
246 lines
10 KiB

* =======================================================================================
* Author: Jan Eitzinger (je),
* Copyright (c) 2020 RRZE, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
* This file is part of MD-Bench.
* MD-Bench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MD-Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
* with MD-Bench. If not, see <>.
* =======================================================================================
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
#include <pbc.h>
#include <atom.h>
#include <allocate.h>
#define DELTA 20000
__global__ void computePbcUpdate(Atom a, int* PBCx, int* PBCy, int* PBCz, MD_FLOAT xprd, MD_FLOAT yprd, MD_FLOAT zprd){
const int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int Nghost = a.Nghost;
if( i >= Nghost ) {
Atom* atom = &a;
int *border_map = atom->border_map;
int nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
atom_x(nlocal + i) = atom_x(border_map[i]) + PBCx[i] * xprd;
atom_y(nlocal + i) = atom_y(border_map[i]) + PBCy[i] * yprd;
atom_z(nlocal + i) = atom_z(border_map[i]) + PBCz[i] * zprd;
extern "C"{
static int NmaxGhost;
static int *PBCx, *PBCy, *PBCz;
static int c_NmaxGhost = 0;
static int *c_PBCx = NULL, *c_PBCy = NULL, *c_PBCz = NULL;
static void growPbc(Atom *);
/* exported subroutines */
void initPbc(Atom *atom) {
NmaxGhost = 0;
atom->border_map = NULL;
/* update coordinates of ghost atoms */
/* uses mapping created in setupPbc */
void updatePbc(Atom *atom, Parameter *param) {
int *border_map = atom->border_map;
int nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
MD_FLOAT xprd = param->xprd;
MD_FLOAT yprd = param->yprd;
MD_FLOAT zprd = param->zprd;
for (int i = 0; i < atom->Nghost; i++) {
atom_x(nlocal + i) = atom_x(border_map[i]) + PBCx[i] * xprd;
atom_y(nlocal + i) = atom_y(border_map[i]) + PBCy[i] * yprd;
atom_z(nlocal + i) = atom_z(border_map[i]) + PBCz[i] * zprd;
/* update coordinates of ghost atoms */
/* uses mapping created in setupPbc */
void updatePbc_cuda(Atom *atom, Parameter *param, Atom *c_atom, bool doReneighbor, const int num_threads_per_block) {
if (doReneighbor){
c_atom->Natoms = atom->Natoms;
c_atom->Nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
c_atom->Nghost = atom->Nghost;
c_atom->ntypes = atom->ntypes;
if (atom->Nmax > c_atom->Nmax){ // the number of ghost atoms has increased -> more space is needed
c_atom->Nmax = atom->Nmax;
if(c_atom->x != NULL){ cudaFree(c_atom->x); }
if(c_atom->type != NULL){ cudaFree(c_atom->type); }
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->x malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&(c_atom->x), sizeof(MD_FLOAT) * atom->Nmax * 3) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->type malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&(c_atom->type), sizeof(int) * atom->Nmax) );
// TODO if the sort is reactivated the atom->vx needs to be copied to GPU as well
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->x memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_atom->x, atom->x, sizeof(MD_FLOAT) * atom->Nmax * 3, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->type memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_atom->type, atom->type, sizeof(int) * atom->Nmax, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
if(c_NmaxGhost < NmaxGhost){
c_NmaxGhost = NmaxGhost;
if(c_PBCx != NULL){ cudaFree(c_PBCx); }
if(c_PBCy != NULL){ cudaFree(c_PBCy); }
if(c_PBCz != NULL){ cudaFree(c_PBCz); }
if(c_atom->border_map != NULL){ cudaFree(c_atom->border_map); }
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCx malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&c_PBCx, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int)) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCy malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&c_PBCy, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int)) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCz malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&c_PBCz, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int)) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->border_map malloc", cudaMalloc((void**)&(c_atom->border_map), NmaxGhost * sizeof(int)) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCx memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_PBCx, PBCx, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCy memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_PBCy, PBCy, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_PBCz memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_PBCz, PBCz, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
checkCUDAError( "updatePbc c_atom->border_map memcpy", cudaMemcpy(c_atom->border_map, atom->border_map, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
MD_FLOAT xprd = param->xprd;
MD_FLOAT yprd = param->yprd;
MD_FLOAT zprd = param->zprd;
const int num_blocks = ceil((float)atom->Nghost / (float)num_threads_per_block);
/*__global__ void computePbcUpdate(Atom a, int* PBCx, int* PBCy, int* PBCz,
* MD_FLOAT xprd, MD_FLOAT yprd, MD_FLOAT zprd)
* */
computePbcUpdate<<<num_blocks, num_threads_per_block>>>(*c_atom, c_PBCx, c_PBCy, c_PBCz, xprd, yprd, zprd);
checkCUDAError( "PeekAtLastError UpdatePbc", cudaPeekAtLastError() );
checkCUDAError( "DeviceSync UpdatePbc", cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
/* relocate atoms that have left domain according
* to periodic boundary conditions */
void updateAtomsPbc(Atom *atom, Parameter *param) {
MD_FLOAT xprd = param->xprd;
MD_FLOAT yprd = param->yprd;
MD_FLOAT zprd = param->zprd;
for (int i = 0; i < atom->Nlocal; i++) {
if (atom_x(i) < 0.0) {
atom_x(i) += xprd;
} else if (atom_x(i) >= xprd) {
atom_x(i) -= xprd;
if (atom_y(i) < 0.0) {
atom_y(i) += yprd;
} else if (atom_y(i) >= yprd) {
atom_y(i) -= yprd;
if (atom_z(i) < 0.0) {
atom_z(i) += zprd;
} else if (atom_z(i) >= zprd) {
atom_z(i) -= zprd;
/* setup periodic boundary conditions by
* defining ghost atoms around domain
* only creates mapping and coordinate corrections
* that are then enforced in updatePbc */
#define ADDGHOST(dx, dy, dz) \
Nghost++; \
border_map[Nghost] = i; \
PBCx[Nghost] = dx; \
PBCy[Nghost] = dy; \
PBCz[Nghost] = dz; \
atom->type[atom->Nlocal + Nghost] = atom->type[i]
void setupPbc(Atom *atom, Parameter *param) {
int *border_map = atom->border_map;
MD_FLOAT xprd = param->xprd;
MD_FLOAT yprd = param->yprd;
MD_FLOAT zprd = param->zprd;
MD_FLOAT Cutneigh = param->cutneigh;
int Nghost = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < atom->Nlocal; i++) {
if (atom->Nlocal + Nghost + 7 >= atom->Nmax) {
if (Nghost + 7 >= NmaxGhost) {
border_map = atom->border_map;
MD_FLOAT x = atom_x(i);
MD_FLOAT y = atom_y(i);
MD_FLOAT z = atom_z(i);
/* Setup ghost atoms */
/* 6 planes */
if (x < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, 0, 0); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, 0, 0); }
if (y < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(0, +1, 0); }
if (y >= (yprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(0, -1, 0); }
if (z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(0, 0, +1); }
if (z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(0, 0, -1); }
/* 8 corners */
if (x < Cutneigh && y < Cutneigh && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, +1, +1); }
if (x < Cutneigh && y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, -1, +1); }
if (x < Cutneigh && y >= Cutneigh && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(+1, +1, -1); }
if (x < Cutneigh && y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(+1, -1, -1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && y < Cutneigh && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(-1, +1, +1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(-1, -1, +1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && y < Cutneigh && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, +1, -1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, -1, -1); }
/* 12 edges */
if (x < Cutneigh && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, 0, +1); }
if (x < Cutneigh && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(+1, 0, -1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(-1, 0, +1); }
if (x >= (xprd - Cutneigh) && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, 0, -1); }
if (y < Cutneigh && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(0, +1, +1); }
if (y < Cutneigh && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(0, +1, -1); }
if (y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(0, -1, +1); }
if (y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && z >= (zprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(0, -1, -1); }
if (y < Cutneigh && x < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, +1, 0); }
if (y < Cutneigh && x >= (xprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, +1, 0); }
if (y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && x < Cutneigh) { ADDGHOST(+1, -1, 0); }
if (y >= (yprd - Cutneigh) && x >= (xprd - Cutneigh)) { ADDGHOST(-1, -1, 0); }
// increase by one to make it the ghost atom count
atom->Nghost = Nghost + 1;
/* internal subroutines */
void growPbc(Atom *atom) {
int nold = NmaxGhost;
NmaxGhost += DELTA;
atom->border_map = (int *) reallocate(atom->border_map, ALIGNMENT, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
PBCx = (int *) reallocate(PBCx, ALIGNMENT, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
PBCy = (int *) reallocate(PBCy, ALIGNMENT, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
PBCz = (int *) reallocate(PBCz, ALIGNMENT, NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));