/* * ======================================================================================= * * Author: Jan Eitzinger (je), jan.eitzinger@fau.de * Copyright (c) 2020 RRZE, University Erlangen-Nuremberg * * This file is part of MD-Bench. * * MD-Bench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MD-Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with MD-Bench. If not, see . * ======================================================================================= */ #include #include #include //--- #include #include void initParameter(Parameter *param) { param->input_file = NULL; param->vtk_file = NULL; param->eam_file = NULL; param->force_field = FF_LJ; param->epsilon = 1.0; param->sigma = 1.0; param->sigma6 = 1.0; param->rho = 0.8442; param->ntypes = 4; param->ntimes = 200; param->dt = 0.005; param->nx = 32; param->ny = 32; param->nz = 32; param->pbc_x = 1; param->pbc_y = 1; param->pbc_z = 1; param->cutforce = 2.5; param->skin = 0.3; param->cutneigh = param->cutforce + param->skin; param->temp = 1.44; param->nstat = 100; param->mass = 1.0; param->dtforce = 0.5 * param->dt; param->reneigh_every = 20; param->x_out_every = 20; param->v_out_every = 5; param->half_neigh = 0; param->proc_freq = 2.4; // DEM param->k_s = 1.0; param->k_dn = 1.0; param->gx = 0.0; param->gy = 0.0; param->gz = 0.0; param->reflect_x = 0.0; param->reflect_y = 0.0; param->reflect_z = 0.0; } void readParameter(Parameter *param, const char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); char line[MAXLINE]; int i; if(!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open parameter file: %s\n", filename); exit(-1); } while(!feof(fp)) { line[0] = '\0'; fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp); for(i = 0; line[i] != '\0' && line[i] != '#'; i++); line[i] = '\0'; char *tok = strtok(line, " "); char *val = strtok(NULL, " "); #define PARSE_PARAM(p,f) if(strncmp(tok, #p, sizeof(#p) / sizeof(#p[0]) - 1) == 0) { param->p = f(val); } #define PARSE_STRING(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, strdup) #define PARSE_INT(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, atoi) #define PARSE_REAL(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, atof) if(tok != NULL && val != NULL) { PARSE_PARAM(force_field, str2ff); PARSE_STRING(input_file); PARSE_STRING(eam_file); PARSE_STRING(vtk_file); PARSE_REAL(epsilon); PARSE_REAL(sigma); PARSE_REAL(k_s); PARSE_REAL(k_dn); PARSE_REAL(reflect_x); PARSE_REAL(reflect_y); PARSE_REAL(reflect_z); PARSE_REAL(gx); PARSE_REAL(gy); PARSE_REAL(gz); PARSE_REAL(rho); PARSE_REAL(dt); PARSE_REAL(cutforce); PARSE_REAL(skin); PARSE_REAL(temp); PARSE_REAL(mass); PARSE_REAL(proc_freq); PARSE_INT(ntypes); PARSE_INT(ntimes); PARSE_INT(nx); PARSE_INT(ny); PARSE_INT(nz); PARSE_INT(pbc_x); PARSE_INT(pbc_y); PARSE_INT(pbc_z); PARSE_INT(nstat); PARSE_INT(reneigh_every); PARSE_INT(x_out_every); PARSE_INT(v_out_every); PARSE_INT(half_neigh); } } // Update sigma6 parameter MD_FLOAT s2 = param->sigma * param->sigma; param->sigma6 = s2 * s2 * s2; fclose(fp); } void printParameter(Parameter *param) { printf("Parameters:\n"); if(param->input_file != NULL) { printf("Input file: %s\n", param->input_file); } if(param->vtk_file != NULL) { printf("VTK file: %s\n", param->vtk_file); } if(param->eam_file != NULL) { printf("EAM file: %s\n", param->eam_file); } printf("\tForce field: %s\n", ff2str(param->force_field)); printf("\tUnit cells (nx, ny, nz): %d, %d, %d\n", param->nx, param->ny, param->nz); printf("\tDomain box sizes (x, y, z): %e, %e, %e\n", param->xprd, param->yprd, param->zprd); printf("\tPeriodic (x, y, z): %d, %d, %d\n", param->pbc_x, param->pbc_y, param->pbc_z); printf("\tLattice size: %e\n", param->lattice); printf("\tEpsilon: %e\n", param->epsilon); printf("\tSigma: %e\n", param->sigma); printf("\tSpring constant: %e\n", param->k_s); printf("\tDamping constant: %e\n", param->k_dn); printf("\tTemperature: %e\n", param->temp); printf("\tRHO: %e\n", param->rho); printf("\tMass: %e\n", param->mass); printf("\tNumber of types: %d\n", param->ntypes); printf("\tNumber of timesteps: %d\n", param->ntimes); printf("\tReport stats every (timesteps): %d\n", param->nstat); printf("\tReneighbor every (timesteps): %d\n", param->reneigh_every); printf("\tOutput positions every (timesteps): %d\n", param->x_out_every); printf("\tOutput velocities every (timesteps): %d\n", param->v_out_every); printf("\tDelta time (dt): %e\n", param->dt); printf("\tCutoff radius: %e\n", param->cutforce); printf("\tSkin: %e\n", param->skin); printf("\tHalf neighbor lists: %d\n", param->half_neigh); printf("\tProcessor frequency (GHz): %.4f\n\n", param->proc_freq); }