return { -- lspconfig { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", opts = { -- options for vim.diagnostic.config() diagnostics = { underline = true, update_in_insert = false, virtual_text = { spacing = 4, source = "if_many", prefix = "●", -- this will set set the prefix to a function that returns the diagnostics icon based on the severity -- this only works on a recent 0.10.0 build. Will be set to "●" when not supported -- prefix = "icons", }, severity_sort = true, float = { border = 'rounded', source = 'always', header = '', prefix = '', }, }, -- Enable this to enable the builtin LSP inlay hints on Neovim >= 0.10.0 -- Be aware that you also will need to properly configure your LSP server to -- provide the inlay hints. inlay_hints = { enabled = false, }, document_highlight = { enabled = true, }, }, config = function(_, opts) local lsp = require('lspconfig') local lsp_defaults = lsp.util.default_config lsp_defaults.capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend( 'force', lsp_defaults.capabilities, require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities() ) local sign = function(o) -- See :help sign_define() vim.fn.sign_define(, { texthl =, text = o.text, numhl = '' }) end sign({ name = 'DiagnosticSignError', text = '✘' }) sign({ name = 'DiagnosticSignWarn', text = '▲' }) sign({ name = 'DiagnosticSignHint', text = '⚑' }) sign({ name = 'DiagnosticSignInfo', text = '' }) vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = false, severity_sort = true, float = { border = 'rounded', source = 'always', header = '', prefix = '', }, }) vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/hover'] = vim.lsp.with( vim.lsp.handlers.hover, { border = 'rounded' } ) vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/signatureHelp'] = vim.lsp.with( vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help, { border = 'rounded' } ) vim.lsp.handlers["workspace/diagnostic/refresh"] = function(_, _, ctx) local ns = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace(ctx.client_id) pcall(vim.diagnostic.reset, ns) return true end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', { pattern = '*.go', callback = function() vim.lsp.buf.code_action({ context = { only = { 'source.organizeImports' } }, apply = true }) end }) local on_attach = function(client) local bufmap = function(mode, lhs, rhs) local opts = { buffer = true } vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end bufmap('n', 'K', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()') bufmap('n', 'gd', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()') bufmap('n', 'gD', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()') bufmap('n', 'go', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()') bufmap('n', 'gs', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()') bufmap('n', 'gA', 'Telescope diagnostics') bufmap('n', 'gr', 'Telescope lsp_references') bufmap('n', 'gi', 'Telescope lsp_implementations') bufmap('n', 'cr', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()') bufmap('n', 'ca', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()') bufmap('n', 'gl', 'lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()') bufmap('n', '[d', 'lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()') bufmap('n', ']d', 'lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()') end lsp.gopls.setup { settings = { gopls = { gofumpt = true, codelenses = { gc_details = false, generate = true, regenerate_cgo = true, run_govulncheck = true, test = true, tidy = true, upgrade_dependency = true, vendor = true, }, hints = { assignVariableTypes = true, compositeLiteralFields = true, compositeLiteralTypes = true, constantValues = true, functionTypeParameters = true, parameterNames = true, rangeVariableTypes = true, }, analyses = { fieldalignment = true, shadow = true, unusedvariable = true, unusedwrite = true, useany = true, }, usePlaceholders = true, completeUnimported = true, staticcheck = true, directoryFilters = { "-.git", "-.vscode", "-.idea", "-.vscode-test", "-node_modules" }, semanticTokens = true }, }, on_attach = on_attach } lsp.clangd.setup { settings = { clangd = { cmd = { "clangd", "--background-index", "--clang-tidy", "--header-insertion=iwyu", "--completion-style=detailed", "--function-arg-placeholders", "--fallback-style=llvm", }, init_options = { usePlaceholders = true, completeUnimported = true, clangdFileStatus = true, }, }, }, on_attach = on_attach } lsp.ltex.setup { on_attach = on_attach, filetypes = { "latex", "tex", "bib", "mkd", "gitcommit", "text" }, } lsp.svelte.setup { on_attach = on_attach } lsp.perlls.setup { on_attach = on_attach } lsp.tsserver.setup { on_attach = on_attach } lsp.lua_ls.setup { settings = { Lua = { workspace = { checkThirdParty = false, }, codeLens = { enable = true, }, completion = { callSnippet = "Replace", }, diagnostics = { globals = { 'vim' } }, } }, on_attach = on_attach } end } }