SHORT Single Precision MFLOP/s EVENTSET PMC0 SSE_RETIRED_ADD_SINGLE_FLOPS PMC1 SSE_RETIRED_MULT_SINGLE_FLOPS PMC2 CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED METRICS Runtime (RDTSC) [s] time Runtime unhalted [s] PMC2*inverseClock SP [MFLOP/s] 1.0E-06*(PMC0+PMC1)/time SP Add [MFLOP/s] 1.0E-06*PMC0/time SP Mult [MFLOP/s] 1.0E-06*PMC1/time LONG Formulas: SP [MFLOP/s] = 1.0E-06*(SSE_RETIRED_ADD_SINGLE_FLOPS+SSE_RETIRED_MULT_SINGLE_FLOPS)/time SP Add [MFLOP/s] = 1.0E-06*(SSE_RETIRED_ADD_SINGLE_FLOPS)/time SP Mult [MFLOP/s] = 1.0E-06*(SSE_RETIRED_MULT_SINGLE_FLOPS)/time - Profiling group to measure single precision SSE FLOPs. Don't forget that your code might also execute X87 FLOPs.