SHORT Power and Energy consumption EVENTSET FIXC1 ACTUAL_CPU_CLOCK FIXC2 MAX_CPU_CLOCK PMC0 RETIRED_INSTRUCTIONS PMC1 CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED PWR0 RAPL_CORE_ENERGY PWR1 RAPL_PKG_ENERGY METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI PMC1/PMC0 Energy Core [J] PWR0 Power Core [W] PWR0/time Energy PKG [J] PWR1 Power PKG [W] PWR1/time LONG Formulas: Power Core [W] = RAPL_CORE_ENERGY/time Power PKG [W] = RAPL_PKG_ENERGY/time - Ryzen implements the RAPL interface previously introduced by Intel. This interface enables to monitor the consumed energy on the core and package domain. It is not documented by AMD which parts of the CPU are in which domain.