2022-08-11 15:36:18 +02:00

589 lines
16 KiB

package receivers
import (
cclog ""
lp ""
// See:
// RedfishReceiver configuration:
type RedfishReceiver struct {
config struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
// Maximum number of simultaneous redfish connections (default: 64)
Fanout int `json:"fanout,omitempty"`
// How often the redfish power metrics should be read and send to the sink (default: 30 s)
IntervalString string `json:"interval,omitempty"`
Interval time.Duration
// Control whether a client verifies the server's certificate
// (default: true == do not verify server's certificate)
HttpInsecure bool `json:"http_insecure,omitempty"`
// Time limit for requests made by this HTTP client (default: 10 s)
HttpTimeoutString string `json:"http_timeout,omitempty"`
HttpTimeout time.Duration
// Globally disable collection of power or thermal metrics
DisablePowerMetrics bool `json:"disable_power_metrics"`
DisableThermalMetrics bool `json:"disable_thermal_metrics"`
// Globally excluded metrics
ExcludeMetrics []string `json:"exclude_metrics,omitempty"`
// Client config for each redfish service
ClientConfigs []struct {
Hostname *string `json:"hostname"` // Hostname the redfish service belongs to
Username *string `json:"username"` // User name to authenticate with
Password *string `json:"password"` // Password to use for authentication
Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // URL of the redfish service
// Per client disable collection of power or thermal metrics
DisablePowerMetrics bool `json:"disable_power_metrics"`
DisableThermalMetrics bool `json:"disable_thermal_metrics"`
// Per client excluded metrics
ExcludeMetrics []string `json:"exclude_metrics,omitempty"`
// is metric excluded globally or per client
isExcluded map[string](bool)
gofish gofish.ClientConfig
} `json:"client_config"`
done chan bool // channel to finish / stop redfish receiver
wg sync.WaitGroup // wait group for redfish receiver
// Start starts the redfish receiver
func (r *RedfishReceiver) Start() {
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "START")
// Read redfish thermal metrics
readThermalMetrics := func(clientConfigIndex int, chassis *redfish.Chassis) error {
clientConfig := &r.config.ClientConfigs[clientConfigIndex]
// Skip collection off thermal metrics when disabled by config
if r.config.DisableThermalMetrics || clientConfig.DisableThermalMetrics {
return nil
// Get thermal information for each chassis
thermal, err := chassis.Thermal()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("readMetrics: chassis.Thermal() failed: %v", err)
// Skip empty thermal information
if thermal == nil {
return nil
timestamp := time.Now()
for _, temperature := range thermal.Temperatures {
// Skip, when temperature metric is excluded
if clientConfig.isExcluded["temperature"] {
// Skip all temperatures which are not in enabled state
if temperature.Status.State != common.EnabledState {
tags := map[string]string{
"hostname": *clientConfig.Hostname,
"type": "node",
// ChassisType shall indicate the physical form factor for the type of chassis
"chassis_typ": string(chassis.ChassisType),
// Chassis name
"chassis_name": chassis.Name,
// ID uniquely identifies the resource
"temperature_id": temperature.ID,
// MemberID shall uniquely identify the member within the collection. For
// services supporting Redfish v1.6 or higher, this value shall be the
// zero-based array index.
"temperature_member_id": temperature.MemberID,
// PhysicalContext shall be a description of the affected device or region
// within the chassis to which this temperature measurement applies
"temperature_physical_context": string(temperature.PhysicalContext),
// Name
"temperature_name": temperature.Name,
// Delete empty tags
for key, value := range tags {
if value == "" {
delete(tags, key)
// Set meta data tags
meta := map[string]string{
"group": "Temperature",
"unit": "degC",
// ReadingCelsius shall be the current value of the temperature sensor's reading.
value := temperature.ReadingCelsius
y, err := lp.New("temperature", tags, meta,
"value": value,
if err == nil {
r.sink <- y
for _, fan := range thermal.Fans {
// Skip, when fan_speed metric is excluded
if clientConfig.isExcluded["fan_speed"] {
// Skip all fans which are not in enabled state
if fan.Status.State != common.EnabledState {
tags := map[string]string{
"hostname": *clientConfig.Hostname,
"type": "node",
// ChassisType shall indicate the physical form factor for the type of chassis
"chassis_typ": string(chassis.ChassisType),
// Chassis name
"chassis_name": chassis.Name,
// ID uniquely identifies the resource
"fan_id": fan.ID,
// MemberID shall uniquely identify the member within the collection. For
// services supporting Redfish v1.6 or higher, this value shall be the
// zero-based array index.
"fan_member_id": fan.MemberID,
// PhysicalContext shall be a description of the affected device or region
// within the chassis to which this fan is associated
"fan_physical_context": string(fan.PhysicalContext),
// Name
"fan_name": fan.Name,
// Delete empty tags
for key, value := range tags {
if value == "" {
delete(tags, key)
// Set meta data tags
meta := map[string]string{
"group": "FanSpeed",
"unit": string(fan.ReadingUnits),
// Reading shall be the current value of the fan sensor's reading
value := fan.Reading
y, err := lp.New("fan_speed", tags, meta,
"value": value,
if err == nil {
r.sink <- y
return nil
// Read redfish power metrics
readPowerMetrics := func(clientConfigIndex int, chassis *redfish.Chassis) error {
clientConfig := &r.config.ClientConfigs[clientConfigIndex]
// Skip collection off thermal metrics when disabled by config
if r.config.DisablePowerMetrics || clientConfig.DisablePowerMetrics {
return nil
// Get power information for each chassis
power, err := chassis.Power()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("readMetrics: chassis.Power() failed: %v", err)
// Skip empty power information
if power == nil {
return nil
timestamp := time.Now()
// Read min, max and average consumed watts for each power control
for _, pc := range power.PowerControl {
// Skip all power controls which are not in enabled state
if pc.Status.State != common.EnabledState {
// Map of collected metrics
metrics := make(map[string]float32)
// PowerConsumedWatts shall represent the actual power being consumed (in
// Watts) by the chassis
if !clientConfig.isExcluded["consumed_watts"] {
metrics["consumed_watts"] = pc.PowerConsumedWatts
// AverageConsumedWatts shall represent the
// average power level that occurred averaged over the last IntervalInMin
// minutes.
if !clientConfig.isExcluded["average_consumed_watts"] {
metrics["average_consumed_watts"] = pc.PowerMetrics.AverageConsumedWatts
// MinConsumedWatts shall represent the
// minimum power level in watts that occurred within the last
// IntervalInMin minutes.
if !clientConfig.isExcluded["min_consumed_watts"] {
metrics["min_consumed_watts"] = pc.PowerMetrics.MinConsumedWatts
// MaxConsumedWatts shall represent the
// maximum power level in watts that occurred within the last
// IntervalInMin minutes
if !clientConfig.isExcluded["max_consumed_watts"] {
metrics["max_consumed_watts"] = pc.PowerMetrics.MaxConsumedWatts
// IntervalInMin shall represent the time interval (or window), in minutes,
// in which the PowerMetrics properties are measured over.
// Should be an integer, but some Dell implementations return as a float
intervalInMin :=
float64(pc.PowerMetrics.IntervalInMin), 'f', -1, 32)
// Set tags
tags := map[string]string{
"hostname": *clientConfig.Hostname,
"type": "node",
// ChassisType shall indicate the physical form factor for the type of chassis
"chassis_typ": string(chassis.ChassisType),
// Chassis name
"chassis_name": chassis.Name,
// ID uniquely identifies the resource
"power_control_id": pc.ID,
// MemberID shall uniquely identify the member within the collection. For
// services supporting Redfish v1.6 or higher, this value shall be the
// zero-based array index.
"power_control_member_id": pc.MemberID,
// PhysicalContext shall be a description of the affected device(s) or region
// within the chassis to which this power control applies.
"power_control_physical_context": string(pc.PhysicalContext),
// Name
"power_control_name": pc.Name,
// Delete empty tags
for key, value := range tags {
if value == "" {
delete(tags, key)
// Set meta data tags
meta := map[string]string{
"group": "Energy",
"interval_in_minutes": intervalInMin,
"unit": "watts",
// Delete empty meta data tags
for key, value := range meta {
if value == "" {
delete(meta, key)
for name, value := range metrics {
y, err := lp.New(name, tags, meta,
"value": value,
if err == nil {
r.sink <- y
return nil
// readMetrics reads redfish temperature and power metrics from the endpoint configured in conf
readMetrics := func(clientConfigIndex int) error {
// access client config
clientConfig := &r.config.ClientConfigs[clientConfigIndex]
// Connect to redfish service
c, err := gofish.Connect(clientConfig.gofish)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"readMetrics: gofish.Connect({Username: %v, Endpoint: %v, BasicAuth: %v, HttpTimeout: %v, HttpInsecure: %v}) failed: %v",
defer c.Logout()
// Create a session, when required
if _, err = c.GetSession(); err != nil {
c, err = c.CloneWithSession()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("readMetrics: Failed to create a session: %+w", err)
// Get all chassis managed by this service
chassis_list, err := c.Service.Chassis()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("readMetrics: c.Service.Chassis() failed: %v", err)
for _, chassis := range chassis_list {
err := readThermalMetrics(clientConfigIndex, chassis)
if err != nil {
return err
err = readPowerMetrics(clientConfigIndex, chassis)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// doReadMetrics read power and temperature metrics for all configure redfish services.
// To compensate latencies of the Redfish services a fanout is used.
doReadMetric := func() {
// Compute fanout to use
realFanout := r.config.Fanout
if len(r.config.ClientConfigs) < realFanout {
realFanout = len(r.config.ClientConfigs)
// Create wait group and input channel for workers
var workerWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
workerInput := make(chan int, realFanout)
// Create worker go routines
for i := 0; i < realFanout; i++ {
// Increment worker wait group counter
go func() {
// Decrement worker wait group counter
defer workerWaitGroup.Done()
// Read power metrics for each client config
for clientConfigIndex := range workerInput {
err := readMetrics(clientConfigIndex)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
// Distribute client configs to workers
for i := range r.config.ClientConfigs {
// Check done channel status
select {
case workerInput <- i:
case <-r.done:
// process done event
// Stop workers, clear channel and wait for all workers to finish
for range workerInput {
// Stop workers and wait for all workers to finish
// Start redfish receiver
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
// Create ticker
ticker := time.NewTicker(r.config.Interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
// process ticker event -> continue
case <-r.done:
// process done event
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "STARTED")
// Close redfish receiver
func (r *RedfishReceiver) Close() {
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "CLOSE")
// Send the signal and wait
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "DONE")
// New function to create a new instance of the receiver
// Initialize the receiver by giving it a name and reading in the config JSON
func NewRedfishReceiver(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Receiver, error) {
r := new(RedfishReceiver)
// Set name = fmt.Sprintf("RedfishReceiver(%s)", name)
// Create done channel
r.done = make(chan bool)
// Set defaults in r.config
// Allow overwriting these defaults by reading config JSON
r.config.Fanout = 64
r.config.IntervalString = "30s"
r.config.HttpTimeoutString = "10s"
r.config.HttpInsecure = true
// Read the redfish receiver specific JSON config
if len(config) > 0 {
err := json.Unmarshal(config, &r.config)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(, "Error reading config:", err.Error())
return nil, err
// interval duration
var err error
r.config.Interval, err = time.ParseDuration(r.config.IntervalString)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"Failed to parse duration string interval='%s': %w",
cclog.Error(, err)
return nil, err
// HTTP timeout duration
r.config.HttpTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(r.config.HttpTimeoutString)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"Failed to parse duration string http_timeout='%s': %w",
cclog.Error(, err)
return nil, err
// Create new http client
customTransport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
customTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: r.config.HttpInsecure,
httpClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: r.config.HttpTimeout,
Transport: customTransport,
// Create gofish client config
for i := range r.config.ClientConfigs {
clientConfig := &r.config.ClientConfigs[i]
gofishConfig := &clientConfig.gofish
if clientConfig.Hostname == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires hostname", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
if clientConfig.Endpoint == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires endpoint", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
gofishConfig.Endpoint = *clientConfig.Endpoint
if clientConfig.Username == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires username", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
gofishConfig.Username = *clientConfig.Username
if clientConfig.Password == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires password", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
gofishConfig.Password = *clientConfig.Password
// Reuse existing http client
gofishConfig.HTTPClient = httpClient
// Is metrics excluded globally or per client
clientConfig.isExcluded = make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range clientConfig.ExcludeMetrics {
clientConfig.isExcluded[key] = true
for _, key := range r.config.ExcludeMetrics {
clientConfig.isExcluded[key] = true
return r, nil