Thomas Gruber 6ab45dd3ec
Merge develop into main (#109)
* Add cpu_used (all-cpu_idle) to CpustatCollector

* Update to line-protocol/v2

* Update runonce.yml with Golang 1.20

* Update fsnotify in LIKWID Collector

* Use not a pointer to line-protocol.Encoder

* Simplify Makefile

* Use only as many arguments as required

* Allow sum function to handle non float types

* Allow values to be a slice of type float64, float32, int, int64, int32, bool

* Use generic function to simplify code

* Add missing case for type []int32

* Use generic function to compute minimum

* Use generic function to compute maximum

* Use generic function to compute average

* Add error value to sumAnyType

* Use generic function to compute median

* For older versions of go slices is not part of the installation

* Remove old entries from go.sum

* Use simpler sort function

* Compute metrics ib_total and ib_total_pkts

* Add aggregated metrics.
Add missing units

* Update likwidMetric.go

Fixes a potential bug when `fsnotify.NewWatcher()` fails with an error

* Completly avoid memory allocations in infinibandMetric read()

* Fixed initialization: Initalization and measurements should run in the same thread

* Add to Release action

* Fix path after installation to /usr/bin after installation

* ioutil.ReadFile is deprecated: As of Go 1.16, this function simply calls os.ReadFile

* Switch to package slices from the golang 1.21 default library

* Read file line by line

* Read file line by line

* Read file line by line

* Use CamelCase

* Use CamelCase

* Fix function getNumaDomain, it always returned 0

* Avoid type conversion by using Atoi
Avoid copying structs by using pointer access
Increase readability with CamelCase variable names

* Add caching

* Cache CpuData

* Cleanup

* Use init function to initalize cache structure to avoid multi threading problems

* Reuse information from /proc/cpuinfo

* Avoid slice cloning. Directly use the cache

* Add DieList

* Add NumaDomainList and SMTList

* Cleanup

* Add comment

* Lookup core ID from /sys/devices/system/cpu, /proc/cpuinfo is not portable

* Lookup all information from /sys/devices/system/cpu, /proc/cpuinfo is not portable

* Correctly handle lists from /sys

* Add Simultaneous Multithreading siblings

* Replace deprecated thread_siblings_list by core_cpus_list

* Reduce number of required slices

* Allow to send total values per core, socket and node

* Send all metrics with same time stamp
calcEventsetMetrics does only computiation, counter measurement is done before

* Input parameters should be float64 when evaluating to float64

* Send all metrics with same time stamp
calcGlobalMetrics does only computiation, counter measurement is done before

* Remove unused variable gmresults

* Add comments

* Updated go packages

* Add build with golang 1.21

* Switch to checkout action version 4

* Switch to setup-go action version 4

* Add workflow_dispatch to allow manual run of workflow

* Add workflow_dispatch to allow manual run of workflow

* Add release build jobs to runonce.yml

* Switch to golang 1.20 for RHEL based distributions

* Use dnf to download golang

* Remove golang versions before 1.20

* Upgrade Ubuntu focal -> jammy

* Pipe golang tar package directly to tar

* Update golang version

* Fix Ubuntu version number

* Add links to ipmi and redfish receivers

* Fix http server addr format

* ->

* Corrected spelling

* Add some comments

* ->

* Allow other fields not only field "value"

* Add some basic debugging documentation

* Add some basic debugging documentation

* Use a lock for the flush timer

* Add tags in lexical order as required by AddTag()

* Only access meta data, when it gets used as tag

* Use slice to store lexialicly orderd key value pairs

* Increase golang version requirement to 1.20.

* Avoid package cmp to allow builds with golang v1.20

* Fix: Error NVML library not found did crash
cc-metric-collector with "SIGSEGV: segmentation violation"

* Add config option idle_timeout

* Add basic authentication support

* Add basic authentication support

* Avoid unneccessary memory allocations

* Add documentation for send_*_total values

* Use generic package maps to clone maps

* Reuse flush timer

* Add Influx client options

* Reuse ccTopology functionality

* Do not store unused topology information

* Add batch_size config

* Cleanup

* Use stype and stype-id for the NIC in NetstatCollector

* Wait for concurrent flush operations to finish

* Be more verbose in error messages

* Reverted previous changes.
Made the code to complex without much advantages

* Use line protocol encoder

* Go pkg update

* Stop flush timer, when immediatelly flushing

* Fix: Corrected unlock access to batch slice

* Add config option to specify whether to use GZip compression in influx write requests

* Add asynchron send of encoder metrics

* Use DefaultServeMux instead of

* Add config option for HTTP keep-alives

* Be more strict, when parsing json

* Add config option for HTTP request timeout and Retry interval

* Allow more then one background send operation

* Fix %sysusers_create_package args (#108)

%sysusers_create_package requires two arguments. See:

* Add nfsiostat to list of collectors


Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
Co-authored-by: Obihörnchen <>
2023-12-04 12:21:26 +01:00

The MetricAggregator

In some cases, further combination of metrics or raw values is required. For that strings like foo + 1 with runtime dependent foo need to be evaluated. The MetricAggregator relies on the gval Golang package to perform all expression evaluation. The gval package provides the basic arithmetic operations but the MetricAggregator defines additional ones.

Note: To get an impression which expressions can be handled by gval, see its README

Simple expression evaluation

For simple expression evaluation, the MetricAggregator provides two function for different use-cases:

  • EvalBoolCondition(expression string, params map[string]interface{}: Used by the MetricRouter to match metrics like metric.Name() == 'mymetric'
  • EvalFloat64Condition(expression string, params map[string]interface{}): Used by the MetricRouter and LikwidCollector to derive new values like (PMC0+PMC1)/PMC3

MetricAggregator extensions for gval

The MetricAggregator provides these functions additional to the Full language in gval:

  • sum(array): Sum up values in an array like sum(values)
  • min(array): Get the minimum value in an array like min(values)
  • avg(array): Get the mean value in an array like avg(values)
  • mean(array): Get the mean value in an array like mean(values)
  • max(array): Get the maximum value in an array like max(values)
  • len(array): Get the length of an array like len(values)
  • median(array): Get the median value in an array like mean(values)
  • in: Check existence in an array like 0 in getCpuList() to check whether there is an entry 0. Also substring matching works like temp in metric.Name()
  • match: Regular-expression matching like match('temp_cores_%d+', metric.Name()). Note all \ in an regex has to be replaced with %
  • getCpuCore(cpuid): For a CPU id, the the corresponding CPU core id like getCpuCore(0)
  • getCpuSocket(cpuid): For a CPU id, the the corresponding CPU socket id
  • getCpuNuma(cpuid): For a CPU id, the the corresponding NUMA domain id
  • getCpuDie(cpuid): For a CPU id, the the corresponding CPU die id
  • getSockCpuList(sockid): For a given CPU socket id, the list of CPU ids is returned like the CPUs on socket 1 getSockCpuList(1)
  • getNumaCpuList(numaid): For a given NUMA node id, the list of CPU ids is returned
  • getDieCpuList(dieid): For a given CPU die id, the list of CPU ids is returned
  • getCoreCpuList(coreid): For a given CPU core id, the list of CPU ids is returned
  • getCpuList: Get the list of all CPUs


  • Since the metrics are written in JSON files which do not allow "" without proper escaping inside of JSON strings, you have to use '' for strings.
  • Since \ is interpreted by JSON as escape character, it cannot be used in metrics. But it is required to write regular expressions. So instead of /, use % and the MetricAggregator replaces them after reading the JSON file.