oscarminus 8a3446a596 cpustatMetric.go: Use derived values instead of absolute values (#83)
* cpustatMetric.go: Use derived values instead of absolute values

  The values in /proc/stat are absolute counters related to the boot
  time of the system. To obtain a utilization of the CPU, the changes
  in the counters must be derived according to time. To take only the
  absolute values leads to the fact that changes in the utilization,
  straight with larger values, do not become visible.

* Add new collector for /proc/schedstat

  The `schedstat` collector reads data from /proc/schedstat and calculates
  a load value, separated by hwthread. This might be useful to detect bad
  cpu pinning on shared nodes etc.

Co-authored-by: Michael Schwarz <>
2022-09-07 14:13:06 +02:00

208 lines
6.5 KiB

package collectors
import (
cclog ""
lp ""
mct ""
// Map of all available metric collectors
var AvailableCollectors = map[string]MetricCollector{
"likwid": new(LikwidCollector),
"loadavg": new(LoadavgCollector),
"memstat": new(MemstatCollector),
"netstat": new(NetstatCollector),
"ibstat": new(InfinibandCollector),
"lustrestat": new(LustreCollector),
"cpustat": new(CpustatCollector),
"topprocs": new(TopProcsCollector),
"nvidia": new(NvidiaCollector),
"customcmd": new(CustomCmdCollector),
"iostat": new(IOstatCollector),
"diskstat": new(DiskstatCollector),
"tempstat": new(TempCollector),
"ipmistat": new(IpmiCollector),
"gpfs": new(GpfsCollector),
"cpufreq": new(CPUFreqCollector),
"cpufreq_cpuinfo": new(CPUFreqCpuInfoCollector),
"nfs3stat": new(Nfs3Collector),
"nfs4stat": new(Nfs4Collector),
"numastats": new(NUMAStatsCollector),
"beegfs_meta": new(BeegfsMetaCollector),
"beegfs_storage": new(BeegfsStorageCollector),
"rocm_smi": new(RocmSmiCollector),
"schedstat": new(SchedstatCollector),
// Metric collector manager data structure
type collectorManager struct {
collectors []MetricCollector // List of metric collectors to read in parallel
serial []MetricCollector // List of metric collectors to read serially
output chan lp.CCMetric // Output channels
done chan bool // channel to finish / stop metric collector manager
ticker mct.MultiChanTicker // periodically ticking once each interval
duration time.Duration // duration (for metrics that measure over a given duration)
wg *sync.WaitGroup // wait group for all goroutines in cc-metric-collector
config map[string]json.RawMessage // json encoded config for collector manager
collector_wg sync.WaitGroup // internally used wait group for the parallel reading of collector
parallel_run bool // Flag whether the collectors are currently read in parallel
// Metric collector manager access functions
type CollectorManager interface {
Init(ticker mct.MultiChanTicker, duration time.Duration, wg *sync.WaitGroup, collectConfigFile string) error
AddOutput(output chan lp.CCMetric)
// Init initializes a new metric collector manager by setting up:
// * output channel
// * done channel
// * wait group synchronization for goroutines (from variable wg)
// * ticker (from variable ticker)
// * configuration (read from config file in variable collectConfigFile)
// Initialization is done for all configured collectors
func (cm *collectorManager) Init(ticker mct.MultiChanTicker, duration time.Duration, wg *sync.WaitGroup, collectConfigFile string) error {
cm.collectors = make([]MetricCollector, 0)
cm.serial = make([]MetricCollector, 0)
cm.output = nil
cm.done = make(chan bool)
cm.wg = wg
cm.ticker = ticker
cm.duration = duration
// Read collector config file
configFile, err := os.Open(collectConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer configFile.Close()
jsonParser := json.NewDecoder(configFile)
err = jsonParser.Decode(&cm.config)
if err != nil {
return err
// Initialize configured collectors
for collectorName, collectorCfg := range cm.config {
if _, found := AvailableCollectors[collectorName]; !found {
cclog.ComponentError("CollectorManager", "SKIP unknown collector", collectorName)
collector := AvailableCollectors[collectorName]
err = collector.Init(collectorCfg)
if err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError("CollectorManager", "Collector", collectorName, "initialization failed:", err.Error())
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", "ADD COLLECTOR", collector.Name())
if collector.Parallel() {
cm.collectors = append(cm.collectors, collector)
} else {
cm.serial = append(cm.serial, collector)
return nil
// Start starts the metric collector manager
func (cm *collectorManager) Start() {
tick := make(chan time.Time)
go func() {
defer cm.wg.Done()
// Collector manager is done
done := func() {
// close all metric collectors
if cm.parallel_run {
cm.parallel_run = false
for _, c := range cm.collectors {
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", "DONE")
// Wait for done signal or timer event
for {
select {
case <-cm.done:
case t := <-tick:
cm.parallel_run = true
for _, c := range cm.collectors {
// Wait for done signal or execute the collector
select {
case <-cm.done:
// Read metrics from collector c via goroutine
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", c.Name(), t)
go func(myc MetricCollector) {
myc.Read(cm.duration, cm.output)
cm.parallel_run = false
for _, c := range cm.serial {
// Wait for done signal or execute the collector
select {
case <-cm.done:
// Read metrics from collector c
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", c.Name(), t)
c.Read(cm.duration, cm.output)
// Collector manager is started
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", "STARTED")
// AddOutput adds the output channel to the metric collector manager
func (cm *collectorManager) AddOutput(output chan lp.CCMetric) {
cm.output = output
// Close finishes / stops the metric collector manager
func (cm *collectorManager) Close() {
cclog.ComponentDebug("CollectorManager", "CLOSE")
cm.done <- true
// wait for close of channel cm.done
// New creates a new initialized metric collector manager
func New(ticker mct.MultiChanTicker, duration time.Duration, wg *sync.WaitGroup, collectConfigFile string) (CollectorManager, error) {
cm := new(collectorManager)
err := cm.Init(ticker, duration, wg, collectConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cm, err