SHORT UOPs execution info EVENTSET FIXC0 INSTR_RETIRED_ANY FIXC1 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE FIXC2 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF PMC0 UOPS_ISSUED_ANY PMC2 UOPS_RETIRED_ANY PMC3 UOPS_ISSUED_FUSED METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI FIXC1/FIXC0 Issued UOPs PMC0 Merged UOPs PMC3 Retired UOPs PMC2 LONG Formulas: Issued UOPs = UOPS_ISSUED_ANY Merged UOPs = UOPS_ISSUED_FUSED Retired UOPs = UOPS_RETIRED_ANY - This group returns information about the instruction pipeline. It measures the issued, executed and retired uOPs and returns the number of uOPs which were issued but not executed as well as the number of uOPs which were executed but never retired. The executed but not retired uOPs commonly come from speculatively executed branches.