Thomas Gruber 162cce0fda
Merge develop branch into main (#96)
* InfiniBandCollector: Scale raw readings from octets to bytes

* Fix clock frequency coming from LikwidCollector and update docs

* Build DEB package for Ubuntu 20.04 for releases

* Fix memstat collector with numa_stats option

* Remove useless prints from MemstatCollector

* Replace ioutils with os and io (#87)

* Use lower case for error strings in RocmSmiCollector

* move maybe-usable-by-other-cc-components to pkg. Fix all files to use the new paths (#88)

* Add collector for monitoring the execution of cc-metric-collector itself (#81)

* Add collector to monitor execution of cc-metric-collector itself

* Register SelfCollector

* Fix import paths for moved packages

* Check if at least one CPU with frequency information was detected

* Correct type: /proc/stats -> /proc/stat

* Update

* Run ipmitool asynchron.  Improved error handling.

* Corrected some typos

* Add running average power limit (RAPL) metric collector

* Add running average power limit (RAPL) metric collector

* Do not mess up with the orignal configuration

* * Corrected json config in
* Added some debug output to numastatsMetric.go

* Fixed computing number of physical packages for non continous physical package IDs (e.g. on Ampere Altra Q80-30)

* Fix kernel panic for receiver config with missing receiver type

* Add receiver to gather remote IPMI sensor metrics

* Added config option to add ipmi-sensors command line options

* Add documentaion for IPMI receiver

* Update to latest version of included go modules

* Add go.mod to App dependency

* Try to use common metric tags across hardware vendors

* Add IPMI metric: current

* remove prefix enumeration like 01-...

* Add IPMI receiver example configuration to receivers.json

* Minimal formating changes

* Add hostlist package

* Added tests for hostlist Expand()

* Use package hostlist to expand a host list

* Use package hostlist to expand a host list

* Some servers return "ConsumedPowerWatt":65535 instead of "ConsumedPowerWatt":null

* Updated to latest package versions

* Do not allow unknown fields in JSON configuration file

* Add workflow to customize packages to docs

* NFS I/O Stats Collector (#91)

* Initial version

* Delete values for vanished mount points and  comments

* Fix for Likwid collector (#95)

* Run LIKWID in separate thread and check metric type

* Change LIKWID collector documentation to use 'type' instead of 'scope'

* Re-initialize LIKWID after one read is missing due to lock toggle

* Register cc-metric-collector at Zenodo (#93)

* Add initial version of Zenodo project file

* Orcid ID added

* Update .zenodo.json

Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>

* Update ipmiMetric.go

Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <>
2022-12-14 17:02:39 +01:00

535 lines
16 KiB

package receivers
import (
cclog ""
lp ""
type IPMIReceiverClientConfig struct {
// Hostname the IPMI service belongs to
Protocol string // Protocol / tool to use for IPMI sensor reading
DriverType string // Out of band IPMI driver
Fanout int // Maximum number of simultaneous IPMI connections
NumHosts int // Number of remote IPMI devices with the same configuration
IPMIHosts string // List of remote IPMI devices to communicate with
IPMI2HostMapping map[string]string // Mapping between IPMI device name and host name
Username string // User name to authenticate with
Password string // Password to use for authentication
CLIOptions []string // Additional command line options for ipmi-sensors
isExcluded map[string]bool // is metric excluded
type IPMIReceiver struct {
config struct {
Interval time.Duration
// Client config for each IPMI hosts
ClientConfigs []IPMIReceiverClientConfig
// Storage for static information
meta map[string]string
done chan bool // channel to finish / stop IPMI receiver
wg sync.WaitGroup // wait group for IPMI receiver
// doReadMetrics reads metrics from all configure IPMI hosts.
func (r *IPMIReceiver) doReadMetric() {
for i := range r.config.ClientConfigs {
clientConfig := &r.config.ClientConfigs[i]
var cmd_options []string
if clientConfig.Protocol == "ipmi-sensors" {
cmd_options = append(cmd_options,
// Attempt to interpret OEM data, such as event data, sensor readings, or general extra info
// Ignore not-available (i.e. N/A) sensors in output
// Ignore unrecognized sensor events
// Output fields in comma separated format
// Do not output column headers
// Output non-abbreviated units (e.g. 'Amps' instead of 'A').
// May aid in disambiguation of units (e.g. 'C' for Celsius or Coulombs).
"--fanout", fmt.Sprint(clientConfig.Fanout),
"--driver-type", clientConfig.DriverType,
"--hostname", clientConfig.IPMIHosts,
"--username", clientConfig.Username,
"--password", clientConfig.Password,
cmd_options := append(cmd_options, clientConfig.CLIOptions...)
command := exec.Command("ipmi-sensors", cmd_options...)
stdout, _ := command.StdoutPipe()
errBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
command.Stderr = errBuf
// start command
if err := command.Start(); err != nil {
fmt.Sprintf("doReadMetric(): Failed to start command \"%s\": %v", command.String(), err),
// Read command output
const (
idxID = iota
numPrefixRegex := regexp.MustCompile("^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-(.*)$")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Read host
v1 := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ": ")
if len(v1) != 2 {
host, ok := clientConfig.IPMI2HostMapping[v1[0]]
if !ok {
// Read sensors
v2 := strings.Split(v1[1], ",")
if len(v2) != 6 {
// Skip sensors with non available sensor readings
if v2[idxReading] == "N/A" {
metric := strings.ToLower(v2[idxType])
name := strings.ToLower(
v2[idxName]), " ", "_", -1))
// remove prefix enumeration like 01-...
if v := numPrefixRegex.FindStringSubmatch(name); v != nil {
name = v[1]
unit := v2[idxUnits]
if unit == "Watts" {
// Power
metric = "power"
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_power")
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_pwr")
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "pwr_")
} else if metric == "voltage" &&
unit == "Volts" {
// Voltage
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "volt_")
} else if metric == "current" &&
unit == "Amps" {
// Current
unit = "Ampere"
} else if metric == "temperature" &&
unit == "degrees C" {
// Temperature
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_temp")
unit = "degC"
} else if metric == "temperature" &&
unit == "degrees F" {
// Temperature
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_temp")
unit = "degF"
} else if metric == "fan" && unit == "RPM" {
// Fan speed
metric = "fan_speed"
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_tach")
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "spd_")
} else if (metric == "cooling device" ||
metric == "other units based sensor") &&
name == "system_air_flow" &&
unit == "CFM" {
// Air flow
metric = "air_flow"
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_air_flow")
unit = "CubicFeetPerMinute"
} else if (metric == "processor" ||
metric == "other units based sensor") &&
(name == "cpu_utilization" ||
name == "io_utilization" ||
name == "mem_utilization" ||
name == "sys_utilization") &&
(unit == "unspecified" ||
unit == "%") {
// Utilization
metric = "utilization"
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "_utilization")
unit = "percent"
} else {
if false {
// Debug output for unprocessed metrics
"host: '%s', metric: '%s', name: '%s', unit: '%s'\n",
host, metric, name, unit)
// Skip excluded metrics
if clientConfig.isExcluded[metric] {
// Parse sensor value
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v2[idxReading], 64)
if err != nil {
y, err := lp.New(
"hostname": host,
"type": "node",
"name": name,
"group": "IPMI",
"unit": unit,
"value": value,
if err == nil {
r.sink <- y
// Wait for command end
if err := command.Wait(); err != nil {
errMsg, _ := io.ReadAll(errBuf)
fmt.Sprintf("doReadMetric(): Failed to wait for the end of command \"%s\": %v\n",
strings.Replace(command.String(), clientConfig.Password, "<PW>", -1), err),
fmt.Sprintf("doReadMetric(): command stderr: \"%s\"\n", string(errMsg)),
func (r *IPMIReceiver) Start() {
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "START")
// Start IPMI receiver
go func() {
defer r.wg.Done()
// Create ticker
ticker := time.NewTicker(r.config.Interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case tickerTime := <-ticker.C:
// Check if we missed the ticker event
if since := time.Since(tickerTime); since > 5*time.Second {
cclog.ComponentInfo(, "Missed ticker event for more then", since)
// process ticker event -> continue
case <-r.done:
// process done event
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "STARTED")
// Close receiver: close network connection, close files, close libraries, ...
func (r *IPMIReceiver) Close() {
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "CLOSE")
// Send the signal and wait
cclog.ComponentDebug(, "DONE")
// NewIPMIReceiver creates a new instance of the redfish receiver
// Initialize the receiver by giving it a name and reading in the config JSON
func NewIPMIReceiver(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Receiver, error) {
r := new(IPMIReceiver)
// Config options from config file
configJSON := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
// How often the IPMI sensor metrics should be read and send to the sink (default: 30 s)
IntervalString string `json:"interval,omitempty"`
// Maximum number of simultaneous IPMI connections (default: 64)
Fanout int `json:"fanout,omitempty"`
// Out of band IPMI driver (default: LAN_2_0)
DriverType string `json:"driver_type,omitempty"`
// Default client username, password and endpoint
Username *string `json:"username"` // User name to authenticate with
Password *string `json:"password"` // Password to use for authentication
Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // URL of the IPMI device
// Globally excluded metrics
ExcludeMetrics []string `json:"exclude_metrics,omitempty"`
ClientConfigs []struct {
Fanout int `json:"fanout,omitempty"` // Maximum number of simultaneous IPMI connections (default: 64)
DriverType string `json:"driver_type,omitempty"` // Out of band IPMI driver (default: LAN_2_0)
HostList string `json:"host_list"` // List of hosts with the same client configuration
Username *string `json:"username"` // User name to authenticate with
Password *string `json:"password"` // Password to use for authentication
Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // URL of the IPMI service
// Per client excluded metrics
ExcludeMetrics []string `json:"exclude_metrics,omitempty"`
// Additional command line options for ipmi-sensors
CLIOptions []string `json:"cli_options,omitempty"`
} `json:"client_config"`
// Set defaults values
// Allow overwriting these defaults by reading config JSON
Fanout: 64,
DriverType: "LAN_2_0",
IntervalString: "30s",
// Set name of IPMIReceiver = fmt.Sprintf("IPMIReceiver(%s)", name)
// Create done channel
r.done = make(chan bool)
// Set static information
r.meta = map[string]string{"source":}
// Read the IPMI receiver specific JSON config
if len(config) > 0 {
d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(config))
if err := d.Decode(&configJSON); err != nil {
cclog.ComponentError(, "Error reading config:", err.Error())
return nil, err
// Convert interval string representation to duration
var err error
r.config.Interval, err = time.ParseDuration(configJSON.IntervalString)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"Failed to parse duration string interval='%s': %w",
cclog.Error(, err)
return nil, err
// Create client config from JSON config
totalNumHosts := 0
for i := range configJSON.ClientConfigs {
clientConfigJSON := &configJSON.ClientConfigs[i]
var endpoint string
if clientConfigJSON.Endpoint != nil {
endpoint = *clientConfigJSON.Endpoint
} else if configJSON.Endpoint != nil {
endpoint = *configJSON.Endpoint
} else {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires endpoint", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
fanout := configJSON.Fanout
if clientConfigJSON.Fanout != 0 {
fanout = clientConfigJSON.Fanout
driverType := configJSON.DriverType
if clientConfigJSON.DriverType != "" {
driverType = clientConfigJSON.DriverType
if driverType != "LAN" && driverType != "LAN_2_0" {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v has invalid driver type %s", i, driverType)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
var protocol string
var host_pattern string
if e := strings.Split(endpoint, "://"); len(e) == 2 {
protocol = e[0]
host_pattern = e[1]
} else {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v has invalid endpoint %s", i, endpoint)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
var username string
if clientConfigJSON.Username != nil {
username = *clientConfigJSON.Username
} else if configJSON.Username != nil {
username = *configJSON.Username
} else {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires username", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
var password string
if clientConfigJSON.Password != nil {
password = *clientConfigJSON.Password
} else if configJSON.Password != nil {
password = *configJSON.Password
} else {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v requires password", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
// Create mapping between IPMI host name and node host name
// This also guaranties that all IPMI host names are unique
ipmi2HostMapping := make(map[string]string)
hostList, err := hostlist.Expand(clientConfigJSON.HostList)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %d failed to parse host list %s: %v",
i, clientConfigJSON.HostList, err)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
for _, host := range hostList {
ipmiHost := strings.Replace(host_pattern, "%h", host, -1)
ipmi2HostMapping[ipmiHost] = host
numHosts := len(ipmi2HostMapping)
totalNumHosts += numHosts
ipmiHostList := make([]string, 0, numHosts)
for ipmiHost := range ipmi2HostMapping {
ipmiHostList = append(ipmiHostList, ipmiHost)
// Additional command line options
for _, v := range clientConfigJSON.CLIOptions {
switch {
case v == "-u" || strings.HasPrefix(v, "--username"):
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: do not set username in cli_options. Use json config username instead", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
case v == "-p" || strings.HasPrefix(v, "--password"):
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: do not set password in cli_options. Use json config password instead", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
case v == "-h" || strings.HasPrefix(v, "--hostname"):
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: do not set hostname in cli_options. Use json config host_list instead", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
case v == "-D" || strings.HasPrefix(v, "--driver-type"):
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: do not set driver type in cli_options. Use json config driver_type instead", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
case v == "-F" || strings.HasPrefix(v, " --fanout"):
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: do not set fanout in cli_options. Use json config fanout instead", i)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
case v == "--always-prefix" ||
v == "--sdr-cache-recreate" ||
v == "--interpret-oem-data" ||
v == "--ignore-not-available-sensors" ||
v == "--ignore-unrecognized-events" ||
v == "--comma-separated-output" ||
v == "--no-header-output" ||
v == "--non-abbreviated-units":
err := fmt.Errorf("client config number %v: Do not use option %s in cli_options, it is used internally", i, v)
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
cliOptions := make([]string, 0)
cliOptions = append(cliOptions, clientConfigJSON.CLIOptions...)
// Is metrics excluded globally or per client
isExcluded := make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range clientConfigJSON.ExcludeMetrics {
isExcluded[key] = true
for _, key := range configJSON.ExcludeMetrics {
isExcluded[key] = true
r.config.ClientConfigs = append(
Protocol: protocol,
Fanout: fanout,
DriverType: driverType,
NumHosts: numHosts,
IPMIHosts: strings.Join(ipmiHostList, ","),
IPMI2HostMapping: ipmi2HostMapping,
Username: username,
Password: password,
CLIOptions: cliOptions,
isExcluded: isExcluded,
if totalNumHosts == 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("at least one IPMI host config is required")
cclog.ComponentError(, err)
return nil, err
cclog.ComponentInfo(, "monitoring", totalNumHosts, "IPMI hosts")
return r, nil