Reformat. Change indent to 2 spaces and line length to 80.

This commit is contained in:
Jan Eitzinger 2025-01-19 07:07:18 +01:00
parent 82824ec020
commit 6f1932cf4f
15 changed files with 1314 additions and 1259 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Language: Cpp
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IncludeIsMainRegex: "(Test)?$"
IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: ""
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UseTab: Never

View File

@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
void* allocate(size_t alignment, size_t bytesize)
int errorCode;
void* ptr;
int errorCode;
void* ptr;
errorCode = posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, bytesize);
errorCode = posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, bytesize);
if (errorCode) {
if (errorCode == EINVAL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Alignment parameter is not a power of two\n");
if (errorCode == ENOMEM) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Insufficient memory to fulfill the request\n");
if (errorCode) {
if (errorCode == EINVAL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Alignment parameter is not a power of two\n");
if (ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: posix_memalign failed!\n");
if (errorCode == ENOMEM) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Insufficient memory to fulfill the request\n");
return ptr;
if (ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: posix_memalign failed!\n");
return ptr;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -17,21 +17,21 @@
enum op { MAX = 0, SUM };
typedef struct {
int rank;
int size;
int rank;
int size;
#if defined(_MPI)
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Comm comm;
int num_external;
int num_send_neighbors;
int* external_index;
int* external_local_index;
int total_to_be_sent;
int* elements_to_send;
int neighbors[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
int recv_length[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
int send_length[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
double* send_buffer;
int num_external;
int num_send_neighbors;
int* external_index;
int* external_local_index;
int total_to_be_sent;
int* elements_to_send;
int neighbors[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
int recv_length[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
int send_length[MAX_NUM_NEIGHBOURS];
double* send_buffer;
} Comm;

View File

@ -17,100 +17,100 @@
CG_FLOAT compute_residual(Solver* s)
CG_FLOAT residual = 0.0;
int n = s->;
CG_FLOAT* v1 = s->x;
CG_FLOAT* v2 = s->xexact;
CG_FLOAT residual = 0.0;
int n = s->;
CG_FLOAT* v1 = s->x;
CG_FLOAT* v2 = s->xexact;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double diff = fabs(v1[i] - v2[i]);
if (diff > residual) residual = diff;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double diff = fabs(v1[i] - v2[i]);
if (diff > residual) residual = diff;
commReduction(&residual, MAX);
commReduction(&residual, MAX);
return residual;
return residual;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
double timeStart, timeStop;
Parameter param;
Solver s;
Comm comm;
double timeStart, timeStop;
Parameter param;
Solver s;
Comm comm;
commInit(&comm, argc, argv);
commInit(&comm, argc, argv);
if (argc != 2) {
if (commIsMaster(&comm)) {
printf("Usage: %s <configFile>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc != 2) {
if (commIsMaster(&comm)) {
printf("Usage: %s <configFile>\n", argv[0]);
readParameter(&param, argv[1]);
CG_FLOAT eps = (CG_FLOAT)param.eps;
int itermax = param.itermax;
initSolver(&s, &comm, &param);
commMatrixDump(&comm, &s.A);
CG_UINT nrow =;
CG_UINT ncol =;
CG_FLOAT* r = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT* p = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, ncol * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT* Ap = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT normr = 0.0;
CG_FLOAT rtrans = 0.0, oldrtrans;
readParameter(&param, argv[1]);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.x, 0.0, s.x, p);
spMVM(&s.A, p, Ap);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.b, -1.0, Ap, r);
CG_FLOAT eps = (CG_FLOAT)param.eps;
int itermax = param.itermax;
initSolver(&s, &comm, &param);
commMatrixDump(&comm, &s.A);
CG_UINT nrow =;
CG_UINT ncol =;
CG_FLOAT* r = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT* p = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, ncol * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT* Ap = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT normr = 0.0;
CG_FLOAT rtrans = 0.0, oldrtrans;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.x, 0.0, s.x, p);
spMVM(&s.A, p, Ap);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.b, -1.0, Ap, r);
ddot(nrow, r, r, &rtrans);
normr = sqrt(rtrans);
// initial iteration
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, 0.0, r, p);
commExchange(&comm, &s.A, p);
spMVM(&s.A, p, Ap);
double alpha = 0.0;
ddot(nrow, p, Ap, &alpha);
alpha = rtrans / alpha;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.x, alpha, p, s.x);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, -alpha, Ap, r);
int k;
timeStart = getTimeStamp();
for (k = 1; k < itermax && normr > eps; k++) {
oldrtrans = rtrans;
ddot(nrow, r, r, &rtrans);
normr = sqrt(rtrans);
// initial iteration
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, 0.0, r, p);
double beta = rtrans / oldrtrans;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, beta, p, p);
commExchange(&comm, &s.A, p);
spMVM(&s.A, p, Ap);
double alpha = 0.0;
alpha = 0.0;
ddot(nrow, p, Ap, &alpha);
alpha = rtrans / alpha;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.x, alpha, p, s.x);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, -alpha, Ap, r);
timeStop = getTimeStamp();
int k;
timeStart = getTimeStamp();
for (k = 1; k < itermax && normr > eps; k++) {
oldrtrans = rtrans;
ddot(nrow, r, r, &rtrans);
double beta = rtrans / oldrtrans;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, beta, p, p);
commExchange(&comm, &s.A, p);
spMVM(&s.A, p, Ap);
alpha = 0.0;
ddot(nrow, p, Ap, &alpha);
alpha = rtrans / alpha;
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, s.x, alpha, p, s.x);
waxpby(nrow, 1.0, r, -alpha, Ap, r);
timeStop = getTimeStamp();
double residual = compute_residual(&s);
double residual = compute_residual(&s);
if (commIsMaster(&comm)) {
printf("Solution performed %d iterations and took %.2fs\n",
timeStop - timeStart);
printf("Difference between computed and exact = %f\n", residual);
if (commIsMaster(&comm)) {
printf("Solution performed %d iterations and took %.2fs\n",
timeStop - timeStart);
printf("Difference between computed and exact = %f\n", residual);

View File

@ -15,154 +15,156 @@
static inline int compareColumn(const void* a, const void* b)
const Entry* a_ = (const Entry*)a;
const Entry* b_ = (const Entry*)b;
const Entry* a_ = (const Entry*)a;
const Entry* b_ = (const Entry*)b;
return (a_->col > b_->col) - (a_->col < b_->col);
return (a_->col > b_->col) - (a_->col < b_->col);
static inline int compareRow(const void* a, const void* b)
const Entry* a_ = (const Entry*)a;
const Entry* b_ = (const Entry*)b;
const Entry* a_ = (const Entry*)a;
const Entry* b_ = (const Entry*)b;
return (a_->row > b_->row) - (a_->row < b_->row);
return (a_->row > b_->row) - (a_->row < b_->row);
static void dumpMMMatrix(Entry* mm, int nz)
for (int i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
printf("%d %d: %f\n", mm[i].row, mm[i].col, mm[i].val);
for (int i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
printf("%d %d: %f\n", mm[i].row, mm[i].col, mm[i].val);
void matrixRead(Matrix* m, char* filename)
MM_typecode matcode;
FILE* f;
int M, N, nz;
MM_typecode matcode;
FILE* f;
int M, N, nz;
if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Unable to open file");
if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Unable to open file");
if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) {
printf("Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n");
if (!((mm_is_real(matcode) || mm_is_pattern(matcode) ||
mm_is_integer(matcode)) &&
mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, this application does not support ");
fprintf(stderr, "Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
bool compatible_flag = (mm_is_sparse(matcode) &&
(mm_is_real(matcode) || mm_is_pattern(matcode) ||
mm_is_integer(matcode))) &&
(mm_is_symmetric(matcode) || mm_is_general(matcode));
bool sym_flag = mm_is_symmetric(matcode);
bool pattern_flag = mm_is_pattern(matcode);
bool complex_flag = mm_is_complex(matcode);
if (!compatible_flag) {
printf("The matrix market file provided is not supported.\n Reason :\n");
if (!mm_is_sparse(matcode)) {
printf(" * matrix has to be sparse\n");
if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) {
printf("Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n");
if (!mm_is_real(matcode) && !(mm_is_pattern(matcode))) {
printf(" * matrix has to be real or pattern\n");
if (!((mm_is_real(matcode) || mm_is_pattern(matcode) || mm_is_integer(matcode)) &&
mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, this application does not support ");
fprintf(stderr, "Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
if (!mm_is_symmetric(matcode) && !mm_is_general(matcode)) {
printf(" * matrix has to be either general or symmetric\n");
bool compatible_flag = (mm_is_sparse(matcode) &&
(mm_is_real(matcode) || mm_is_pattern(matcode) ||
mm_is_integer(matcode))) &&
(mm_is_symmetric(matcode) || mm_is_general(matcode));
bool sym_flag = mm_is_symmetric(matcode);
bool pattern_flag = mm_is_pattern(matcode);
bool complex_flag = mm_is_complex(matcode);
if (!compatible_flag) {
printf("The matrix market file provided is not supported.\n Reason :\n");
if (!mm_is_sparse(matcode)) {
printf(" * matrix has to be sparse\n");
if (mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz) != 0) {
if (!mm_is_real(matcode) && !(mm_is_pattern(matcode))) {
printf(" * matrix has to be real or pattern\n");
printf("Read matrix %s with %d non zeroes and %d rows\n", filename, nz, M);
if (!mm_is_symmetric(matcode) && !mm_is_general(matcode)) {
printf(" * matrix has to be either general or symmetric\n");
m->nr = M;
m->nnz = nz;
Entry* mm;
if (sym_flag) {
mm = (Entry*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nz * 2 * sizeof(Entry));
} else {
mm = (Entry*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nz * sizeof(Entry));
if (mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz) != 0) {
size_t cursor = 0;
int row, col;
double v;
printf("Read matrix %s with %d non zeroes and %d rows\n", filename, nz, M);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
m->nr = M;
m->nnz = nz;
Entry* mm;
if (sym_flag) {
mm = (Entry*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nz * 2 * sizeof(Entry));
if (pattern_flag) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &row, &col);
v = 1.;
} else if (complex_flag) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %*g\n", &row, &col, &v);
} else {
mm = (Entry*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, nz * sizeof(Entry));
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &row, &col, &v);
size_t cursor = 0;
int row, col;
double v;
row--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
for (size_t i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
mm[cursor].row = row;
mm[cursor].col = col;
mm[cursor++].val = v;
if (pattern_flag) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d\n", &row, &col);
v = 1.;
} else if (complex_flag) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %*g\n", &row, &col, &v);
} else {
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &row, &col, &v);
row--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
mm[cursor].row = row;
mm[cursor].col = col;
mm[cursor++].val = v;
if (sym_flag && (row != col)) {
mm[cursor].row = col;
mm[cursor].col = row;
mm[cursor++].val = v;
if (sym_flag && (row != col)) {
mm[cursor].row = col;
mm[cursor].col = row;
mm[cursor++].val = v;
size_t mms = cursor;
size_t mms = cursor;
// sort by column
qsort(mm, mms, sizeof(Entry), compareColumn);
// dumpMMMatrix(mm, nz);
// sort by row
mergesort(mm, mms, sizeof(Entry), compareRow);
// dumpMMMatrix(mm, nz);
// sort by column
qsort(mm, mms, sizeof(Entry), compareColumn);
// dumpMMMatrix(mm, nz);
// sort by row
mergesort(mm, mms, sizeof(Entry), compareRow);
// dumpMMMatrix(mm, nz);
m->rowPtr = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, (m->nr + 1) * sizeof(CG_UINT));
m->colInd = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nnz * sizeof(CG_UINT));
m->val = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nnz * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
m->rowPtr = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT,
(m->nr + 1) * sizeof(CG_UINT));
m->colInd = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nnz * sizeof(CG_UINT));
m->val = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nnz * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
int* valsPerRow = (int*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nr * sizeof(int));
int* valsPerRow = (int*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, m->nr * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < m->nr; i++) {
valsPerRow[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mms; i++) {
m->rowPtr[0] = 0;
// convert to CRS format
for (int rowID = 0; rowID < m->nr; rowID++) {
m->rowPtr[rowID + 1] = m->rowPtr[rowID] + valsPerRow[rowID];
// loop over all elements in Row
for (int id = m->rowPtr[rowID]; id < m->rowPtr[rowID + 1]; id++) {
m->val[id] = (CG_FLOAT)mm[id].val;
m->colInd[id] = (CG_UINT)mm[id].col;
for (int i = 0; i < m->nr; i++) {
valsPerRow[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mms; i++) {
m->rowPtr[0] = 0;
// convert to CRS format
for (int rowID = 0; rowID < m->nr; rowID++) {
m->rowPtr[rowID + 1] = m->rowPtr[rowID] + valsPerRow[rowID];
// loop over all elements in Row
for (int id = m->rowPtr[rowID]; id < m->rowPtr[rowID + 1]; id++) {
m->val[id] = (CG_FLOAT)mm[id].val;
m->colInd[id] = (CG_UINT)mm[id].col;

View File

@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
#include "util.h"
typedef struct {
int row;
int col;
double val;
int row;
int col;
double val;
} Entry;
typedef struct {
CG_UINT nr, nc, nnz; // number of rows, columns and non zeros
CG_UINT totalNr, totalNnz; // number of rows and non zeros
CG_UINT startRow, stopRow;
CG_UINT *colInd, *rowPtr; // colum Indices, row Pointer
CG_FLOAT* val;
CG_UINT nr, nc, nnz; // number of rows, columns and non zeros
CG_UINT totalNr, totalNnz; // number of rows and non zeros
CG_UINT startRow, stopRow;
CG_UINT *colInd, *rowPtr; // colum Indices, row Pointer
CG_FLOAT* val;
} Matrix;
extern void matrixRead(Matrix* m, char* filename);

View File

@ -11,206 +11,220 @@
#include "mmio.h"
int mm_read_unsymmetric_sparse(
const char* fname, int* M_, int* N_, int* nz_, double** val_, int** I_, int** J_)
int mm_read_unsymmetric_sparse(const char* fname,
int* M_,
int* N_,
int* nz_,
double** val_,
int** I_,
int** J_)
FILE* f;
MM_typecode matcode;
int M, N, nz;
int i;
double* val;
int *I, *J;
FILE* f;
MM_typecode matcode;
int M, N, nz;
int i;
double* val;
int *I, *J;
if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return -1;
if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return -1;
if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) {
printf("mm_read_unsymetric: Could not process Matrix Market banner ");
printf(" in file [%s]\n", fname);
return -1;
if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) {
printf("mm_read_unsymetric: Could not process Matrix Market banner ");
printf(" in file [%s]\n", fname);
return -1;
if (!(mm_is_real(matcode) && mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, this application does not support ");
fprintf(stderr, "Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
return -1;
if (!(mm_is_real(matcode) && mm_is_matrix(matcode) &&
mm_is_sparse(matcode))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, this application does not support ");
fprintf(stderr, "Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
return -1;
/* find out size of sparse matrix: M, N, nz .... */
/* find out size of sparse matrix: M, N, nz .... */
if (mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "read_unsymmetric_sparse(): could not parse matrix size.\n");
return -1;
if (mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz) != 0) {
"read_unsymmetric_sparse(): could not parse matrix size.\n");
return -1;
*M_ = M;
*N_ = N;
*nz_ = nz;
*M_ = M;
*N_ = N;
*nz_ = nz;
/* reseve memory for matrices */
/* reseve memory for matrices */
I = (int*)malloc(nz * sizeof(int));
J = (int*)malloc(nz * sizeof(int));
val = (double*)malloc(nz * sizeof(double));
I = (int*)malloc(nz * sizeof(int));
J = (int*)malloc(nz * sizeof(int));
val = (double*)malloc(nz * sizeof(double));
*val_ = val;
*I_ = I;
*J_ = J;
*val_ = val;
*I_ = I;
*J_ = J;
/* NOTE: when reading in doubles, ANSI C requires the use of the "l" */
/* specifier as in "%lg", "%lf", "%le", otherwise errors will occur */
/* (ANSI C X3.159-1989, Sec., p. 136 lines 13-15) */
/* NOTE: when reading in doubles, ANSI C requires the use of the "l" */
/* specifier as in "%lg", "%lf", "%le", otherwise errors will occur */
/* (ANSI C X3.159-1989, Sec., p. 136 lines 13-15) */
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]);
I[i]--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]);
I[i]--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */
return 0;
return 0;
int mm_is_valid(MM_typecode matcode)
if (!mm_is_matrix(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_dense(matcode) && mm_is_pattern(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_real(matcode) && mm_is_hermitian(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_pattern(matcode) && (mm_is_hermitian(matcode) || mm_is_skew(matcode)))
return 0;
return 1;
if (!mm_is_matrix(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_dense(matcode) && mm_is_pattern(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_real(matcode) && mm_is_hermitian(matcode)) return 0;
if (mm_is_pattern(matcode) &&
(mm_is_hermitian(matcode) || mm_is_skew(matcode)))
return 0;
return 1;
int mm_read_banner(FILE* f, MM_typecode* matcode)
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
char banner[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char data_type[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char storage_scheme[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char* p;
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
char banner[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char data_type[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char storage_scheme[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
char* p;
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s", banner, mtx, crd, data_type, storage_scheme) != 5)
if (sscanf(line,
"%s %s %s %s %s",
storage_scheme) != 5)
for (p = mtx; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
; /* convert to lower case */
for (p = crd; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
for (p = data_type; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
for (p = storage_scheme; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
for (p = mtx; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
; /* convert to lower case */
for (p = crd; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
for (p = data_type; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
for (p = storage_scheme; *p != '\0'; *p = tolower(*p), p++)
/* check for banner */
if (strncmp(banner, MatrixMarketBanner, strlen(MatrixMarketBanner)) != 0)
return MM_NO_HEADER;
/* check for banner */
if (strncmp(banner, MatrixMarketBanner, strlen(MatrixMarketBanner)) != 0)
return MM_NO_HEADER;
/* first field should be "mtx" */
if (strcmp(mtx, MM_MTX_STR) != 0) return MM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
/* first field should be "mtx" */
if (strcmp(mtx, MM_MTX_STR) != 0) return MM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
/* second field describes whether this is a sparse matrix (in coordinate
storgae) or a dense array */
/* second field describes whether this is a sparse matrix (in coordinate
storgae) or a dense array */
if (strcmp(crd, MM_SPARSE_STR) == 0) mm_set_sparse(matcode);
else if (strcmp(crd, MM_DENSE_STR) == 0)
if (strcmp(crd, MM_SPARSE_STR) == 0) mm_set_sparse(matcode);
else if (strcmp(crd, MM_DENSE_STR) == 0)
/* third field */
/* third field */
if (strcmp(data_type, MM_REAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_real(matcode);
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_COMPLEX_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_PATTERN_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_INT_STR) == 0)
if (strcmp(data_type, MM_REAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_real(matcode);
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_COMPLEX_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_PATTERN_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_INT_STR) == 0)
/* fourth field */
/* fourth field */
if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_GENERAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_general(matcode);
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SYMM_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_HERM_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SKEW_STR) == 0)
if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_GENERAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_general(matcode);
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SYMM_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_HERM_STR) == 0)
else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SKEW_STR) == 0)
return 0;
return 0;
int mm_write_mtx_crd_size(FILE* f, int M, int N, int nz)
if (fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", M, N, nz) != 3) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
if (fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", M, N, nz) != 3) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
int mm_read_mtx_crd_size(FILE* f, int* M, int* N, int* nz)
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int num_items_read;
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int num_items_read;
/* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */
*M = *N = *nz = 0;
/* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */
*M = *N = *nz = 0;
/* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */
/* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */
do {
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (line[0] == '%');
/* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz) == 3) return 0;
do {
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (line[0] == '%');
num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz);
if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (num_items_read != 3);
/* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz) == 3) return 0;
do {
num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz);
if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (num_items_read != 3);
return 0;
return 0;
int mm_read_mtx_array_size(FILE* f, int* M, int* N)
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int num_items_read;
/* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */
*M = *N = 0;
char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int num_items_read;
/* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */
*M = *N = 0;
/* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */
/* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */
do {
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (line[0] == '%');
/* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", M, N) == 2) return 0;
else /* we have a blank line */
do {
if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (line[0] == '%');
num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d", M, N);
if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (num_items_read != 2);
/* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */
if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", M, N) == 2) return 0;
else /* we have a blank line */
do {
num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d", M, N);
if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} while (num_items_read != 2);
return 0;
return 0;
int mm_write_mtx_array_size(FILE* f, int M, int N)
if (fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", M, N) != 2) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
if (fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", M, N) != 2) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
@ -219,47 +233,58 @@ int mm_write_mtx_array_size(FILE* f, int M, int N)
/* use when I[], J[], and val[]J, and val[] are already allocated */
int mm_read_mtx_crd_data(
FILE* f, int M, int N, int nz, int I[], int J[], double val[], MM_typecode matcode)
int mm_read_mtx_crd_data(FILE* f,
int M,
int N,
int nz,
int I[],
int J[],
double val[],
MM_typecode matcode)
int i;
if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %lg", &I[i], &J[i], &val[2 * i], &val[2 * i + 1]) !=
} else if (mm_is_real(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]) != 3)
int i;
if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
if (fscanf(f,
"%d %d %lg %lg",
&val[2 * i],
&val[2 * i + 1]) != 4)
} else if (mm_is_real(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]) != 3)
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d", &I[i], &J[i]) != 2) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} else
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode)) {
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d", &I[i], &J[i]) != 2) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} else
return 0;
return 0;
int mm_read_mtx_crd_entry(
FILE* f, int* I, int* J, double* real, double* imag, MM_typecode matcode)
if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %lg", I, J, real, imag) != 4) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} else if (mm_is_real(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", I, J, real) != 3) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg %lg", I, J, real, imag) != 4)
} else if (mm_is_real(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", I, J, real) != 3) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d", I, J) != 2) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} else
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode)) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d %d", I, J) != 2) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF;
} else
return 0;
return 0;
@ -279,53 +304,54 @@ int mm_read_mtx_crd(char* fname,
double** val,
MM_typecode* matcode)
int ret_code;
FILE* f;
int ret_code;
FILE* f;
if (strcmp(fname, "stdin") == 0) f = stdin;
else if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
if (strcmp(fname, "stdin") == 0) f = stdin;
else if ((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
if ((ret_code = mm_read_banner(f, matcode)) != 0) return ret_code;
if ((ret_code = mm_read_banner(f, matcode)) != 0) return ret_code;
if (!(mm_is_valid(*matcode) && mm_is_sparse(*matcode) && mm_is_matrix(*matcode)))
if (!(mm_is_valid(*matcode) && mm_is_sparse(*matcode) &&
if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, M, N, nz)) != 0) return ret_code;
if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, M, N, nz)) != 0) return ret_code;
*I = (int*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(int));
*J = (int*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(int));
*val = NULL;
*I = (int*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(int));
*J = (int*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(int));
*val = NULL;
if (mm_is_complex(*matcode)) {
*val = (double*)malloc(*nz * 2 * sizeof(double));
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
} else if (mm_is_real(*matcode)) {
*val = (double*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(double));
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
if (mm_is_complex(*matcode)) {
*val = (double*)malloc(*nz * 2 * sizeof(double));
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
} else if (mm_is_real(*matcode)) {
*val = (double*)malloc(*nz * sizeof(double));
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
else if (mm_is_pattern(*matcode)) {
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
else if (mm_is_pattern(*matcode)) {
ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_data(f, *M, *N, *nz, *I, *J, *val, *matcode);
if (ret_code != 0) return ret_code;
if (f != stdin) fclose(f);
return 0;
if (f != stdin) fclose(f);
return 0;
int mm_write_banner(FILE* f, MM_typecode matcode)
char* str = mm_typecode_to_str(matcode);
int ret_code;
char* str = mm_typecode_to_str(matcode);
int ret_code;
ret_code = fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", MatrixMarketBanner, str);
if (ret_code != 2) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
ret_code = fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", MatrixMarketBanner, str);
if (ret_code != 2) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE;
return 0;
int mm_write_mtx_crd(char fname[],
@ -337,38 +363,43 @@ int mm_write_mtx_crd(char fname[],
double val[],
MM_typecode matcode)
FILE* f;
int i;
FILE* f;
int i;
if (strcmp(fname, "stdout") == 0) f = stdout;
else if ((f = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL)
if (strcmp(fname, "stdout") == 0) f = stdout;
else if ((f = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL)
/* print banner followed by typecode */
fprintf(f, "%s ", MatrixMarketBanner);
fprintf(f, "%s\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
/* print banner followed by typecode */
fprintf(f, "%s ", MatrixMarketBanner);
fprintf(f, "%s\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode));
/* print matrix sizes and nonzeros */
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", M, N, nz);
/* print values */
if (mm_is_pattern(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", I[i], J[i]);
else if (mm_is_real(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d %20.16g\n", I[i], J[i], val[i]);
else if (mm_is_complex(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d %20.16g %20.16g\n", I[i], J[i], val[2 * i], val[2 * i + 1]);
else {
if (f != stdout) fclose(f);
/* print matrix sizes and nonzeros */
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", M, N, nz);
/* print values */
if (mm_is_pattern(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", I[i], J[i]);
else if (mm_is_real(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
fprintf(f, "%d %d %20.16g\n", I[i], J[i], val[i]);
else if (mm_is_complex(matcode))
for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
"%d %d %20.16g %20.16g\n",
val[2 * i],
val[2 * i + 1]);
else {
if (f != stdout) fclose(f);
return 0;
if (f != stdout) fclose(f);
return 0;
@ -378,52 +409,52 @@ int mm_write_mtx_crd(char fname[],
char* mm_strdup(const char* s)
int len = strlen(s);
char* s2 = (char*)malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char));
return strcpy(s2, s);
int len = strlen(s);
char* s2 = (char*)malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char));
return strcpy(s2, s);
char* mm_typecode_to_str(MM_typecode matcode)
char buffer[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
char* types[4];
char* mm_strdup(const char*);
int error = 0;
char buffer[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
char* types[4];
char* mm_strdup(const char*);
int error = 0;
/* check for MTX type */
if (mm_is_matrix(matcode)) types[0] = MM_MTX_STR;
error = 1;
/* check for MTX type */
if (mm_is_matrix(matcode)) types[0] = MM_MTX_STR;
error = 1;
/* check for CRD or ARR matrix */
if (mm_is_sparse(matcode)) types[1] = MM_SPARSE_STR;
else if (mm_is_dense(matcode))
types[1] = MM_DENSE_STR;
return NULL;
/* check for CRD or ARR matrix */
if (mm_is_sparse(matcode)) types[1] = MM_SPARSE_STR;
else if (mm_is_dense(matcode))
types[1] = MM_DENSE_STR;
return NULL;
/* check for element data type */
if (mm_is_real(matcode)) types[2] = MM_REAL_STR;
else if (mm_is_complex(matcode))
types[2] = MM_COMPLEX_STR;
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode))
types[2] = MM_PATTERN_STR;
else if (mm_is_integer(matcode))
types[2] = MM_INT_STR;
return NULL;
/* check for element data type */
if (mm_is_real(matcode)) types[2] = MM_REAL_STR;
else if (mm_is_complex(matcode))
types[2] = MM_COMPLEX_STR;
else if (mm_is_pattern(matcode))
types[2] = MM_PATTERN_STR;
else if (mm_is_integer(matcode))
types[2] = MM_INT_STR;
return NULL;
/* check for symmetry type */
if (mm_is_general(matcode)) types[3] = MM_GENERAL_STR;
else if (mm_is_symmetric(matcode))
types[3] = MM_SYMM_STR;
else if (mm_is_hermitian(matcode))
types[3] = MM_HERM_STR;
else if (mm_is_skew(matcode))
types[3] = MM_SKEW_STR;
return NULL;
/* check for symmetry type */
if (mm_is_general(matcode)) types[3] = MM_GENERAL_STR;
else if (mm_is_symmetric(matcode))
types[3] = MM_SYMM_STR;
else if (mm_is_hermitian(matcode))
types[3] = MM_HERM_STR;
else if (mm_is_skew(matcode))
types[3] = MM_SKEW_STR;
return NULL;
sprintf(buffer, "%s %s %s %s", types[0], types[1], types[2], types[3]);
return mm_strdup(buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s %s %s %s", types[0], types[1], types[2], types[3]);
return mm_strdup(buffer);

View File

@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ int mm_is_valid(MM_typecode matcode); /* too complex for a macro */
#define mm_set_skew(typecode) ((*typecode)[3] = 'K')
#define mm_set_hermitian(typecode) ((*typecode)[3] = 'H')
#define mm_clear_typecode(typecode) \
((*typecode)[0] = (*typecode)[1] = (*typecode)[2] = ' ', (*typecode)[3] = 'G')
#define mm_clear_typecode(typecode) \
((*typecode)[0] = (*typecode)[1] = (*typecode)[2] = ' ', (*typecode)[3] = 'G')
#define mm_initialize_typecode(typecode) mm_clear_typecode(typecode)
@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ int mm_is_valid(MM_typecode matcode); /* too complex for a macro */
MM_matrix_typecode: 4-character sequence
ojbect sparse/ data storage dense
type scheme
ojbect sparse/ data
storage dense type scheme
string position: [0] [1] [2] [3]
Matrix typecode: M(atrix) C(oord) R(eal) G(eneral)
A(array) C(omplex)
H(ermitian) P(attern) S(ymmetric) I(nteger) K(kew)
C(omplex) H(ermitian) P(attern) S(ymmetric) I(nteger) K(kew)
@ -118,12 +118,23 @@ int mm_write_mtx_crd(char fname[],
int J[],
double val[],
MM_typecode matcode);
int mm_read_mtx_crd_data(
FILE* f, int M, int N, int nz, int I[], int J[], double val[], MM_typecode matcode);
int mm_read_mtx_crd_data(FILE* f,
int M,
int N,
int nz,
int I[],
int J[],
double val[],
MM_typecode matcode);
int mm_read_mtx_crd_entry(
FILE* f, int* I, int* J, double* real, double* img, MM_typecode matcode);
int mm_read_unsymmetric_sparse(
const char* fname, int* M_, int* N_, int* nz_, double** val_, int** I_, int** J_);
int mm_read_unsymmetric_sparse(const char* fname,
int* M_,
int* N_,
int* nz_,
double** val_,
int** I_,
int** J_);

View File

@ -11,61 +11,61 @@
void initParameter(Parameter* param)
param->filename = "generate";
param->nx = 100;
param->ny = 100;
param->nz = 1000;
param->itermax = 1000;
param->eps = 0.0001;
param->filename = "generate";
param->nx = 100;
param->ny = 100;
param->nz = 1000;
param->itermax = 1000;
param->eps = 0.0001;
void readParameter(Parameter* param, const char* filename)
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
char line[MAXLINE];
int i;
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
char line[MAXLINE];
int i;
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open parameter file: %s\n", filename);
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open parameter file: %s\n", filename);
while (!feof(fp)) {
line[0] = '\0';
fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp);
for (i = 0; line[i] != '\0' && line[i] != '#'; i++)
line[i] = '\0';
while (!feof(fp)) {
line[0] = '\0';
fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp);
for (i = 0; line[i] != '\0' && line[i] != '#'; i++)
line[i] = '\0';
char* tok = strtok(line, " ");
char* val = strtok(NULL, " ");
char* tok = strtok(line, " ");
char* val = strtok(NULL, " ");
#define PARSE_PARAM(p, f) \
if (strncmp(tok, #p, sizeof(#p) / sizeof(#p[0]) - 1) == 0) { \
param->p = f(val); \
#define PARSE_PARAM(p, f) \
if (strncmp(tok, #p, sizeof(#p) / sizeof(#p[0]) - 1) == 0) { \
param->p = f(val); \
#define PARSE_STRING(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, strdup)
#define PARSE_INT(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, atoi)
#define PARSE_REAL(p) PARSE_PARAM(p, atof)
if (tok != NULL && val != NULL) {
if (tok != NULL && val != NULL) {
void printParameter(Parameter* param)
printf("Geometry data:\n");
printf("\tPoints (x, y, z): %d, %d, %d\n", param->nx, param->ny, param->nz);
printf("Iterative solver parameters:\n");
printf("\tMax iterations: %d\n", param->itermax);
printf("\tepsilon (stopping tolerance) : %f\n", param->eps);
printf("Geometry data:\n");
printf("\tPoints (x, y, z): %d, %d, %d\n", param->nx, param->ny, param->nz);
printf("Iterative solver parameters:\n");
printf("\tMax iterations: %d\n", param->itermax);
printf("\tepsilon (stopping tolerance) : %f\n", param->eps);

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
#define __PARAMETER_H_
typedef struct {
char* filename;
int nx, ny, nz;
int itermax;
double eps;
char* filename;
int nx, ny, nz;
int itermax;
double eps;
} Parameter;
void initParameter(Parameter*);

View File

@ -13,36 +13,36 @@ static int _current;
void initProgress(double end)
_end = end;
_current = 0;
_end = end;
_current = 0;
printf("[ ]");
printf("[ ]");
void printProgress(double current)
int new = (int)rint((current / _end) * 10.0);
int new = (int)rint((current / _end) * 10.0);
if (new > _current) {
char progress[11];
_current = new;
progress[0] = 0;
if (new > _current) {
char progress[11];
_current = new;
progress[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < _current) {
sprintf(progress + strlen(progress), "#");
} else {
sprintf(progress + strlen(progress), " ");
printf("\r[%s]", progress);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < _current) {
sprintf(progress + strlen(progress), "#");
} else {
sprintf(progress + strlen(progress), " ");
printf("\r[%s]", progress);
void stopProgress()

View File

@ -13,139 +13,143 @@
#include "solver.h"
#include "util.h"
static void matrixGenerate(Parameter* p, Solver* s, Comm* c, bool use_7pt_stencil)
static void matrixGenerate(
Parameter* p, Solver* s, Comm* c, bool use_7pt_stencil)
int size = c->size;
int rank = c->rank;
int size = c->size;
int rank = c->rank;
CG_UINT local_nrow = p->nx * p->ny * p->nz;
CG_UINT local_nnz = 27 * local_nrow;
CG_UINT local_nrow = p->nx * p->ny * p->nz;
CG_UINT local_nnz = 27 * local_nrow;
CG_UINT total_nrow = local_nrow * size;
CG_UINT total_nnz = 27 * total_nrow;
CG_UINT total_nrow = local_nrow * size;
CG_UINT total_nnz = 27 * total_nrow;
int start_row = local_nrow * rank;
int stop_row = start_row + local_nrow - 1;
int start_row = local_nrow * rank;
int stop_row = start_row + local_nrow - 1;
if (commIsMaster(c)) {
if (use_7pt_stencil) {
printf("Generate 7pt matrix with ");
} else {
printf("Generate 27pt matrix with ");
printf("%d total rows and %d nonzeros\n", (int)total_nrow, (int)local_nnz);
if (commIsMaster(c)) {
if (use_7pt_stencil) {
printf("Generate 7pt matrix with ");
} else {
printf("Generate 27pt matrix with ");
printf("%d total rows and %d nonzeros\n", (int)total_nrow, (int)local_nnz);
s->A.val = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nnz * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->A.colInd = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nnz * sizeof(CG_UINT));
s->A.rowPtr = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, (local_nrow + 1) * sizeof(CG_UINT));
s->x = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->b = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->xexact = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->A.val = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nnz * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->A.colInd = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT,
local_nnz * sizeof(CG_UINT));
s->A.rowPtr = (CG_UINT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT,
(local_nrow + 1) * sizeof(CG_UINT));
s->x = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->b = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT, local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
s->xexact = (CG_FLOAT*)allocate(ARRAY_ALIGNMENT,
local_nrow * sizeof(CG_FLOAT));
CG_FLOAT* curvalptr = s->A.val;
CG_UINT* curindptr = s->A.colInd;
CG_UINT* currowptr = s->A.rowPtr;
CG_FLOAT* x = s->x;
CG_FLOAT* b = s->b;
CG_FLOAT* xexact = s->xexact;
CG_FLOAT* curvalptr = s->A.val;
CG_UINT* curindptr = s->A.colInd;
CG_UINT* currowptr = s->A.rowPtr;
CG_FLOAT* x = s->x;
CG_FLOAT* b = s->b;
CG_FLOAT* xexact = s->xexact;
CG_UINT nnzglobal = 0;
int nx = p->nx, ny = p->ny, nz = p->nz;
CG_UINT cursor = 0;
CG_UINT nnzglobal = 0;
int nx = p->nx, ny = p->ny, nz = p->nz;
CG_UINT cursor = 0;
*currowptr++ = 0;
*currowptr++ = 0;
for (int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
for (int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
int curlocalrow = iz * nx * ny + iy * nx + ix;
int currow = start_row + iz * nx * ny + iy * nx + ix;
int nnzrow = 0;
int curlocalrow = iz * nx * ny + iy * nx + ix;
int currow = start_row + iz * nx * ny + iy * nx + ix;
int nnzrow = 0;
for (int sz = -1; sz <= 1; sz++) {
for (int sy = -1; sy <= 1; sy++) {
for (int sx = -1; sx <= 1; sx++) {
for (int sz = -1; sz <= 1; sz++) {
for (int sy = -1; sy <= 1; sy++) {
for (int sx = -1; sx <= 1; sx++) {
int curcol = currow + sz * nx * ny + sy * nx + sx;
// Since we have a stack of nx by ny by nz domains
// , stacking in the z direction, we check to see
// if sx and sy are reaching outside of the domain,
// while the check for the curcol being valid is
// sufficient to check the z values
if ((ix + sx >= 0) && (ix + sx < nx) && (iy + sy >= 0) &&
(iy + sy < ny) && (curcol >= 0 && curcol < total_nrow)) {
// This logic will skip over point that are not part of a
// 7-pt stencil
if (!use_7pt_stencil ||
(sz * sz + sy * sy + sx * sx <= 1)) {
if (curcol == currow) {
*curvalptr++ = 27.0;
} else {
*curvalptr++ = -1.0;
*curindptr++ = curcol;
} // end sx loop
} // end sy loop
} // end sz loop
int curcol = currow + sz * nx * ny + sy * nx + sx;
// Since we have a stack of nx by ny by nz domains
// , stacking in the z direction, we check to see
// if sx and sy are reaching outside of the domain,
// while the check for the curcol being valid is
// sufficient to check the z values
if ((ix + sx >= 0) && (ix + sx < nx) && (iy + sy >= 0) &&
(iy + sy < ny) && (curcol >= 0 && curcol < total_nrow)) {
// This logic will skip over point that are not part of a
// 7-pt stencil
if (!use_7pt_stencil || (sz * sz + sy * sy + sx * sx <= 1)) {
if (curcol == currow) {
*curvalptr++ = 27.0;
} else {
*curvalptr++ = -1.0;
*curindptr++ = curcol;
} // end sx loop
} // end sy loop
} // end sz loop
*currowptr = *(currowptr - 1) + nnzrow;
nnzglobal += nnzrow;
x[curlocalrow] = 0.0;
b[curlocalrow] = 27.0 - ((CG_FLOAT)(nnzrow - 1));
xexact[curlocalrow] = 1.0;
} // end ix loop
} // end iy loop
} // end iz loop
*currowptr = *(currowptr - 1) + nnzrow;
nnzglobal += nnzrow;
x[curlocalrow] = 0.0;
b[curlocalrow] = 27.0 - ((CG_FLOAT)(nnzrow - 1));
xexact[curlocalrow] = 1.0;
} // end ix loop
} // end iy loop
} // end iz loop
#ifdef VERBOSE
printf("Process %d of %d has %d rows\n", rank, size, local_nrow);
printf("Global rows %d through %d\n", start_row, stop_row);
printf("%d nonzeros\n", start_row, stop_row);
printf("Process %d of %d has %d rows\n", rank, size, local_nrow);
printf("Global rows %d through %d\n", start_row, stop_row);
printf("%d nonzeros\n", start_row, stop_row);
#endif /* ifdef VERBOSE */
s->A.startRow = start_row;
s->A.stopRow = stop_row;
s->A.totalNr = total_nrow;
s->A.totalNnz = total_nnz;
s-> = local_nrow;
s-> = local_nrow;
s->A.nnz = local_nnz;
s->A.startRow = start_row;
s->A.stopRow = stop_row;
s->A.totalNr = total_nrow;
s->A.totalNnz = total_nnz;
s-> = local_nrow;
s-> = local_nrow;
s->A.nnz = local_nnz;
void initSolver(Solver* s, Comm* c, Parameter* p)
if (!strcmp(p->filename, "generate")) {
matrixGenerate(p, s, c, false);
} else if (!strcmp(p->filename, "generate7P")) {
matrixGenerate(p, s, c, true);
} else {
matrixRead(&s->A, p->filename);
if (!strcmp(p->filename, "generate")) {
matrixGenerate(p, s, c, false);
} else if (!strcmp(p->filename, "generate7P")) {
matrixGenerate(p, s, c, true);
} else {
matrixRead(&s->A, p->filename);
void spMVM(Matrix* m, const CG_FLOAT* restrict x, CG_FLOAT* restrict y)
CG_UINT numRows = m->nr;
CG_UINT* rowPtr = m->rowPtr;
CG_UINT* colInd = m->colInd;
CG_FLOAT* val = m->val;
CG_UINT numRows = m->nr;
CG_UINT* rowPtr = m->rowPtr;
CG_UINT* colInd = m->colInd;
CG_FLOAT* val = m->val;
for (size_t rowID = 0; rowID < numRows; rowID++) {
CG_FLOAT tmp = y[rowID];
for (size_t rowID = 0; rowID < numRows; rowID++) {
CG_FLOAT tmp = y[rowID];
// loop over all elements in row
for (size_t rowEntry = rowPtr[rowID]; rowEntry < rowPtr[rowID + 1]; rowEntry++) {
tmp += val[rowEntry] * x[colInd[rowEntry]];
y[rowID] = tmp;
// loop over all elements in row
for (size_t rowEntry = rowPtr[rowID]; rowEntry < rowPtr[rowID + 1];
rowEntry++) {
tmp += val[rowEntry] * x[colInd[rowEntry]];
y[rowID] = tmp;
void waxpby(const CG_UINT n,
@ -155,19 +159,19 @@ void waxpby(const CG_UINT n,
const CG_FLOAT* restrict y,
CG_FLOAT* const w)
if (alpha == 1.0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = x[i] + beta * y[i];
} else if (beta == 1.0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = alpha * x[i] + y[i];
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = alpha * x[i] + beta * y[i];
if (alpha == 1.0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = x[i] + beta * y[i];
} else if (beta == 1.0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = alpha * x[i] + y[i];
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = alpha * x[i] + beta * y[i];
void ddot(const CG_UINT n,
@ -175,18 +179,18 @@ void ddot(const CG_UINT n,
const CG_FLOAT* restrict y,
CG_FLOAT* restrict result)
CG_FLOAT sum = 0.0;
CG_FLOAT sum = 0.0;
if (y == x) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += x[i] * x[i];
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += x[i] * y[i];
if (y == x) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += x[i] * x[i];
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += x[i] * y[i];
commReduction(&sum, SUM);
*result = sum;
commReduction(&sum, SUM);
*result = sum;

View File

@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
#include "util.h"
typedef struct {
Matrix A;
CG_FLOAT* xexact;
Matrix A;
CG_FLOAT* xexact;
} Solver;
void initSolver(Solver* s, Comm* c, Parameter*);

View File

@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
double getTimeStamp(void)
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_nsec * 1.e-9;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_nsec * 1.e-9;
double getTimeResolution(void)
struct timespec ts;
clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_nsec * 1.e-9;
struct timespec ts;
clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_nsec * 1.e-9;