This folder contains the receivers for the cc-metric-collector.


The base class/configuration is located in metricReceiver.go.


  • natsReceiver.go: Receives metrics from the Nats transport system in Influx line protocol encoding. The database name is used as subscription subject for the NATS messages. It uses


Nothing to do, all receivers are pure Go code

Contributing own receivers

A receiver contains three functions and is derived from the type Receiver (in metricReceiver.go):

  • Init(config ReceiverConfig) error
  • Start() error
  • Close()

The data structures should be set up in Init() like opening a file or server connection. The Start() function should either start a go routine or issue some other asynchronous mechanism for receiving metrics. The Close() function should tear down anything created in Init().

Finally, the receiver needs to be registered in the metric-collector.go. There is a list of receivers called Receivers which is a map (string -> pointer to receiver). Add a new entry with a descriptive name and the new receiver.