SHORT L2 snoop hits EVENTSET PMC0 SNP_HITM_L2 METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Snoop bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*PMC0*64.0/time Snoop data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*PMC0*64.0 LONG Formulas: Snoop bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*SNP_HITM_L2*64.0/time Snoop data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*SNP_HITM_L2*64.0 - Snoop traffic caused by HITM requests. HITM requests are L2 requests that are served by another core's L2 cache but the remote cache line is in modified state.