2021-09-13 12:25:56 +02:00

173 lines
3.6 KiB

package main
import (
type Stats struct {
Samples int
Avg Float
Min Float
Max Float
func (b *buffer) stats(from, to int64) (Stats, int64, int64, error) {
if from < b.start {
if b.prev != nil {
return b.prev.stats(from, to)
from = b.start
samples := 0
sum, min, max := 0.0, math.MaxFloat32, -math.MaxFloat32
var t int64
for t = from; t < to; t += b.frequency {
idx := int((t - b.start) / b.frequency)
if idx >= cap( {
b =
if b == nil {
idx = 0
if t < b.start || idx >= len( {
xf := float64([idx])
if math.IsNaN(xf) {
samples += 1
sum += xf
min = math.Min(min, xf)
max = math.Max(max, xf)
return Stats{
Samples: samples,
Avg: Float(sum) / Float(samples),
Min: Float(min),
Max: Float(max),
}, from, t, nil
// Returns statistics for the requested metric on the selected node/level.
// Data is aggregated to the selected level the same way as in `MemoryStore.Read`.
// If `Stats.Samples` is zero, the statistics should not be considered as valid.
func (m *MemoryStore) Stats(selector Selector, metric string, from, to int64) (*Stats, int64, int64, error) {
if from > to {
return nil, 0, 0, errors.New("invalid time range")
minfo, ok := m.metrics[metric]
if !ok {
return nil, 0, 0, errors.New("unkown metric: " + metric)
n, samples := 0, 0
avg, min, max := Float(0), math.MaxFloat32, -math.MaxFloat32
err := m.root.findBuffers(selector, minfo.offset, func(b *buffer) error {
stats, cfrom, cto, err := b.stats(from, to)
if err != nil {
return err
if n == 0 {
from, to = cfrom, cto
} else if from != cfrom || to != cto {
return ErrDataDoesNotAlign
samples += stats.Samples
avg += stats.Avg
min = math.Min(min, float64(stats.Min))
max = math.Max(max, float64(stats.Max))
n += 1
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
if n == 0 {
return nil, 0, 0, ErrNoData
if minfo.aggregation == AvgAggregation {
avg /= Float(n)
} else if n > 1 && minfo.aggregation != SumAggregation {
return nil, 0, 0, errors.New("invalid aggregation")
return &Stats{
Samples: samples,
Avg: avg,
Min: Float(min),
Max: Float(max),
}, from, to, nil
// Return the newest value of the metric at offset `offset`.
// In case the level does not hold the metric itself,
// sum up the values from all lower levels.
func (l *level) peek(offset int) (Float, int) {
b := l.metrics[offset]
if b != nil {
x :=[len(]
return x, 1
n, sum := 0, Float(0)
for _, lvl := range l.children {
x, m := lvl.peek(offset)
n += m
sum += x
return sum, n
// Return the newest value for every metric of every node for the given cluster.
// All values are always aggregated to a node.
func (m *MemoryStore) Peek(cluster string) (map[string]map[string]Float, error) {
clusterLevel, ok := m.root.children[cluster]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("no such cluster: " + cluster)
defer clusterLevel.lock.RUnlock()
nodes := make(map[string]map[string]Float)
for node, l := range clusterLevel.children {
metrics := make(map[string]Float)
for metric, minfo := range m.metrics {
x, n := l.peek(minfo.offset)
if n > 1 {
if minfo.aggregation == NoAggregation {
return nil, errors.New("cannot aggregate: " + metric)
} else if minfo.aggregation == AvgAggregation {
x /= Float(n)
metrics[metric] = x
nodes[node] = metrics
return nodes, nil