SHORT Main memory bandwidth in MBytes/s EVENTSET FIXC0 INSTR_RETIRED_ANY FIXC1 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE FIXC2 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF MBOX0C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX0C1 CAS_COUNT_WR MBOX1C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX1C1 CAS_COUNT_WR MBOX2C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX2C1 CAS_COUNT_WR MBOX3C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX3C1 CAS_COUNT_WR MBOX4C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX4C1 CAS_COUNT_WR MBOX5C0 CAS_COUNT_RD MBOX5C1 CAS_COUNT_WR METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI FIXC1/FIXC0 Memory read bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(MBOX0C0+MBOX1C0+MBOX2C0+MBOX3C0+MBOX4C0+MBOX5C0)*64.0/time Memory read data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(MBOX0C0+MBOX1C0+MBOX2C0+MBOX3C0+MBOX4C0+MBOX5C0)*64.0 Memory write bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(MBOX0C1+MBOX1C1+MBOX2C1+MBOX3C1+MBOX4C1+MBOX5C1)*64.0/time Memory write data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(MBOX0C1+MBOX1C1+MBOX2C1+MBOX3C1+MBOX4C1+MBOX5C1)*64.0 Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(MBOX0C0+MBOX1C0+MBOX2C0+MBOX3C0+MBOX4C0+MBOX5C0+MBOX0C1+MBOX1C1+MBOX2C1+MBOX3C1+MBOX4C1+MBOX5C1)*64.0/time Memory data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(MBOX0C0+MBOX1C0+MBOX2C0+MBOX3C0+MBOX4C0+MBOX5C0+MBOX0C1+MBOX1C1+MBOX2C1+MBOX3C1+MBOX4C1+MBOX5C1)*64.0 LONG Formulas: Memory read bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(MBOXxC0))*64.0/runtime Memory read data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(MBOXxC0))*64.0 Memory write bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(MBOXxC1))*64.0/runtime Memory write data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(MBOXxC1))*64.0 Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(MBOXxC0)+SUM(MBOXxC1))*64.0/runtime Memory data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(MBOXxC0)+SUM(MBOXxC1))*64.0 - Profiling group to measure memory bandwidth drawn by all cores of a socket. Since this group is based on Uncore events it is only possible to measure on a per socket base. Some of the counters may not be available on your system. Also outputs total data volume transferred from main memory. The same metrics are provided by the HA group.