2022-07-27 10:46:13 +02:00
api Fix names and add missing methods 2022-07-26 10:04:58 +02:00
memstore Enable binary checkpoints 2022-07-27 10:46:13 +02:00
types Move selector type and read logic 2022-07-20 16:09:13 +02:00 Update READMEs 2022-07-20 16:04:36 +02:00

Internal Documentation

Things I would like to improve...

While developing ClusterCockpit, there are a lot of things I learned and that I would change if redoing everything. Unfortunately, I did not have as much time as I hopped and a few things ended up a bit chaotic. This is partly because the requirements and features and metrics (and particularly their scopes) changed, PHP Symfony ate up a lot of dev. time, and it was my first big frontend. The frontend ended up particularly chaotic, but it works and I really like Svelte.

The cc-metric-store, in my opinion, however, is one of the more interesting aspects of the ClusterCockpit stack, with very very interesting and effective possibilities for improvement! It was created just in a span of two months and is successfully deployed for multiple clusters. Yes, trying to implement your own time-series data-base might be crazy and naive, but where would you do something like that if not in university? I personally would not even call the metric store a TSDB for now because it lacks a lot of features. However, in our defense: there are not that many open source in-memory TSDBs. The closest thing I found was a redis extension, but it was lacking horizontal aggregation and other features. The core philosophy should not change and basically is KISS (keep it simple stupid):

  • Because of the job-archive, only the last 48h or so need to be stored in a TSDB. This means that even for large clusters with lots of cores, storing everything in main-memory is very much feasible.
  • In case of a power outage etc, missing monitoring data is the least of the admins problems: Redundancy and Consistency is not important.
  • The metrics are always written and queried along a simple hierarchy: cluster -> host -> .... This means that only a single tree-like index is needed (aggregations along this hierarchy are common and need to be fast!).
  • All measurements are done in fixed intervals. There is no need to know exactly when something was measured, only within what minute/"slot" a measurement was taken (a slot can cover 10s or so).

Here is a loose list of things I would do better if I could do it again. Please feel free to contact before attempting to extend and improve this implementation. Because it is not much code and there still are lots of opportunities for improvement, in my opinion, it would make a good thesis of master project. If it is done well and the interface becomes truly generic and application independent, it could even become useful for others as well because, as I mentioned before, open-source in-memory TSDBs are not that common.

  • Checkpoints/Archiving:
    • Time-series data can be compressed using very delta-encoding or XORs with trailing/leading zeros: The gorilla paper has some examples.
    • A few large files are better than a lot of small ones (ongoing work).
    • Use a binary file format instead of JSON for faster en-/decoding (ongoing work).
    • Make archiving more flexible, allow to move archives into another DB (for long-term storage).
  • API:
    • Writing:
      • Currently, the line-protocol decoder is very strongly coupled to the format used by ClusterCockpit. Make it more flexible and generic. A single strict hierarchy is still a must!.
      • Blank TCP/TLS write endpoints: Keep-alive connections without the protocol-overhead of HTTP(S). JWT (and optionally default tags) must only be transfered once.
    • Reading:
      • Re-do the query API completely! Allow for much more komplex queries with proper query language, such as for example: select(from: 2022-01-08T00:00:00, to: 2022-01-09T23:59:59) > filter(hostname: ["e0001", "e0002", ...]) > topology-aggregation("sum", ["core0", "core1", "core2", "core3"]) > transform(flops_any: flops_dp * 2 + flops_sp) > metrics(flops_any)
  • Internals:
    • Not urgent because Go actually does quite a good job: rewrite in C/C++ or Rust (or another language without garbage collection)
    • Alternatively: Implement a custom allocator for the chunks that bypasses GC and uses mmap.
    • Combine chunk-head (start-time, frequency, is-checkpointed, ...) and payload slice in the same allocation?
    • Calculate stats once after a chunk is closed.
    • Implement all the things needed for efficient and more complex queries.
  • ...