/* * ======================================================================================= * * Author: Jan Eitzinger (je), jan.eitzinger@fau.de * Copyright (c) 2020 RRZE, University Erlangen-Nuremberg * * This file is part of MD-Bench. * * MD-Bench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MD-Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with MD-Bench. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * ======================================================================================= */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <allocate.h> #include <atom.h> #include <eam.h> #include <parameter.h> #include <util.h> #ifndef MAXLINE #define MAXLINE 4096 #endif void initEam(Eam* eam, Parameter* param) { int ntypes = param->ntypes; eam->nmax = 0; eam->fp = NULL; coeff(eam, param); init_style(eam, param); } void coeff(Eam* eam, Parameter* param) { read_eam_file(&eam->file, param->eam_file); param->mass = eam->file.mass; param->cutforce = eam->file.cut; param->cutneigh = param->cutforce + 1.0; param->temp = 600.0; param->dt = 0.001; param->rho = 0.07041125; param->dtforce = 0.5 * param->dt / param->mass; } void init_style(Eam* eam, Parameter* param) { // convert read-in file(s) to arrays and spline them file2array(eam); array2spline(eam, param); } void read_eam_file(Funcfl* file, const char* filename) { FILE* fptr; char line[MAXLINE]; fptr = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fptr == NULL) { printf("Can't open EAM Potential file: %s\n", filename); exit(0); } int tmp; fgets(line, MAXLINE, fptr); fgets(line, MAXLINE, fptr); sscanf(line, "%d %lg", &tmp, &(file->mass)); fgets(line, MAXLINE, fptr); sscanf(line, "%d %lg %d %lg %lg", &file->nrho, &file->drho, &file->nr, &file->dr, &file->cut); //printf("Read: %lf %i %lf %i %lf %lf\n",file->mass,file->nrho,file->drho,file->nr,file->dr,file->cut); file->frho = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (file->nrho + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); file->rhor = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (file->nr + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); file->zr = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (file->nr + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); grab(fptr, file->nrho, file->frho); grab(fptr, file->nr, file->zr); grab(fptr, file->nr, file->rhor); for(int i = file->nrho; i > 0; i--) file->frho[i] = file->frho[i - 1]; for(int i = file->nr; i > 0; i--) file->rhor[i] = file->rhor[i - 1]; for(int i = file->nr; i > 0; i--) file->zr[i] = file->zr[i - 1]; fclose(fptr); } void file2array(Eam* eam) { int i, j, k, m, n; double sixth = 1.0 / 6.0; // determine max function params from all active funcfl files // active means some element is pointing at it via map int active; double rmax, rhomax; eam->dr = eam->drho = rmax = rhomax = 0.0; active = 0; Funcfl* file = &eam->file; eam->dr = MAX(eam->dr, file->dr); eam->drho = MAX(eam->drho, file->drho); rmax = MAX(rmax, (file->nr - 1) * file->dr); rhomax = MAX(rhomax, (file->nrho - 1) * file->drho); // set nr,nrho from cutoff and spacings // 0.5 is for round-off in divide eam->nr = (int)(rmax / eam->dr + 0.5); eam->nrho = (int)(rhomax / eam->drho + 0.5); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // setup frho arrays // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // allocate frho arrays // nfrho = # of funcfl files + 1 for zero array eam->frho = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (eam->nrho + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); // interpolate each file's frho to a single grid and cutoff double r, p, cof1, cof2, cof3, cof4; n = 0; for(m = 1; m <= eam->nrho; m++) { r = (m - 1) * eam->drho; p = r / file->drho + 1.0; k = (int)(p); k = MIN(k, file->nrho - 2); k = MAX(k, 2); p -= k; p = MIN(p, 2.0); cof1 = -sixth * p * (p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof2 = 0.5 * (p * p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof3 = -0.5 * p * (p + 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof4 = sixth * p * (p * p - 1.0); eam->frho[m] = cof1 * file->frho[k - 1] + cof2 * file->frho[k] + cof3 * file->frho[k + 1] + cof4 * file->frho[k + 2]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // setup rhor arrays // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // allocate rhor arrays // nrhor = # of funcfl files eam->rhor = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (eam->nr + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); // interpolate each file's rhor to a single grid and cutoff for(m = 1; m <= eam->nr; m++) { r = (m - 1) * eam->dr; p = r / file->dr + 1.0; k = (int)(p); k = MIN(k, file->nr - 2); k = MAX(k, 2); p -= k; p = MIN(p, 2.0); cof1 = -sixth * p * (p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof2 = 0.5 * (p * p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof3 = -0.5 * p * (p + 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof4 = sixth * p * (p * p - 1.0); eam->rhor[m] = cof1 * file->rhor[k - 1] + cof2 * file->rhor[k] + cof3 * file->rhor[k + 1] + cof4 * file->rhor[k + 2]; //if(m==119)printf("BuildRho: %e %e %e %e %e %e\n",rhor[m],cof1,cof2,cof3,cof4,file->rhor[k]); } // type2rhor[i][j] = which rhor array (0 to nrhor-1) each type pair maps to // for funcfl files, I,J mapping only depends on I // OK if map = -1 (non-EAM atom in pair hybrid) b/c type2rhor not used // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // setup z2r arrays // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // allocate z2r arrays // nz2r = N*(N+1)/2 where N = # of funcfl files eam->z2r = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, (eam->nr + 1) * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); // create a z2r array for each file against other files, only for I >= J // interpolate zri and zrj to a single grid and cutoff double zri, zrj; Funcfl* ifile = &eam->file; Funcfl* jfile = &eam->file; for(m = 1; m <= eam->nr; m++) { r = (m - 1) * eam->dr; p = r / ifile->dr + 1.0; k = (int)(p); k = MIN(k, ifile->nr - 2); k = MAX(k, 2); p -= k; p = MIN(p, 2.0); cof1 = -sixth * p * (p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof2 = 0.5 * (p * p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof3 = -0.5 * p * (p + 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof4 = sixth * p * (p * p - 1.0); zri = cof1 * ifile->zr[k - 1] + cof2 * ifile->zr[k] + cof3 * ifile->zr[k + 1] + cof4 * ifile->zr[k + 2]; p = r / jfile->dr + 1.0; k = (int)(p); k = MIN(k, jfile->nr - 2); k = MAX(k, 2); p -= k; p = MIN(p, 2.0); cof1 = -sixth * p * (p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof2 = 0.5 * (p * p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof3 = -0.5 * p * (p + 1.0) * (p - 2.0); cof4 = sixth * p * (p * p - 1.0); zrj = cof1 * jfile->zr[k - 1] + cof2 * jfile->zr[k] + cof3 * jfile->zr[k + 1] + cof4 * jfile->zr[k + 2]; eam->z2r[m] = 27.2 * 0.529 * zri * zrj; } } void array2spline(Eam* eam, Parameter* param) { eam->rdr = 1.0 / eam->dr; eam->rdrho = 1.0 / eam->drho; eam->nrho_tot = (eam->nrho + 1) * 7 + 64; eam->nr_tot = (eam->nr + 1) * 7 + 64; eam->nrho_tot -= eam->nrho_tot%64; eam->nr_tot -= eam->nr_tot%64; int ntypes = param->ntypes; eam->frho_spline = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, ntypes * ntypes * eam->nrho_tot * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); eam->rhor_spline = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, ntypes * ntypes * eam->nr_tot * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); eam->z2r_spline = (MD_FLOAT *) allocate(ALIGNMENT, ntypes * ntypes * eam->nr_tot * sizeof(MD_FLOAT)); interpolate(eam->nrho, eam->drho, eam->frho, eam->frho_spline); interpolate(eam->nr, eam->dr, eam->rhor, eam->rhor_spline); interpolate(eam->nr, eam->dr, eam->z2r, eam->z2r_spline); // replicate data for multiple types; for(int tt = 0; tt < ntypes * ntypes; tt++) { for(int k = 0; k < eam->nrho_tot; k++) eam->frho_spline[tt*eam->nrho_tot + k] = eam->frho_spline[k]; for(int k = 0; k < eam->nr_tot; k++) eam->rhor_spline[tt*eam->nr_tot + k] = eam->rhor_spline[k]; for(int k = 0; k < eam->nr_tot; k++) eam->z2r_spline[tt*eam->nr_tot + k] = eam->z2r_spline[k]; } } void interpolate(int n, MD_FLOAT delta, MD_FLOAT* f, MD_FLOAT* spline) { for(int m = 1; m <= n; m++) spline[m * 7 + 6] = f[m]; spline[1 * 7 + 5] = spline[2 * 7 + 6] - spline[1 * 7 + 6]; spline[2 * 7 + 5] = 0.5 * (spline[3 * 7 + 6] - spline[1 * 7 + 6]); spline[(n - 1) * 7 + 5] = 0.5 * (spline[n * 7 + 6] - spline[(n - 2) * 7 + 6]); spline[n * 7 + 5] = spline[n * 7 + 6] - spline[(n - 1) * 7 + 6]; for(int m = 3; m <= n - 2; m++) spline[m * 7 + 5] = ((spline[(m - 2) * 7 + 6] - spline[(m + 2) * 7 + 6]) + 8.0 * (spline[(m + 1) * 7 + 6] - spline[(m - 1) * 7 + 6])) / 12.0; for(int m = 1; m <= n - 1; m++) { spline[m * 7 + 4] = 3.0 * (spline[(m + 1) * 7 + 6] - spline[m * 7 + 6]) - 2.0 * spline[m * 7 + 5] - spline[(m + 1) * 7 + 5]; spline[m * 7 + 3] = spline[m * 7 + 5] + spline[(m + 1) * 7 + 5] - 2.0 * (spline[(m + 1) * 7 + 6] - spline[m * 7 + 6]); } spline[n * 7 + 4] = 0.0; spline[n * 7 + 3] = 0.0; for(int m = 1; m <= n; m++) { spline[m * 7 + 2] = spline[m * 7 + 5] / delta; spline[m * 7 + 1] = 2.0 * spline[m * 7 + 4] / delta; spline[m * 7 + 0] = 3.0 * spline[m * 7 + 3] / delta; } } void grab(FILE* fptr, int n, MD_FLOAT* list) { char* ptr; char line[MAXLINE]; int i = 0; while(i < n) { fgets(line, MAXLINE, fptr); ptr = strtok(line, " \t\n\r\f"); list[i++] = atof(ptr); while(ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r\f")) list[i++] = atof(ptr); } }