#include #include //--- #include //--- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HLINE "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #define LATTICE_DISTANCE 10.0 #define NEIGH_DISTANCE 1.0 extern double computeForce( Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, int); void init(Parameter *param) { param->epsilon = 1.0; param->sigma6 = 1.0; param->rho = 0.8442; param->ntimes = 200; param->nx = 4; param->ny = 4; param->nz = 2; param->lattice = LATTICE_DISTANCE; param->cutforce = 5.0; param->cutneigh = param->cutforce; param->mass = 1.0; // Unused param->dt = 0.005; param->dtforce = 0.5 * param->dt; param->nstat = 100; param->temp = 1.44; param->every = 20; } // Show debug messages //#define DEBUG(msg) printf(msg) // Do not show debug messages #define DEBUG(msg) #define ADD_ATOM(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) atom_x(atom->Nlocal) = base_x + x * NEIGH_DISTANCE; \ atom_y(atom->Nlocal) = base_y + y * NEIGH_DISTANCE; \ atom_z(atom->Nlocal) = base_z + z * NEIGH_DISTANCE; \ atom->vx[atom->Nlocal] = vy; \ atom->vy[atom->Nlocal] = vy; \ atom->vz[atom->Nlocal] = vz; \ atom->Nlocal++ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { Atom atom_data; Atom *atom = (Atom *)(&atom_data); Neighbor neighbor; Parameter param; int atoms_per_unit_cell = 8; int csv = 0; double freq = 0.0; LIKWID_MARKER_INIT; LIKWID_MARKER_REGISTER("force"); DEBUG("Initializing parameters...\n"); init(¶m); for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if((strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--nsteps") == 0)) { param.ntimes = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-nx") == 0)) { param.nx = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-ny") == 0)) { param.ny = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-nz") == 0)) { param.nz = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-na") == 0)) { atoms_per_unit_cell = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0)) { freq = atof(argv[++i]) * 1.E9; continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-csv") == 0)) { csv = 1; continue; } if((strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0)) { printf("MD Bench: A minimalistic re-implementation of miniMD\n"); printf(HLINE); printf("-n / --nsteps : set number of timesteps for simulation\n"); printf("-nx/-ny/-nz : set linear dimension of systembox in x/y/z direction\n"); printf("-na : set number of atoms per unit cell\n"); printf("-f : set CPU frequency (GHz) and display average cycles per atom and neighbors\n"); printf("-csv: set output as CSV style\n"); printf(HLINE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } param.xprd = param.nx * LATTICE_DISTANCE; param.yprd = param.ny * LATTICE_DISTANCE; param.zprd = param.nz * LATTICE_DISTANCE; DEBUG("Initializing atoms...\n"); initAtom(atom); DEBUG("Creating atoms...\n"); for(int i = 0; i < param.nx; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < param.ny; ++j) { for(int k = 0; k < param.nz; ++k) { int added_atoms = 0; int fac_x = 1; int fac_y = 1; int fac_z = 1; int fmod = 0; MD_FLOAT base_x = i * LATTICE_DISTANCE; MD_FLOAT base_y = j * LATTICE_DISTANCE; MD_FLOAT base_z = k * LATTICE_DISTANCE; MD_FLOAT vx = 0.0; MD_FLOAT vy = 0.0; MD_FLOAT vz = 0.0; while(atom->Nlocal > atom->Nmax - atoms_per_unit_cell) { growAtom(atom); } while(fac_x * fac_y * fac_z < atoms_per_unit_cell) { if(fmod == 0) { fac_x *= 2; } if(fmod == 1) { fac_y *= 2; } if(fmod == 2) { fac_z *= 2; } fmod = (fmod + 1) % 3; } MD_FLOAT offset_x = (fac_x > 1) ? 1.0 / (fac_x - 1) : (int)fac_x; MD_FLOAT offset_y = (fac_y > 1) ? 1.0 / (fac_y - 1) : (int)fac_y; MD_FLOAT offset_z = (fac_z > 1) ? 1.0 / (fac_z - 1) : (int)fac_z; for(int ii = 0; ii < fac_x; ++ii) { for(int jj = 0; jj < fac_y; ++jj) { for(int kk = 0; kk < fac_z; ++kk) { if(added_atoms < atoms_per_unit_cell) { ADD_ATOM(ii * offset_x, jj * offset_y, kk * offset_z, vx, vy, vz); added_atoms++; } } } } } } } const double estim_atom_volume = (double)(atom->Nlocal * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); const double estim_neighbors_volume = (double)(atom->Nlocal * (atoms_per_unit_cell - 1 + 2) * sizeof(int)); const double estim_volume = (double)(atom->Nlocal * 6 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT) + estim_neighbors_volume); if(!csv) { printf("Number of timesteps: %d\n", param.ntimes); printf("System size (unit cells): %dx%dx%d\n", param.nx, param.ny, param.nz); printf("Atoms per unit cell: %d\n", atoms_per_unit_cell); printf("Total number of atoms: %d\n", atom->Nlocal); printf("Estimated total data volume (kB): %.4f\n", estim_volume / 1000.0); printf("Estimated atom data volume (kB): %.4f\n", estim_atom_volume / 1000.0); printf("Estimated neighborlist data volume (kB): %.4f\n", estim_neighbors_volume / 1000.0); } DEBUG("Initializing neighbor lists...\n"); initNeighbor(&neighbor, ¶m); DEBUG("Setting up neighbor lists...\n"); setupNeighbor(); DEBUG("Building neighbor lists...\n"); buildNeighbor(atom, &neighbor); DEBUG("Computing forces...\n"); computeForce(¶m, atom, &neighbor, 0); double S, E; S = getTimeStamp(); LIKWID_MARKER_START("force"); for(int i = 0; i < param.ntimes; i++) { computeForce(¶m, atom, &neighbor, 1); } LIKWID_MARKER_STOP("force"); E = getTimeStamp(); double T_accum = E-S; const double atoms_updates_per_sec = atom->Nlocal * param.ntimes / T_accum; const double cycles_per_atom = T_accum * freq / (atom->Nlocal * param.ntimes); const double cycles_per_neigh = cycles_per_atom / (double)(atoms_per_unit_cell - 1); if(!csv) { printf("Total time: %.4f, Mega atom updates/s: %.4f\n", T_accum, atoms_updates_per_sec / 1.E6); if(freq > 0.0) { printf("Cycles per atom: %.4f, Cycles per neighbor: %.4f\n", cycles_per_atom, cycles_per_neigh); } } else { printf("steps,unit cells,atoms/unit cell,total atoms,total vol.(kB),atoms vol.(kB),neigh vol.(kB),time(s),atom upds/s(M)"); if(freq > 0.0) { printf(",cy/atom,cy/neigh"); } printf("\n"); printf("%d,%dx%dx%d,%d,%d,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f", param.ntimes, param.nx, param.ny, param.nz, atoms_per_unit_cell, atom->Nlocal, estim_volume / 1.E3, estim_atom_volume / 1.E3, estim_neighbors_volume / 1.E3, T_accum, atoms_updates_per_sec / 1.E6); if(freq > 0.0) { printf(",%.4f,%.4f", cycles_per_atom, cycles_per_neigh); } printf("\n"); } LIKWID_MARKER_CLOSE; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }