-- Keymaps are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event -- Default keymaps that are always set: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/config/keymaps.lua -- Add any additional keymaps here local map = vim.keymap.set -- replace ex mode map and use it for repeating 'q' macro map("n", "Q", "@q") map("v", "Q", "norm @q") -- Easier in-file navigation with Tab and S-Tab map("n", "", "") map("n", "", "") map("n", "-", "Oil", { desc = "Open parent directory" }) -- Testing map("n", "tr", "require('neotest').run.run()") map("n", "td", "require('dap-go').debug_test()") map("n", "to", "require('neotest').output.open({enter = true})") map("n", "tS", "require('neotest').run.stop()") map("n", "ts", "require('neotest').summary.toggle()") -- zk -- Create a new note after asking for its title. map("n", "zn", "ZkNew { title = vim.fn.input('Title: ') }") -- Open notes. map("n", "zo", "ZkNotes { sort = { 'modified' } }") -- Open notes associated with the selected tags. map("n", "zt", "ZkTags") -- Search for the notes matching a given query. map("n", "zf", "ZkNotes { sort = { 'modified' }, match = { vim.fn.input('Search: ') } }") -- Search for the notes matching the current visual selection. map("v", "zf", ":'<,'>ZkMatch")