SHORT UOPs issueing EVENTSET FIXC0 INSTR_RETIRED_ANY FIXC1 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE FIXC2 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF PMC0 UOPS_ISSUED_USED_CYCLES PMC1 UOPS_ISSUED_STALL_CYCLES PMC2 CPU_CLOCK_UNHALTED_TOTAL_CYCLES PMC3:EDGEDETECT UOPS_ISSUED_STALL_CYCLES METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI FIXC1/FIXC0 Used cycles ratio [%] 100*PMC0/PMC2 Unused cycles ratio [%] 100*PMC1/PMC2 Avg stall duration [cycles] PMC1/PMC3:EDGEDETECT LONG Formulas: Used cycles ratio [%] = 100*UOPS_ISSUED_USED_CYCLES/CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE Unused cycles ratio [%] = 100*UOPS_ISSUED_STALL_CYCLES/CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE Avg stall duration [cycles] = UOPS_ISSUED_STALL_CYCLES/UOPS_ISSUED_STALL_CYCLES:EDGEDETECT - This performance group returns the ratios of used and unused cycles regarding the issue stage in the pipeline. Used cycles are all cycles where uOPs are issued while unused cycles refer to pipeline stalls. Moreover, the group calculates the average stall duration in cycles.