = true,
journal_auto_open = false,
-- template for new notes (new_note, follow_link)
-- set to `nil` or do not specify if you do not want a template
-- template_new_note = home .. '/' .. 'templates/',
-- template for newly created daily notes (goto_today)
-- set to `nil` or do not specify if you do not want a template
-- template_new_daily = home .. '/' .. 'templates/',
-- template for newly created weekly notes (goto_thisweek)
-- set to `nil` or do not specify if you do not want a template
-- template_new_weekly= home .. '/' .. 'templates/',
-- image link style
-- wiki: ![[image name]]
-- markdown: ![](image_subdir/xxxxx.png)
image_link_style = "wiki",
-- default sort option: 'filename', 'modified'
sort = "filename",
-- integrate with calendar-vim
plug_into_calendar = true,
calendar_opts = {
weeknm = 4,
calendar_monday = 1,
calendar_mark = "left-fit",
close_after_yanking = false,
insert_after_inserting = true,
tag_notation = "#tag",
command_palette_theme = "dropdown",
show_tags_theme = "ivy",
subdirs_in_links = true,
template_handling = "smart",
new_note_location = "smart",
rename_update_links = true,
follow_url_fallback = nil,
keys = {
{ "<leader>zf", "<cmd>Telekasten find_notes<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zd", "<cmd>Telekasten find_daily_notes<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zg", "<cmd>Telekasten search_notes<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zz", "<cmd>Telekasten follow_link<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zn", "<cmd>Telekasten new_note<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zr", "<cmd>Telekasten rename_note<cr>" },
{ "<leader>zc", "<cmd>Telekasten show_calendar<cr>" },
{ "<leader>#", "<cmd>Telekasten show_tags<cr>" },
{ "<leader>z", "<cmd>Telekasten panel<cr>" },
init = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "tklink", { fg = "#689d6a", bg = "" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "tkBrackets", { fg = "gray", bg = "gray" })
build = ":Neorg sync-parsers",
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
opts = {
load = {
["core.defaults"] = {},
["core.concealer"] = {}, -- Adds pretty icons to your documents
["core.dirman"] = { -- Manages Neorg workspaces
config = {
workspaces = {
notes = "~/doc/notes/private",
work = "~/doc/notes/work",