package ccTopology import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" cclogger "" ) const SYSFS_NUMABASE = `/sys/devices/system/node` const SYSFS_CPUBASE = `/sys/devices/system/cpu` const PROCFS_CPUINFO = `/proc/cpuinfo` // intArrayContains scans an array of ints if the value str is present in the array // If the specified value is found, the corresponding array index is returned. // The bool value is used to signal success or failure func intArrayContains(array []int, str int) (int, bool) { for i, a := range array { if a == str { return i, true } } return -1, false } func fileToInt(path string) int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { log.Print(err) cclogger.ComponentError("ccTopology", "Reading", path, ":", err.Error()) return -1 } sbuffer := strings.Replace(string(buffer), "\n", "", -1) var id int64 //_, err = fmt.Scanf("%d", sbuffer, &id) id, err = strconv.ParseInt(sbuffer, 10, 32) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("ccTopology", "Parsing", path, ":", sbuffer, err.Error()) return -1 } return int(id) } func SocketList() []int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(string(PROCFS_CPUINFO)) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return nil } ll := strings.Split(string(buffer), "\n") var packs []int for _, line := range ll { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "physical id") { lv := strings.Fields(line) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(lv[3], 10, 32) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return packs } _, found := intArrayContains(packs, int(id)) if !found { packs = append(packs, int(id)) } } } return packs } func CpuList() []int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(string(PROCFS_CPUINFO)) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return nil } ll := strings.Split(string(buffer), "\n") cpulist := make([]int, 0) for _, line := range ll { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "processor") { lv := strings.Fields(line) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(lv[2], 10, 32) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return cpulist } _, found := intArrayContains(cpulist, int(id)) if !found { cpulist = append(cpulist, int(id)) } } } return cpulist } func CoreList() []int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(string(PROCFS_CPUINFO)) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return nil } ll := strings.Split(string(buffer), "\n") corelist := make([]int, 0) for _, line := range ll { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "core id") { lv := strings.Fields(line) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(lv[3], 10, 32) if err != nil { log.Print(err) return corelist } _, found := intArrayContains(corelist, int(id)) if !found { corelist = append(corelist, int(id)) } } } return corelist } func NumaNodeList() []int { numaList := make([]int, 0) globPath := filepath.Join(string(SYSFS_NUMABASE), "node*") regexPath := filepath.Join(string(SYSFS_NUMABASE), "node(\\d+)") regex := regexp.MustCompile(regexPath) files, err := filepath.Glob(globPath) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("CCTopology", "NumaNodeList", err.Error()) } for _, f := range files { if !regex.MatchString(f) { continue } finfo, err := os.Lstat(f) if err != nil { continue } if !finfo.IsDir() { continue } matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(f) if len(matches) == 2 { id, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) if err == nil { if _, found := intArrayContains(numaList, id); !found { numaList = append(numaList, id) } } } } return numaList } func DieList() []int { cpulist := CpuList() dielist := make([]int, 0) for _, c := range cpulist { diepath := filepath.Join(string(SYSFS_CPUBASE), fmt.Sprintf("cpu%d", c), "topology/die_id") dieid := fileToInt(diepath) if dieid > 0 { _, found := intArrayContains(dielist, int(dieid)) if !found { dielist = append(dielist, int(dieid)) } } } if len(dielist) > 0 { return dielist } return SocketList() } type CpuEntry struct { Cpuid int SMT int Core int Socket int Numadomain int Die int } func CpuData() []CpuEntry { fileToInt := func(path string) int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { log.Print(err) //cclogger.ComponentError("ccTopology", "Reading", path, ":", err.Error()) return -1 } sbuffer := strings.Replace(string(buffer), "\n", "", -1) var id int64 //_, err = fmt.Scanf("%d", sbuffer, &id) id, err = strconv.ParseInt(sbuffer, 10, 32) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("ccTopology", "Parsing", path, ":", sbuffer, err.Error()) return -1 } return int(id) } getCore := func(basepath string) int { return fileToInt(fmt.Sprintf("%s/core_id", basepath)) } getSocket := func(basepath string) int { return fileToInt(fmt.Sprintf("%s/physical_package_id", basepath)) } getDie := func(basepath string) int { return fileToInt(fmt.Sprintf("%s/die_id", basepath)) } getSMT := func(cpuid int, basepath string) int { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/thread_siblings_list", basepath)) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("CCTopology", "CpuData:getSMT", err.Error()) } threadlist := make([]int, 0) sbuffer := strings.Replace(string(buffer), "\n", "", -1) for _, x := range strings.Split(sbuffer, ",") { id, err := strconv.ParseInt(x, 10, 32) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("CCTopology", "CpuData:getSMT", err.Error()) } threadlist = append(threadlist, int(id)) } for i, x := range threadlist { if x == cpuid { return i } } return 1 } getNumaDomain := func(basepath string) int { globPath := filepath.Join(basepath, "node*") regexPath := filepath.Join(basepath, "node(\\d+)") regex := regexp.MustCompile(regexPath) files, err := filepath.Glob(globPath) if err != nil { cclogger.ComponentError("CCTopology", "CpuData:getNumaDomain", err.Error()) } for _, f := range files { finfo, err := os.Lstat(f) if err == nil && finfo.IsDir() { matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(f) if len(matches) == 2 { id, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) if err == nil { return id } } } } return 0 } clist := make([]CpuEntry, 0) for _, c := range CpuList() { clist = append(clist, CpuEntry{Cpuid: c}) } for i, centry := range clist { centry.Socket = -1 centry.Numadomain = -1 centry.Die = -1 centry.Core = -1 // Set base directory for topology lookup cpustr := fmt.Sprintf("cpu%d", centry.Cpuid) base := filepath.Join("/sys/devices/system/cpu", cpustr) topoBase := filepath.Join(base, "topology") // Lookup CPU core id centry.Core = getCore(topoBase) // Lookup CPU socket id centry.Socket = getSocket(topoBase) // Lookup CPU die id centry.Die = getDie(topoBase) if centry.Die < 0 { centry.Die = centry.Socket } // Lookup SMT thread id centry.SMT = getSMT(centry.Cpuid, topoBase) // Lookup NUMA domain id centry.Numadomain = getNumaDomain(base) // Update values in output list clist[i] = centry } return clist } type CpuInformation struct { NumHWthreads int SMTWidth int NumSockets int NumDies int NumCores int NumNumaDomains int } func CpuInfo() CpuInformation { var c CpuInformation smtList := make([]int, 0) numaList := make([]int, 0) dieList := make([]int, 0) socketList := make([]int, 0) coreList := make([]int, 0) cdata := CpuData() for _, d := range cdata { if _, ok := intArrayContains(smtList, d.SMT); !ok { smtList = append(smtList, d.SMT) } if _, ok := intArrayContains(numaList, d.Numadomain); !ok { numaList = append(numaList, d.Numadomain) } if _, ok := intArrayContains(dieList, d.Die); !ok { dieList = append(dieList, d.Die) } if _, ok := intArrayContains(socketList, d.Socket); !ok { socketList = append(socketList, d.Socket) } if _, ok := intArrayContains(coreList, d.Core); !ok { coreList = append(coreList, d.Core) } } c.NumNumaDomains = len(numaList) c.SMTWidth = len(smtList) c.NumDies = len(dieList) c.NumCores = len(coreList) c.NumSockets = len(socketList) c.NumHWthreads = len(cdata) return c } func GetCpuSocket(cpuid int) int { cdata := CpuData() for _, d := range cdata { if d.Cpuid == cpuid { return d.Socket } } return -1 } func GetCpuNumaDomain(cpuid int) int { cdata := CpuData() for _, d := range cdata { if d.Cpuid == cpuid { return d.Numadomain } } return -1 } func GetCpuDie(cpuid int) int { cdata := CpuData() for _, d := range cdata { if d.Cpuid == cpuid { return d.Die } } return -1 } func GetCpuCore(cpuid int) int { cdata := CpuData() for _, d := range cdata { if d.Cpuid == cpuid { return d.Core } } return -1 } func GetSocketCpus(socket int) []int { all := CpuData() cpulist := make([]int, 0) for _, d := range all { if d.Socket == socket { cpulist = append(cpulist, d.Cpuid) } } return cpulist } func GetNumaDomainCpus(domain int) []int { all := CpuData() cpulist := make([]int, 0) for _, d := range all { if d.Numadomain == domain { cpulist = append(cpulist, d.Cpuid) } } return cpulist } func GetDieCpus(die int) []int { all := CpuData() cpulist := make([]int, 0) for _, d := range all { if d.Die == die { cpulist = append(cpulist, d.Cpuid) } } return cpulist } func GetCoreCpus(core int) []int { all := CpuData() cpulist := make([]int, 0) for _, d := range all { if d.Core == core { cpulist = append(cpulist, d.Cpuid) } } return cpulist }