#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, os.path, sys, getopt, re, json def which(cmd): ospath = os.environ.get("PATH", "") for p in ospath.split(":"): testcmd = os.path.join(p, cmd) if os.access(testcmd, os.X_OK): return testcmd return None def group_to_json(groupfile): gdata = [] with open(groupfile, "r") as fp: gdata = fp.read().strip().split("\n") events = {} metrics = [] parse_events = False parse_metrics = False for line in gdata: if line == "EVENTSET": parse_events = True parse_metrics = False continue if line == "METRICS": parse_events = False parse_metrics = True continue if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("SHORT") or line == "LONG": parse_events = False parse_metrics = False continue if parse_events: m = re.match("([\w\d]+)\s+([\w\d_]+)", line) if m: events[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) if parse_metrics: llist = re.split("\s+", line) calc = llist[-1] metric = " ".join(llist[:-1]) scope = "hwthread" if "BOX" in calc: scope = "socket" if "PWR" in calc: scope = "socket" m = {"name" : metric, "calc": calc, "type" : scope, "publish" : True} metrics.append(m) return {"events" : events, "metrics" : metrics} if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: $0 <likwid-arch> <group-name>") sys.exit(1) arch = sys.argv[1] group = sys.argv[2] ltopo = which("likwid-topology") if not ltopo: print("Cannot find LIKWID installation. Please add LIKWID bin folder to your PATH.") sys.exit(1) bindir = os.path.dirname(ltopo) groupdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bindir, "../share/likwid/perfgroups")) if not os.path.exists(groupdir): print("Cannot find LIKWID performance groups in default install location") sys.exit(1) archdir = os.path.join(groupdir, arch) if not os.path.exists(archdir): print("Cannot find LIKWID performance groups for architecture {}".format(arch)) sys.exit(1) groupfile = os.path.join(archdir, "{}.txt".format(group)) if not os.path.exists(groupfile): print("Cannot find LIKWID performance group {} for architecture {}".format(group, arch)) sys.exit(1) gdata = group_to_json(groupfile) print(json.dumps(gdata, sort_keys=True, indent=2))