
204 lines
6.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2022 NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
* All rights reserved. This file is part of nusif-solver.
* Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "trace.h"
#define U(i, j) u[(j) * (imax + 2) + (i)]
#define V(i, j) v[(j) * (imax + 2) + (i)]
static int ts = 0;
static void printState(Tracing* t)
printf("Cursor: %d Total particles: %d\n", t->cursor, t->totalParticles);
static void advanceParticles(
Tracing* t, double delt, double* restrict u, double* restrict v)
double delx = t->grid.dx;
double dely = t->grid.dy;
double* m = t->memorypool;
int* p = t->particles;
int imax = t->grid.imax;
int jmax = t->grid.jmax;
for (int i = 0; i < t->totalParticles; i++) {
int particleId = p[i];
double x = m[particleId * NCOORD + X];
double y = m[particleId * NCOORD + Y];
// printf("P%d - X %f Y %f\n", i, x, y);
// Interpolate U
int iCoord = (int)(x / delx) + 1;
int jCoord = (int)((y + 0.5 * dely) / dely) + 1;
double x1 = (double)(iCoord - 1) * delx;
double y1 = ((double)(jCoord - 1) - 0.5) * dely;
double x2 = (double)iCoord * delx;
double y2 = ((double)jCoord - 0.5) * dely;
// printf("U - iCoord %d jCoord %d\n", iCoord, jCoord);
double un = (1.0 / (delx * dely)) *
((x2 - x) * (y2 - y) * U(iCoord - 1, jCoord - 1) +
(x - x1) * (y2 - y) * U(iCoord, jCoord - 1) +
(x2 - x) * (y - y1) * U(iCoord - 1, jCoord) +
(x - x1) * (y - y1) * U(iCoord, jCoord));
double xn = x + delt * un;
m[particleId * NCOORD + X] = xn;
// Interpolate V
iCoord = (int)((x + 0.5 * delx) / delx) + 1;
jCoord = (int)(y / dely) + 1;
x1 = ((double)(iCoord - 1) - 0.5) * delx;
y1 = (double)(jCoord - 1) * dely;
x2 = ((double)iCoord - 0.5) * delx;
y2 = (double)jCoord * dely;
// printf("V - iCoord %d jCoord %d\n", iCoord, jCoord);
double vn = (1.0 / (delx * dely)) *
((x2 - x) * (y2 - y) * V(iCoord - 1, jCoord - 1) +
(x - x1) * (y2 - y) * V(iCoord, jCoord - 1) +
(x2 - x) * (y - y1) * V(iCoord - 1, jCoord) +
(x - x1) * (y - y1) * V(iCoord, jCoord));
double yn = y + delt * vn;
m[particleId * NCOORD + Y] = yn;
double xlength = t->grid.xlength;
double ylength = t->grid.ylength;
int cntNew = 0;
int tmp[t->totalParticles];
// Check for particles to remove
for (int i = 0; i < t->totalParticles; i++) {
int particleId = p[i];
double x = m[particleId * NCOORD + X];
double y = m[particleId * NCOORD + Y];
if (!((x < 0.0) || (x > xlength) || (y < 0.0) || (y > ylength))) {
tmp[cntNew++] = i;
t->totalParticles = cntNew;
memcpy(t->particles, tmp, cntNew * sizeof(int));
static void injectParticles(Tracing* t)
double* line = t->line;
double* m = t->memorypool;
for (int i = 0; i < t->numParticles; i++) {
t->particles[t->totalParticles] = t->cursor;
m[(t->cursor) * NCOORD + X] = line[i * NCOORD + X];
m[(t->cursor) * NCOORD + Y] = line[i * NCOORD + Y];
static void writeParticles(Tracing* t)
FILE* fp;
double* m = t->memorypool;
int* p = t->particles;
char filename[50];
snprintf(filename, 50, "particles_%d.dat", ts++);
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < t->totalParticles; i++) {
int particleId = p[i];
double x = m[particleId * NCOORD + X];
double y = m[particleId * NCOORD + Y];
fprintf(fp, "%f %f\n", x, y);
void trace(Tracing* t, double* restrict u, double* restrict v, double time)
if (time >= t->traceStart) {
if ((time - t->lastUpdate[INJECT]) > t->traceInject) {
t->lastUpdate[INJECT] = time;
if ((time - t->lastUpdate[WRITE]) > t->traceWrite) {
t->lastUpdate[WRITE] = time;
advanceParticles(t, time - t->lastUpdate[ADVANCE], u, v);
t->lastUpdate[ADVANCE] = time;
void initTrace(Tracing* t, Parameter* p)
size_t numParticles = p->nparticles;
size_t totalParticles = (size_t)(p->te - p->traceStart) / (size_t)p->traceInject;
totalParticles += 2;
totalParticles *= numParticles;
double x1 = p->lineX1;
double y1 = p->lineY1;
double x2 = p->lineX2;
double y2 = p->lineY2;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMTIMERS; i++) {
t->lastUpdate[i] = p->traceStart;
t->grid.imax = p->imax;
t->grid.jmax = p->jmax;
t->grid.xlength = p->xlength;
t->grid.ylength = p->ylength;
t->grid.dx = p->xlength / p->imax;
t->grid.dy = p->ylength / p->jmax;
t->numParticles = numParticles;
t->totalParticles = 0;
t->cursor = 0;
t->traceStart = p->traceStart;
t->traceWrite = p->traceWrite;
t->traceInject = p->traceInject;
t->particles = (int*)malloc(totalParticles * sizeof(int));
t->memorypool = (double*)malloc(totalParticles * NCOORD * sizeof(double));
t->line = (double*)malloc(numParticles * NCOORD * sizeof(double));
double* line = t->line;
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
double spacing = (double)i / (double)(numParticles - 1);
double x = spacing * x1 + (1.0 - spacing) * x2;
double y = spacing * y1 + (1.0 - spacing) * y2;
//printf("S: %f x: %f y: %f\n", spacing, x, y);
line[i * NCOORD + X] = x;
line[i * NCOORD + Y] = y;
void freeTrace(Tracing* t) { free(t->line); }