Write LAMMPS kernel with SIMD intrinsics and implement AVX512 with double-precision functions

Signed-off-by: Rafael Ravedutti <rafaelravedutti@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Rafael Ravedutti 2022-04-05 02:57:23 +02:00
parent af1756bfe4
commit ab2eb1ff50
6 changed files with 113 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(ENABLE_OMP_SIMD)),true)
ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SIMD_KERNEL)),true)
ASM = $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.c, $(BUILD_DIR)/%.s,$(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c))
OVERWRITE:= $(patsubst $(ASM_DIR)/%-new.s, $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o,$(wildcard $(ASM_DIR)/*-new.s))

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ DATA_LAYOUT ?= AOS
# Debug
DEBUG ?= false
# Use omp simd pragma for lammps halfneigh
# Explicitly store and load atom types (true or false)
@ -26,6 +24,12 @@ INDEX_TRACER ?= false
# Compute statistics
# Configurations for lammps optimization scheme
# Use omp simd pragma when running with half neighbor-lists
# Use kernel with explicit SIMD intrinsics
# Configurations for gromacs optimization scheme
# Use reference version

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@ -21,11 +21,20 @@
* =======================================================================================
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <zmmintrin.h>
#ifndef CLUSTER_M
# define CLUSTER_M 1
#ifndef CLUSTER_N
# define CLUSTER_N 1
#ifdef AVX512
# if PRECISION == 2
# include "simd/avx512_double.h"

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#define MD_SIMD_FLOAT __m512d
#define MD_SIMD_MASK __mmask8
#define MD_SIMD_INT __m256i
static inline MD_SIMD_FLOAT simd_broadcast(MD_FLOAT scalar) { return _mm512_set1_pd(scalar); }
static inline MD_SIMD_FLOAT simd_zero() { return _mm512_set1_pd(0.0); }
@ -110,3 +111,14 @@ static inline void simd_h_decr3(MD_FLOAT *m, MD_SIMD_FLOAT a0, MD_SIMD_FLOAT a1,
simd_h_decr(m + CLUSTER_N, a1);
simd_h_decr(m + CLUSTER_N * 2, a2);
// Functions used in LAMMPS kernel
static inline MD_SIMD_FLOAT simd_gather(MD_SIMD_INT vidx, const MD_FLOAT *m, int s) { return _mm512_i32gather_pd(vidx, m, s); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_broadcast(int scalar) { return _mm256_set1_epi32(scalar); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_zero() { return _mm256_setzero_si256(); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_seq() { return _mm256_set_epi32(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_load(const int *m) { return _mm256_load_epi32(m); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_add(MD_SIMD_INT a, MD_SIMD_INT b) { return _mm256_add_epi32(a, b); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_mul(MD_SIMD_INT a, MD_SIMD_INT b) { return _mm256_mul_epi32(a, b); }
static inline MD_SIMD_INT simd_int_mask_load(const int *m, MD_SIMD_MASK k) { return _mm256_mask_load_epi32(simd_int_zero(), k, m); }
static inline MD_SIMD_MASK simd_mask_int_cond_lt(MD_SIMD_INT a, MD_SIMD_INT b) { return _mm256_cmp_epi32_mask(a, b, _MM_CMPINT_LT); }

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@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
#include <atom.h>
#include <stats.h>
double computeForceLJFullNeigh(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *stats) {
// TODO: Joint common files for gromacs and lammps variants
#include "../gromacs/includes/simd.h"
double computeForceLJFullNeigh_plain_c(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *stats) {
int Nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
int* neighs;
@ -184,3 +187,71 @@ double computeForceLJHalfNeigh(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor,
double E = getTimeStamp();
return E-S;
double computeForceLJFullNeigh_simd(Parameter *param, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *stats) {
int Nlocal = atom->Nlocal;
int* neighs;
MD_FLOAT cutforcesq = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
MD_FLOAT sigma6 = param->sigma6;
MD_FLOAT epsilon = param->epsilon;
MD_SIMD_FLOAT cutforcesq_vec = simd_broadcast(cutforcesq);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT sigma6_vec = simd_broadcast(sigma6);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT eps_vec = simd_broadcast(epsilon);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT c48_vec = simd_broadcast(48.0);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT c05_vec = simd_broadcast(0.5);
for(int i = 0; i < Nlocal; i++) {
atom_fx(i) = 0.0;
atom_fy(i) = 0.0;
atom_fz(i) = 0.0;
double S = getTimeStamp();
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < Nlocal; i++) {
neighs = &neighbor->neighbors[i * neighbor->maxneighs];
int numneighs = neighbor->numneigh[i];
MD_SIMD_INT numneighs_vec = simd_int_broadcast(numneighs);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT xtmp = simd_broadcast(atom_x(i));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT ytmp = simd_broadcast(atom_y(i));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT ztmp = simd_broadcast(atom_z(i));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT fix = simd_zero();
MD_SIMD_FLOAT fiy = simd_zero();
MD_SIMD_FLOAT fiz = simd_zero();
for(int k = 0; k < numneighs; k += VECTOR_WIDTH) {
// If the last iteration of this loop is separated from the rest, this mask can be set only there
MD_SIMD_MASK mask_numneighs = simd_mask_int_cond_lt(simd_int_add(simd_int_broadcast(k), simd_int_seq()), numneighs_vec);
MD_SIMD_INT j = simd_int_mask_load(&neighs[k], mask_numneighs);
#ifdef AOS
MD_SIMD_INT j3 = simd_int_add(simd_int_add(j, j), j); // j * 3
MD_SIMD_FLOAT delx = xtmp - simd_gather(j3, &(atom->x[0]), sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT dely = ytmp - simd_gather(j3, &(atom->x[1]), sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT delz = ztmp - simd_gather(j3, &(atom->x[2]), sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT delx = xtmp - simd_gather(j, atom->x, sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT dely = ytmp - simd_gather(j, atom->y, sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT delz = ztmp - simd_gather(j, atom->z, sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT rsq = simd_fma(delx, delx, simd_fma(dely, dely, simd_mul(delz, delz)));
MD_SIMD_MASK cutoff_mask = simd_mask_and(mask_numneighs, simd_mask_cond_lt(rsq, cutforcesq_vec));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT sr2 = simd_reciprocal(rsq);
MD_SIMD_FLOAT sr6 = simd_mul(sr2, simd_mul(sr2, simd_mul(sr2, sigma6_vec)));
MD_SIMD_FLOAT force = simd_mul(c48_vec, simd_mul(sr6, simd_mul(simd_sub(sr6, c05_vec), simd_mul(sr2, eps_vec))));
fix = simd_masked_add(fix, simd_mul(delx, force), cutoff_mask);
fiy = simd_masked_add(fiy, simd_mul(dely, force), cutoff_mask);
fiz = simd_masked_add(fiz, simd_mul(delz, force), cutoff_mask);
atom_fx(i) += simd_h_reduce_sum(fix);
atom_fy(i) += simd_h_reduce_sum(fiy);
atom_fz(i) += simd_h_reduce_sum(fiz);
double E = getTimeStamp();
return E-S;

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@ -45,10 +45,19 @@
#define HLINE "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
extern double computeForceLJFullNeigh(Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, Stats*);
extern double computeForceLJFullNeigh_plain_c(Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, Stats*);
extern double computeForceLJFullNeigh_simd(Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, Stats*);
extern double computeForceLJHalfNeigh(Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, Stats*);
extern double computeForceEam(Eam*, Parameter*, Atom*, Neighbor*, Stats*);
# define computeForceLJFullNeigh computeForceLJFullNeigh_simd
# define KERNEL_NAME "plain-C"
# define computeForceLJFullNeigh computeForceLJFullNeigh_plain_c
double setup(Parameter *param, Eam *eam, Atom *atom, Neighbor *neighbor, Stats *stats) {
if(param->force_field == FF_EAM) { initEam(eam, param); }
double S, E;