SHORT Main memory bandwidth in MBytes/s seen from Home agent EVENTSET FIXC0 INSTR_RETIRED_ANY FIXC1 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE FIXC2 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF BBOX0C0 IMC_READS_NORMAL BBOX0C1 BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN BBOX0C2 IMC_WRITES_ALL BBOX1C0 IMC_READS_NORMAL BBOX1C1 BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN BBOX1C2 IMC_WRITES_ALL METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] FIXC1*inverseClock Clock [MHz] 1.E-06*(FIXC1/FIXC2)/inverseClock CPI FIXC1/FIXC0 Memory read bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(BBOX0C0+BBOX1C0+BBOX0C1+BBOX1C1)*64.0/time Memory read data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(BBOX0C0+BBOX1C0+BBOX0C1+BBOX1C1)*64.0 Memory write bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(BBOX0C2+BBOX1C2)*64.0/time Memory write data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(BBOX0C2+BBOX1C2)*64.0 Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] 1.0E-06*(BBOX0C0+BBOX1C0+BBOX0C1+BBOX1C1+BBOX0C2+BBOX1C2)*64.0/time Memory data volume [GBytes] 1.0E-09*(BBOX0C0+BBOX1C0+BBOX0C1+BBOX1C1+BBOX0C2+BBOX1C2)*64.0 LONG Formulas: Memory read bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(IMC_READS_NORMAL)+SUM(BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN))*64.0/time Memory read data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(IMC_READS_NORMAL)+SUM(BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN))*64.0 Memory write bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(IMC_WRITES_ALL))*64.0/time Memory write data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(IMC_WRITES_ALL))*64.0 Memory bandwidth [MBytes/s] = 1.0E-06*(SUM(IMC_READS_NORMAL) + SUM(BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN) + SUM(IMC_WRITES_ALL))*64.0/time Memory data volume [GBytes] = 1.0E-09*(SUM(IMC_READS_NORMAL) + SUM(BYPASS_IMC_TAKEN) + SUM(IMC_WRITES_ALL))*64.0 - This group derives the same metrics as the MEM group but use the events of the Home Agent, a central unit that is responsible for the protocol side of memory interactions.