This folder contains the receivers for the cc-metric-collector. # `metricReceiver.go` The base class/configuration is located in `metricReceiver.go`. # Receivers * `natsReceiver.go`: Receives metrics from the Nats transport system in Influx line protocol encoding. The database name is used as subscription subject for the NATS messages. It uses # Installation Nothing to do, all receivers are pure Go code # Receiver configuration ```json "receiver": { "type": "nats", "address": "nats://my-url" "port" : "4222", "database": "testcluster" }, ``` ## `nats` The receiver connects to `address` and `port` and subscribes itself for all messages with topic `database`. The default port is `4222`. # Contributing own receivers A receiver contains three functions and is derived from the type `Receiver` (in `metricReceiver.go`): * `Init(config ReceiverConfig) error` * `Start() error` * `Close()` The data structures should be set up in `Init()` like opening a file or server connection. The `Start()` function should either start a go routine or issue some other asynchronous mechanism for receiving metrics. The `Close()` function should tear down anything created in `Init()`. Finally, the receiver needs to be registered in the `metric-collector.go`. There is a list of receivers called `Receivers` which is a map (string -> pointer to receiver). Add a new entry with a descriptive name and the new receiver.