SHORT Pairing ratio EVENTSET PMC0 INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED PMC1 INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED_V_PIPE METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time V-pipe ratio PMC1/PMC0 Pairing ratio PMC1/(PMC0-PMC1) LONG Formulas: V-pipe ratio = INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED_V_PIPE/INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED Pairing ratio = INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED_V_PIPE/(INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED-INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED_V_PIPE) - Each hardware thread on the Xeon Phi can execute two instruction simultaneously, one in the U-pipe and one in the V-pipe. But this is only possible if the instructions can be paired. The instructions executed in paired fashion are counted by the event INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED_V_PIPE. The event INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED increments for each instruction, hence the maximal increase per cycle can be 2.