
799 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
* Copyright (C) 2022 NHR@FAU, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
* All rights reserved. This file is part of MD-Bench.
* Use of this source code is governed by a LGPL-3.0
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
#include <math.h>
#include <atom.h>
#include <allocate.h>
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
#include <util.h>
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
#include <mpi.h>
void initAtom(Atom *atom) {
atom->x = NULL; atom->y = NULL; atom->z = NULL;
atom->vx = NULL; atom->vy = NULL; atom->vz = NULL;
atom->cl_x = NULL;
atom->cl_v = NULL;
atom->cl_f = NULL;
atom->cl_type = NULL;
atom->Natoms = 0;
atom->Nlocal = 0;
atom->Nghost = 0;
atom->Nmax = 0;
atom->Nclusters = 0;
atom->Nclusters_local = 0;
atom->Nclusters_ghost = 0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom->NmaxGhost = 0; //Temporal
atom->Nclusters_max = 0;
atom->type = NULL;
atom->ntypes = 0;
atom->epsilon = NULL;
atom->sigma6 = NULL;
atom->cutforcesq = NULL;
atom->cutneighsq = NULL;
atom->iclusters = NULL;
atom->jclusters = NULL;
atom->icluster_bin = NULL;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom->PBCx = NULL;
atom->PBCy = NULL;
atom->PBCz = NULL;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
Box *mybox = &(atom->mybox);
mybox->xprd = mybox->yprd = mybox->zprd = 0;
mybox->lo[0] = mybox->lo[1] = mybox->lo[2] = 0;
mybox->hi[0] = mybox->hi[1] = mybox->hi[2] = 0;
void createAtom(Atom *atom, Parameter *param) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
MD_FLOAT xlo = 0.0; MD_FLOAT xhi = param->xprd;
MD_FLOAT ylo = 0.0; MD_FLOAT yhi = param->yprd;
MD_FLOAT zlo = 0.0; MD_FLOAT zhi = param->zprd;
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
atom->Natoms = 4 * param->nx * param->ny * param->nz;
atom->Nlocal = 0;
atom->ntypes = param->ntypes;
atom->epsilon = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->sigma6 = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutforcesq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutneighsq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
for(int i = 0; i < atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes; i++) {
atom->epsilon[i] = param->epsilon;
atom->sigma6[i] = param->sigma6;
atom->cutneighsq[i] = param->cutneigh * param->cutneigh;
atom->cutforcesq[i] = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
MD_FLOAT alat = pow((4.0 / param->rho), (1.0 / 3.0));
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
int ilo = (int) (xlo / (0.5 * alat) - 1);
int ihi = (int) (xhi / (0.5 * alat) + 1);
int jlo = (int) (ylo / (0.5 * alat) - 1);
int jhi = (int) (yhi / (0.5 * alat) + 1);
int klo = (int) (zlo / (0.5 * alat) - 1);
int khi = (int) (zhi / (0.5 * alat) + 1);
ilo = MAX(ilo, 0);
ihi = MIN(ihi, 2 * param->nx - 1);
jlo = MAX(jlo, 0);
jhi = MIN(jhi, 2 * param->ny - 1);
klo = MAX(klo, 0);
khi = MIN(khi, 2 * param->nz - 1);
MD_FLOAT xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, vxtmp, vytmp, vztmp;
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
int i, j, k, m, n;
int sx = 0; int sy = 0; int sz = 0;
int ox = 0; int oy = 0; int oz = 0;
int subboxdim = 8;
while(oz * subboxdim <= khi) {
k = oz * subboxdim + sz;
j = oy * subboxdim + sy;
i = ox * subboxdim + sx;
if(((i + j + k) % 2 == 0) && (i >= ilo) && (i <= ihi) && (j >= jlo) && (j <= jhi) && (k >= klo) && (k <= khi)) {
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
xtmp = 0.5 * alat * i;
ytmp = 0.5 * alat * j;
ztmp = 0.5 * alat * k;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(xtmp >= xlo && xtmp < xhi && ytmp >= ylo && ytmp < yhi && ztmp >= zlo && ztmp < zhi ) {
n = k * (2 * param->ny) * (2 * param->nx) + j * (2 * param->nx) + i + 1;
for(m = 0; m < 5; m++) { myrandom(&n); }
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
vxtmp = myrandom(&n);
for(m = 0; m < 5; m++){ myrandom(&n); }
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
vytmp = myrandom(&n);
for(m = 0; m < 5; m++) { myrandom(&n); }
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
vztmp = myrandom(&n);
if(atom->Nlocal == atom->Nmax) { growAtom(atom); }
atom_x(atom->Nlocal) = xtmp;
atom_y(atom->Nlocal) = ytmp;
atom_z(atom->Nlocal) = ztmp;
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
atom->vx[atom->Nlocal] = vxtmp;
atom->vy[atom->Nlocal] = vytmp;
atom->vz[atom->Nlocal] = vztmp;
atom->type[atom->Nlocal] = rand() % atom->ntypes;
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
if(sx == subboxdim) { sx = 0; sy++; }
if(sy == subboxdim) { sy = 0; sz++; }
if(sz == subboxdim) { sz = 0; ox++; }
if(ox * subboxdim > ihi) { ox = 0; oy++; }
if(oy * subboxdim > jhi) { oy = 0; oz++; }
int type_str2int(const char *type) {
if(strncmp(type, "Ar", 2) == 0) { return 0; } // Argon
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid atom type: %s\n", type);
return -1;
int readAtom(Atom* atom, Parameter* param) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
int me = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me);
int len = strlen(param->input_file);
if(strncmp(&param->input_file[len - 4], ".pdb", 4) == 0) { return readAtom_pdb(atom, param); }
if(strncmp(&param->input_file[len - 4], ".gro", 4) == 0) { return readAtom_gro(atom, param); }
if(strncmp(&param->input_file[len - 4], ".dmp", 4) == 0) { return readAtom_dmp(atom, param); }
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input file extension: %s\nValid choices are: pdb, gro, dmp\n", param->input_file);
return -1;
int readAtom_pdb(Atom* atom, Parameter* param) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
int me = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me);
FILE *fp = fopen(param->input_file, "r");
char line[MAXLINE];
int read_atoms = 0;
if(!fp) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file: %s\n", param->input_file);
return -1;
while(!feof(fp)) {
readline(line, fp);
char *item = strtok(line, " ");
if(strncmp(item, "CRYST1", 6) == 0) {
param->xlo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->xhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->ylo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->yhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->zlo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->zhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->xprd = param->xhi - param->xlo;
param->yprd = param->yhi - param->ylo;
param->zprd = param->zhi - param->zlo;
// alpha, beta, gamma, sGroup, z
} else if(strncmp(item, "ATOM", 4) == 0) {
char *label;
int atom_id, comp_id;
MD_FLOAT occupancy, charge;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom_id = atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t ")) - 1;
while(atom_id + 1 >= atom->Nmax) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom->type[atom_id] = type_str2int(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
label = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
comp_id = atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_x(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_y(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_z(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vx[atom_id] = 0.0;
atom->vy[atom_id] = 0.0;
atom->vz[atom_id] = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
occupancy = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
charge = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->ntypes = MAX(atom->type[atom_id] + 1, atom->ntypes);
} else if(strncmp(item, "HEADER", 6) == 0 ||
strncmp(item, "REMARK", 6) == 0 ||
strncmp(item, "MODEL", 5) == 0 ||
strncmp(item, "TER", 3) == 0 ||
strncmp(item, "ENDMDL", 6) == 0) {
// Do nothing
} else {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid item: %s\n", item);
return -1;
if(!read_atoms) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Input error: No atoms read!\n");
return -1;
atom->epsilon = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->sigma6 = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutforcesq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutneighsq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
for(int i = 0; i < atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes; i++) {
atom->epsilon[i] = param->epsilon;
atom->sigma6[i] = param->sigma6;
atom->cutneighsq[i] = param->cutneigh * param->cutneigh;
atom->cutforcesq[i] = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stdout, "Read %d atoms from %s\n", read_atoms, param->input_file);
return read_atoms;
int readAtom_gro(Atom* atom, Parameter* param) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
int me = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me);
FILE *fp = fopen(param->input_file, "r");
char line[MAXLINE];
char desc[MAXLINE];
int read_atoms = 0;
int atoms_to_read = 0;
int i = 0;
if(!fp) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file: %s\n", param->input_file);
return -1;
readline(desc, fp);
for(i = 0; desc[i] != '\n'; i++);
desc[i] = '\0';
readline(line, fp);
atoms_to_read = atoi(strtok(line, " "));
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stdout, "System: %s with %d atoms\n", desc, atoms_to_read);
while(!feof(fp) && read_atoms < atoms_to_read) {
readline(line, fp);
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
char *label = strtok(line, "\t ");
int type = type_str2int(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
int atom_id = atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t ")) - 1;
atom_id = read_atoms;
while(atom_id + 1 >= atom->Nmax) {
atom->type[atom_id] = type;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom_x(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_y(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_z(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vx[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vy[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vz[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->ntypes = MAX(atom->type[atom_id] + 1, atom->ntypes);
if(!feof(fp)) {
readline(line, fp);
param->xlo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->xhi = atof(strtok(line, "\t "));
param->ylo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->yhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->zlo = 0.0;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->zhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->xprd = param->xhi - param->xlo;
param->yprd = param->yhi - param->ylo;
param->zprd = param->zhi - param->zlo;
if(read_atoms != atoms_to_read) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Input error: Number of atoms read do not match (%d/%d).\n", read_atoms, atoms_to_read);
return -1;
atom->epsilon = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->sigma6 = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutforcesq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutneighsq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
for(int i = 0; i < atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes; i++) {
atom->epsilon[i] = param->epsilon;
atom->sigma6[i] = param->sigma6;
atom->cutneighsq[i] = param->cutneigh * param->cutneigh;
atom->cutforcesq[i] = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stdout, "Read %d atoms from %s\n", read_atoms, param->input_file);
return read_atoms;
int readAtom_dmp(Atom* atom, Parameter* param) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
int me = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me);
FILE *fp = fopen(param->input_file, "r");
char line[MAXLINE];
int natoms = 0;
int read_atoms = 0;
int atom_id = -1;
int ts = -1;
if(!fp) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file: %s\n", param->input_file);
return -1;
while(!feof(fp) && ts < 1 && !read_atoms) {
readline(line, fp);
if(strncmp(line, "ITEM: ", 6) == 0) {
char *item = &line[6];
if(strncmp(item, "TIMESTEP", 8) == 0) {
readline(line, fp);
ts = atoi(line);
} else if(strncmp(item, "NUMBER OF ATOMS", 15) == 0) {
readline(line, fp);
natoms = atoi(line);
atom->Natoms = natoms;
atom->Nlocal = natoms;
while(atom->Nlocal >= atom->Nmax) {
} else if(strncmp(item, "BOX BOUNDS pp pp pp", 19) == 0) {
readline(line, fp);
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->xlo = atof(strtok(line, "\t "));
param->xhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->xprd = param->xhi - param->xlo;
readline(line, fp);
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->ylo = atof(strtok(line, "\t "));
param->yhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->yprd = param->yhi - param->ylo;
readline(line, fp);
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
param->zlo = atof(strtok(line, "\t "));
param->zhi = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
param->zprd = param->zhi - param->zlo;
} else if(strncmp(item, "ATOMS id type x y z vx vy vz", 28) == 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < natoms; i++) {
readline(line, fp);
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
atom_id = atoi(strtok(line, "\t ")) - 1;
atom->type[atom_id] = atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_x(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_y(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom_z(atom_id) = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vx[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vy[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->vz[atom_id] = atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
atom->ntypes = MAX(atom->type[atom_id], atom->ntypes);
} else {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid item: %s\n", item);
return -1;
} else {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input from file, expected item reference but got:\n%s\n", line);
return -1;
if(ts < 0 || !natoms || !read_atoms) {
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stderr, "Input error: atom data was not read!\n");
return -1;
atom->epsilon = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->sigma6 = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutforcesq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cutneighsq = allocate(ALIGNMENT, atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
for(int i = 0; i < atom->ntypes * atom->ntypes; i++) {
atom->epsilon[i] = param->epsilon;
atom->sigma6[i] = param->sigma6;
atom->cutneighsq[i] = param->cutneigh * param->cutneigh;
atom->cutforcesq[i] = param->cutforce * param->cutforce;
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
if(me==0) fprintf(stdout, "Read %d atoms from %s\n", natoms, param->input_file);
return natoms;
void initMasks(Atom *atom) {
const unsigned int half_mask_bits = VECTOR_WIDTH >> 1;
unsigned int mask0, mask1, mask2, mask3;
atom->exclusion_filter = allocate(ALIGNMENT, CLUSTER_M * VECTOR_WIDTH * sizeof(MD_UINT));
atom->diagonal_4xn_j_minus_i = allocate(ALIGNMENT, MAX(CLUSTER_M, VECTOR_WIDTH) * sizeof(MD_UINT));
atom->diagonal_2xnn_j_minus_i = allocate(ALIGNMENT, VECTOR_WIDTH * sizeof(MD_UINT));
//atom->masks_2xnn = allocate(ALIGNMENT, 8 * sizeof(unsigned int));
for(int j = 0; j < MAX(CLUSTER_M, VECTOR_WIDTH); j++) {
atom->diagonal_4xn_j_minus_i[j] = (MD_FLOAT)(j) - 0.5;
for(int j = 0; j < VECTOR_WIDTH / 2; j++) {
atom->diagonal_2xnn_j_minus_i[j] = (MD_FLOAT)(j) - 0.5;
atom->diagonal_2xnn_j_minus_i[VECTOR_WIDTH / 2 + j] = (MD_FLOAT)(j - 1) - 0.5;
for(int i = 0; i < CLUSTER_M * VECTOR_WIDTH; i++) {
atom->exclusion_filter[i] = (1U << i);
for(unsigned int cond0 = 0; cond0 < 2; cond0++) {
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x1 * cond0);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x3 * cond0);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x7 * cond0);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0xf * cond0);
atom->masks_2xnn_hn[cond0 * 2 + 0] = (mask1 << half_mask_bits) | mask0;
atom->masks_2xnn_hn[cond0 * 2 + 1] = (mask3 << half_mask_bits) | mask2;
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x1 * cond0);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x2 * cond0);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x4 * cond0);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x8 * cond0);
atom->masks_2xnn_fn[cond0 * 2 + 0] = (mask1 << half_mask_bits) | mask0;
atom->masks_2xnn_fn[cond0 * 2 + 1] = (mask3 << half_mask_bits) | mask2;
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x1 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 4 + 1] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x3 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 4 + 2] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x7 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 4 + 3] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0xf * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x1 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 4 + 1] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x2 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 4 + 2] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x4 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 4 + 3] = (unsigned int)(0xf - 0x8 * cond0);
for(unsigned int cond0 = 0; cond0 < 2; cond0++) {
for(unsigned int cond1 = 0; cond1 < 2; cond1++) {
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x1 * cond0 - 0x1f * cond1);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x3 * cond0 - 0x3f * cond1);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x7 * cond0 - 0x7f * cond1);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0xf * cond0 - 0xff * cond1);
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond0);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x3 * cond0);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - cond0 * 0x3 - 0x1 * cond1);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - cond0 * 0x3 - 0x3 * cond1);
atom->masks_2xnn_hn[cond0 * 4 + cond1 * 2 + 0] = (mask1 << half_mask_bits) | mask0;
atom->masks_2xnn_hn[cond0 * 4 + cond1 * 2 + 1] = (mask3 << half_mask_bits) | mask2;
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x1 * cond0 - 0x10 * cond1);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x2 * cond0 - 0x20 * cond1);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x4 * cond0 - 0x40 * cond1);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x8 * cond0 - 0x80 * cond1);
mask0 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond0);
mask1 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x2 * cond0);
mask2 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond1);
mask3 = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x2 * cond1);
atom->masks_2xnn_fn[cond0 * 4 + cond1 * 2 + 0] = (mask1 << half_mask_bits) | mask0;
atom->masks_2xnn_fn[cond0 * 4 + cond1 * 2 + 1] = (mask3 << half_mask_bits) | mask2;
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x1 * cond0 - 0x1f * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 1] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x3 * cond0 - 0x3f * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 2] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x7 * cond0 - 0x7f * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 3] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0xf * cond0 - 0xff * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x1 * cond0 - 0x10 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 1] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x2 * cond0 - 0x20 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 2] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x4 * cond0 - 0x40 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 3] = (unsigned int)(0xff - 0x8 * cond0 - 0x80 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 1] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x3 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 2] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x3 * cond0 - 0x1 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_hn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 3] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x3 * cond0 - 0x3 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x2 * cond0);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x1 * cond1);
atom->masks_4xn_fn[cond0 * 8 + cond1 * 4 + 0] = (unsigned int)(0x3 - 0x2 * cond1);
void growAtom(Atom *atom) {
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
int nold = atom->Nmax;
atom->Nmax += DELTA;
#ifdef AOS
atom->x = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->x, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT) * 3, nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT) * 3);
atom->x = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->x, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->y = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->y, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->z = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->z, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->vx = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->vx, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->vy = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->vy, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->vz = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->vz, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->type = (int *) reallocate(atom->type, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nmax * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
2020-08-18 14:27:28 +02:00
void growClusters(Atom *atom) {
int nold = atom->Nclusters_max;
int jterm = MAX(1, CLUSTER_M / CLUSTER_N); // If M>N, we need to allocate more j-clusters
atom->Nclusters_max += DELTA;
atom->iclusters = (Cluster*) reallocate(atom->iclusters, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * sizeof(Cluster), nold * sizeof(Cluster));
atom->jclusters = (Cluster*) reallocate(atom->jclusters, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * jterm * sizeof(Cluster), nold * jterm * sizeof(Cluster));
atom->icluster_bin = (int*) reallocate(atom->icluster_bin, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
atom->cl_x = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->cl_x, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cl_f = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->cl_f, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cl_v = (MD_FLOAT*) reallocate(atom->cl_v, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT), nold * CLUSTER_M * 3 * sizeof(MD_FLOAT));
atom->cl_type = (int*) reallocate(atom->cl_type, ALIGNMENT, atom->Nclusters_max * CLUSTER_M * sizeof(int), nold * CLUSTER_M * sizeof(int));
2024-04-15 16:53:25 +02:00
/* MPI added*/
void growPbc(Atom* atom) {
int nold = atom->NmaxGhost;
atom->NmaxGhost += DELTA;
if (atom->PBCx || atom->PBCy || atom->PBCz){
atom->PBCx = (int*) reallocate(atom->PBCx, ALIGNMENT, atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
atom->PBCy = (int*) reallocate(atom->PBCy, ALIGNMENT, atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
atom->PBCz = (int*) reallocate(atom->PBCz, ALIGNMENT, atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int), nold * sizeof(int));
} else {
atom->PBCx = (int*) malloc(atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int));
atom->PBCy = (int*) malloc(atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int));
atom->PBCz = (int*) malloc(atom->NmaxGhost * sizeof(int));
void packForward(Atom* atom, int nc, int* list, MD_FLOAT* buf, int* pbc)
for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
int cj = list[i];
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_x = &atom->cl_x[cj_vec_base];
int displ = i*CLUSTER_N;
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0] = cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_x] * atom->mybox.xprd;
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1] = cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_y] * atom->mybox.yprd;
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2] = cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_z] * atom->mybox.zprd;
for(int cjj = atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj < CLUSTER_N; cjj++) {
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0] = -1; //x
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1] = -1; //y
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2] = -1; //z
void unpackForward(Atom* atom, int nc, int c0, MD_FLOAT* buf)
for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
int cj = c0+i;
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_x = &atom->cl_x[cj_vec_base];
int displ = i*CLUSTER_N;
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
if(cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj]<INFINITY) cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0];
if(cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj]<INFINITY) cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1];
if(cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj]<INFINITY) cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2];
int packGhost(Atom* atom, int cj, MD_FLOAT* buf, int* pbc)
//#of elements per cluster natoms,x0,y0,z0,type_0, . . ,xn,yn,zn,type_n,bbminx,bbmaxxy,bbminy,bbmaxy,bbminz,bbmaxz
//count = 4*N_CLUSTER+7, if N_CLUSTER =4 => count = 23 value/cluster + trackpbc[x] + trackpbc[y] + trackpbc[z]
int m = 0;
if(atom->jclusters[cj].natoms > 0) {
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
int cj_sca_base = CJ_SCALAR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_x = &atom->cl_x[cj_vec_base];
MD_FLOAT bbminx = INFINITY, bbmaxx = -INFINITY;
MD_FLOAT bbminy = INFINITY, bbmaxy = -INFINITY;
MD_FLOAT bbminz = INFINITY, bbmaxz = -INFINITY;
buf[m++] = atom->jclusters[cj].natoms;
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
MD_FLOAT xtmp = cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_x] * atom->mybox.xprd;
MD_FLOAT ytmp = cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_y] * atom->mybox.yprd;
MD_FLOAT ztmp = cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] + pbc[_z] * atom->mybox.zprd;
buf[m++] = xtmp;
buf[m++] = ytmp;
buf[m++] = ztmp;
buf[m++]= atom->cl_type[cj_sca_base + cjj];
if(bbminx > xtmp) { bbminx = xtmp; }
if(bbmaxx < xtmp) { bbmaxx = xtmp; }
if(bbminy > ytmp) { bbminy = ytmp; }
if(bbmaxy < ytmp) { bbmaxy = ytmp; }
if(bbminz > ztmp) { bbminz = ztmp; }
if(bbmaxz < ztmp) { bbmaxz = ztmp; }
for(int cjj = atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj < CLUSTER_N; cjj++) {
buf[m++] = -1; //x
buf[m++] = -1; //y
buf[m++] = -1; //z
buf[m++] = -1; //type
buf[m++] = bbminx;
buf[m++] = bbmaxx;
buf[m++] = bbminy;
buf[m++] = bbmaxy;
buf[m++] = bbminz;
buf[m++] = bbmaxz;
//TODO: check atom->ncj
int ghostId = cj-atom->ncj;
//check for ghost particles
buf[m++] = (cj-atom->ncj>=0) ? pbc[_x]+atom->PBCx[ghostId]:pbc[_x];
buf[m++] = (cj-atom->ncj>=0) ? pbc[_y]+atom->PBCy[ghostId]:pbc[_y];
buf[m++] = (cj-atom->ncj>=0) ? pbc[_z]+atom->PBCz[ghostId]:pbc[_z];
return m;
int unpackGhost(Atom* atom, int cj, MD_FLOAT* buf)
int m = 0;
int jfac = MAX(1, CLUSTER_N / CLUSTER_M);
if(cj*jfac>=atom->Nclusters_max) growClusters(atom);
if(atom->Nclusters_ghost>=atom->NmaxGhost) growPbc(atom);
int cj_sca_base = CJ_SCALAR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_x = &atom->cl_x[cj_vec_base];
atom->jclusters[cj].natoms = buf[m++];
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[m++];
cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[m++];
cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] = buf[m++];
atom->cl_type[cj_sca_base + cjj] = buf[m++];
for(int cjj = atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj < CLUSTER_N; cjj++) {
cj_x[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] = INFINITY;
cj_x[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] = INFINITY;
cj_x[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] = INFINITY;
atom->cl_type[cj_sca_base + cjj] = -1;
atom->jclusters[cj].bbminx = buf[m++];
atom->jclusters[cj].bbmaxx = buf[m++];
atom->jclusters[cj].bbminy = buf[m++];
atom->jclusters[cj].bbmaxy = buf[m++];
atom->jclusters[cj].bbminz = buf[m++];
atom->jclusters[cj].bbmaxz = buf[m++];
atom->PBCx[atom->Nclusters_ghost] = buf[m++];
atom->PBCy[atom->Nclusters_ghost] = buf[m++];
atom->PBCz[atom->Nclusters_ghost] = buf[m++];
void packReverse(Atom* atom, int nc, int c0, MD_FLOAT* buf)
for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
int cj = c0+i;
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_f = &atom->cl_f[cj_vec_base];
int displ = i*CLUSTER_N;
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0] = cj_f[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj];
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1] = cj_f[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj];
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2] = cj_f[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj];
for(int cjj = atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj < CLUSTER_N; cjj++) {
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0] = -1; //x
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1] = -1; //y
buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2] = -1; //z
void unpackReverse(Atom* atom, int nc, int* list, MD_FLOAT* buf)
for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
int cj = list[i];
int cj_vec_base = CJ_VECTOR_BASE_INDEX(cj);
MD_FLOAT *cj_f = &atom->cl_f[cj_vec_base];
int displ = i*CLUSTER_N;
for(int cjj = 0; cjj < atom->jclusters[cj].natoms; cjj++) {
cj_f[CL_X_OFFSET + cjj] += buf[3*(displ+cjj)+0];
cj_f[CL_Y_OFFSET + cjj] += buf[3*(displ+cjj)+1];
cj_f[CL_Z_OFFSET + cjj] += buf[3*(displ+cjj)+2];
int packExchange(Atom* atom, int i, MD_FLOAT* buf)
int m = 0;
buf[m++] = atom_x(i);
buf[m++] = atom_y(i);
buf[m++] = atom_z(i);
buf[m++] = atom_vx(i);
buf[m++] = atom_vy(i);
buf[m++] = atom_vz(i);
buf[m++] = atom->type[i];
return m;
int unpackExchange(Atom* atom, int i, MD_FLOAT* buf)
while(i >= atom->Nmax) growAtom(atom);
int m = 0;
atom_x(i) = buf[m++];
atom_y(i) = buf[m++];
atom_z(i) = buf[m++];
atom_vx(i) = buf[m++];
atom_vy(i) = buf[m++];
atom_vz(i) = buf[m++];
atom->type[i] = buf[m++];
return m;
void pbc(Atom* atom)
for(int i = 0; i < atom->Nlocal; i++) {
MD_FLOAT xprd = atom->mybox.xprd;
MD_FLOAT yprd = atom->mybox.yprd;
MD_FLOAT zprd = atom->mybox.zprd;
if(atom_x(i) < 0.0) atom_x(i) += xprd;
if(atom_y(i) < 0.0) atom_y(i) += yprd;
if(atom_z(i) < 0.0) atom_z(i) +=zprd;
if(atom_x(i) >= xprd) atom_x(i) -=xprd;
if(atom_y(i) >= yprd) atom_y(i) -=yprd;
if(atom_z(i) >= zprd) atom_z(i) -=zprd;
void copy(Atom* atom, int i, int j)
atom_x(i) = atom_x(j);
atom_y(i) = atom_y(j);
atom_z(i) = atom_z(j);
atom_vx(i) = atom_vx(j);
atom_vy(i) = atom_vy(j);
atom_vz(i) = atom_vz(j);
atom->type[i] = atom->type[j];