SHORT Information about speculative execution EVENTSET PMC0 INST_SPEC PMC1 LD_SPEC PMC2 ST_SPEC PMC3 DP_SPEC PMC4 VFP_SPEC PMC5 ASE_SPEC METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Operations spec. executed PMC0 Load ops spec. executed PMC1 Store ops spec. executed PMC2 Integer data ops spec. executed PMC3 Scalar FP ops spec. executed PMC4 Vector FP ops spec. executed PMC5 Other ops spec. executed (PMC0-PMC1-PMC2-PMC3-PMC4-PMC5) Load ops spec. ratio PMC1/PMC0 Store ops spec. ratio PMC2/PMC0 Integer data ops spec. ratio PMC3/PMC0 Scalar FP ops spec. ratio PMC4/PMC0 Vector FP ops spec. ratio PMC5/PMC0 Other ops spec. ratio (PMC0-PMC1-PMC2-PMC3-PMC4-PMC5)/PMC0 LONG Formulas: Load ops spec. ratio = LD_SPEC / INST_SPEC Store ops spec. ratio = ST_SPEC / INST_SPEC Integer data ops spec. ratio = DP_SPEC / INST_SPEC Scalar FP ops spec. ratio = VFP_SPEC / INST_SPEC Vector FP ops spec. ratio = ASE_SPEC / INST_SPEC Other ops spec. ratio = (INST_SPEC-LD_SPEC-ST_SPEC-DP_SPEC-VFP_SPEC-ASE_SPEC) / INST_SPEC - This group gives information about the speculative execution of micro-ops. It is currently unclear why Other ops spec. executed and ratio is negative in some cases. Although the documentation contains an OP_RETIRED, there is no equivalent OP_SPEC which could be a better reference in this group instead of INST_SPEC.