# ClusterCockpit Metric Store Unusable yet. Go look at the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-store/issues) for a progress overview. ### REST API Endpoints The following endpoints are implemented (not properly tested, subject to change): - *from* and *to* need to be Unix timestamps in seconds - *class* needs to be `node`, `socket` or `cpu` (The class of each metric is documented in [cc-metric-collector](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-collector)) - If the *class* is `socket`, the hostname needs to be appended by `:s`. The same goes for `cpu` and `:c` - Fetch all datapoints from *from* to *to* for the hosts *h1*, *h2* and *h3* and metrics *m1* and *m2* - Request: `GET /api/////timeseries?host=



&metric=&metric=&...` - Response: `{ "m1": { "hosts": [{ "host": "h1", "start": , "data": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...] }, { "host": "h2" , ...}, { "host": "h3", ...}] }, ... }` - Fetch the average, minimum and maximum values from *from* to *to* for the hosts *h1*, *h2* and *h3* and metrics *m1* and *m2* - Request: `GET /api/////stats?host=



&metric=&metric=&...` - Response: `{ "m1": { "hosts": [{ "host": "h1", "samples": 123, "avg": 0.5, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0 }, ...] }, ... }` - `samples` is the number of actual measurements taken into account. This can be lower than expected if data ponts are missing - Fetch the newest value for each host and metric on a specified cluster - Request: `GET /api///peak` - Response: `{ "host1": { "metric1": 1., "metric2": 2., ... }, "host2": { ... }, ... }` ### Run tests ```sh # Test the line protocol parser go test ./lineprotocol -v # Test the memory store go test . -v ``` ### Test the complete setup (excluding ClusterCockpit itself) First, get a NATS server running: ```sh # Only needed once, downloads the docker image docker pull nats:latest # Start the NATS server docker run -p 4222:4222 -ti nats:latest ``` Second, build and start start the [cc-metric-collector](https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-collector) using the following as `config.json`: ```json { "sink": { "type": "nats", "host": "localhost", "port": "4222", "database": "updates" }, "interval" : 3, "duration" : 1, "collectors": [ "likwid", "loadavg" ], "default_tags": { "cluster": "testcluster" }, "receiver": { "type": "none" } } ``` Third, build and start the metric store. ```sh # Assuming you have a clone of this repo in ./cc-metric-store: cd cc-metric-store go get go build ./cc-metric-store ``` Use this as `config.json`: ```json { "metrics": { "node": { "frequency": 3, "metrics": ["load_five", "load_fifteen", "proc_total", "proc_run", "load_one"] }, "socket": { "frequency": 3, "metrics": ["power", "mem_bw"] }, "cpu": { "frequency": 3, "metrics": ["flops_sp", "flops_dp", "flops_any", "clock", "cpi"] } } } ``` And finally, use the API to fetch some data: ```sh # If the collector and store and nats-server have been running for at least 60 seconds on the same host, you may run: curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/api/testcluster/node/$(expr $(date +%s) - 60)/$(date +%s)/timeseries?metric=load_one&host=$(hostname)" # or: curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/api/testcluster/socket/$(expr $(date +%s) - 60)/$(date +%s)/timeseries?metric=mem_bw&metric=power&host=$(hostname):s0" # or: curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/api/testcluster/cpu/$(expr $(date +%s) - 60)/$(date +%s)/timeseries?metric=flops_any&host=$(hostname):c0&host=$(hostname):c1" # or: curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/api/testcluster/node/peak" # or: curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/api/testcluster/socket/$(expr $(date +%s) - 60)/$(date +%s)/stats?metric=mem_bw&metric=power&host=$(hostname):s0" # ... ```