SHORT Main memory bandwidth in MBytes/s (experimental) EVENTSET FIXC1 ACTUAL_CPU_CLOCK FIXC2 MAX_CPU_CLOCK PMC0 RETIRED_INSTRUCTIONS PMC1 CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED DFC0 DATA_FROM_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL DFC1 DATA_TO_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI PMC1/PMC0 Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(DFC0+DFC1)*64.0/time Memory data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(DFC0+DFC1)*64.0 LONG Formulas: Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(DATA_FROM_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL+DATA_TO_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL)*64.0/runtime Memory data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(DATA_FROM_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL+DATA_TO_LOCAL_DRAM_CHANNEL)*64.0 - Profiling group to measure memory bandwidth drawn by all cores of a socket. Since this group is based on Uncore events it is only possible to measure on a per socket base. The group provides almost accurate results for the total bandwidth and data volume. AMD describes this metric as "approximate" in the documentation for AMD Rome. Be aware that despite the events imply a traffic direction (FROM and TO), the events cannot be used to differentiate between read and write traffic. The events will be renamed to avoid that confusion in the future.