package sinks import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "time" cclog "" lp "" influxdb2 "" influxdb2Api "" influx "" "" ) type InfluxSink struct { sink client influxdb2.Client writeApi influxdb2Api.WriteAPIBlocking config struct { defaultSinkConfig Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Port string `json:"port,omitempty"` Database string `json:"database,omitempty"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` Organization string `json:"organization,omitempty"` SSL bool `json:"ssl,omitempty"` // Maximum number of points sent to server in single request. // Default: 1000 BatchSize int `json:"batch_size,omitempty"` // Time interval for delayed sending of metrics. // If the buffers are already filled before the end of this interval, // the metrics are sent without further delay. // Default: 1s FlushInterval string `json:"flush_delay,omitempty"` flushDelay time.Duration // Influx client options: // HTTP request timeout HTTPRequestTimeout string `json:"http_request_timeout"` // Retry interval InfluxRetryInterval string `json:"retry_interval,omitempty"` // maximum delay between each retry attempt InfluxMaxRetryInterval string `json:"max_retry_interval,omitempty"` // base for the exponential retry delay InfluxExponentialBase uint `json:"retry_exponential_base,omitempty"` // maximum count of retry attempts of failed writes InfluxMaxRetries uint `json:"max_retries,omitempty"` // maximum total retry timeout InfluxMaxRetryTime string `json:"max_retry_time,omitempty"` // Specify whether to use GZip compression in write requests InfluxUseGzip bool `json:"use_gzip"` } // influx line protocol encoder encoder influx.Encoder // number of records stored in the encoder numRecordsInEncoder int // List of tags and meta data tags which should be used as tags extended_tag_list []key_value_pair // Flush() runs in another goroutine and accesses the influx line protocol encoder, // so this encoderLock has to protect the encoder and numRecordsInEncoder encoderLock sync.Mutex // timer to run Flush() flushTimer *time.Timer // Lock to assure that only one timer is running at a time timerLock sync.Mutex // WaitGroup to ensure only one send operation is running at a time sendWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup } // connect connects to the InfluxDB server func (s *InfluxSink) connect() error { // URI options: // * http://host:port // * https://host:port var uri string if s.config.SSL { uri = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s", s.config.Host, s.config.Port) } else { uri = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", s.config.Host, s.config.Port) } // Authentication options: // * token // * username:password var auth string if len(s.config.User) == 0 { auth = s.config.Password } else { auth = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", s.config.User, s.config.Password) } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Using URI='"+uri+"'", "Org='"+s.config.Organization+"'", "Bucket='"+s.config.Database+"'") // Set influxDB client options clientOptions := influxdb2.DefaultOptions() // set HTTP request timeout if len(s.config.HTTPRequestTimeout) > 0 { if t, err := time.ParseDuration(s.config.HTTPRequestTimeout); err == nil { httpRequestTimeout := uint(t.Seconds()) clientOptions.SetHTTPRequestTimeout(httpRequestTimeout) } else { cclog.ComponentError(, "connect():", "Failed to parse duration for HTTP RequestTimeout: ", s.config.HTTPRequestTimeout) } } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options HTTPRequestTimeout:", time.Second*time.Duration(clientOptions.HTTPRequestTimeout())) // Set retry interval if len(s.config.InfluxRetryInterval) > 0 { if t, err := time.ParseDuration(s.config.InfluxRetryInterval); err == nil { influxRetryInterval := uint(t.Milliseconds()) clientOptions.SetRetryInterval(influxRetryInterval) } else { cclog.ComponentError(, "connect():", "Failed to parse duration for Influx RetryInterval: ", s.config.InfluxRetryInterval) } } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options RetryInterval:", time.Millisecond*time.Duration(clientOptions.RetryInterval())) // Set the maximum delay between each retry attempt if len(s.config.InfluxMaxRetryInterval) > 0 { if t, err := time.ParseDuration(s.config.InfluxMaxRetryInterval); err == nil { influxMaxRetryInterval := uint(t.Milliseconds()) clientOptions.SetMaxRetryInterval(influxMaxRetryInterval) } else { cclog.ComponentError(, "connect():", "Failed to parse duration for Influx MaxRetryInterval: ", s.config.InfluxMaxRetryInterval) } } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options MaxRetryInterval:", time.Millisecond*time.Duration(clientOptions.MaxRetryInterval())) // Set the base for the exponential retry delay if s.config.InfluxExponentialBase != 0 { clientOptions.SetExponentialBase(s.config.InfluxExponentialBase) } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options ExponentialBase:", clientOptions.ExponentialBase()) // Set maximum count of retry attempts of failed writes if s.config.InfluxMaxRetries != 0 { clientOptions.SetMaxRetries(s.config.InfluxMaxRetries) } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options MaxRetries:", clientOptions.MaxRetries()) // Set the maximum total retry timeout if len(s.config.InfluxMaxRetryTime) > 0 { if t, err := time.ParseDuration(s.config.InfluxMaxRetryTime); err == nil { influxMaxRetryTime := uint(t.Milliseconds()) cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "MaxRetryTime", s.config.InfluxMaxRetryTime) clientOptions.SetMaxRetryTime(influxMaxRetryTime) } else { cclog.ComponentError(, "connect():", "Failed to parse duration for Influx MaxRetryInterval: ", s.config.InfluxMaxRetryInterval) } } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options MaxRetryTime:", time.Millisecond*time.Duration(clientOptions.MaxRetryTime())) // Specify whether to use GZip compression in write requests clientOptions.SetUseGZip(s.config.InfluxUseGzip) cclog.ComponentDebug(, "connect():", "Influx client options UseGZip:", clientOptions.UseGZip()) // Do not check InfluxDB certificate clientOptions.SetTLSConfig( &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true, }, ) // Set time precision clientOptions.SetPrecision(time.Nanosecond) // Create new writeAPI s.client = influxdb2.NewClientWithOptions(uri, auth, clientOptions) s.writeApi = s.client.WriteAPIBlocking(s.config.Organization, s.config.Database) // Check InfluxDB server accessibility ok, err := s.client.Ping(context.Background()) if err != nil { return err } if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("connection to %s not healthy", uri) } return nil } // Write sends metric m in influxDB line protocol func (s *InfluxSink) Write(m lp.CCMetric) error { // Lock for encoder usage s.encoderLock.Lock() // Encode measurement name s.encoder.StartLine(m.Name()) // copy tags and meta data which should be used as tags s.extended_tag_list = s.extended_tag_list[:0] for key, value := range m.Tags() { s.extended_tag_list = append( s.extended_tag_list, key_value_pair{ key: key, value: value, }, ) } for _, key := range s.config.MetaAsTags { if value, ok := m.GetMeta(key); ok { s.extended_tag_list = append( s.extended_tag_list, key_value_pair{ key: key, value: value, }, ) } } // Encode tags (they musts be in lexical order) slices.SortFunc( s.extended_tag_list, func(a key_value_pair, b key_value_pair) int { if a.key < b.key { return -1 } if a.key > b.key { return +1 } return 0 }, ) for i := range s.extended_tag_list { s.encoder.AddTag( s.extended_tag_list[i].key, s.extended_tag_list[i].value, ) } // Encode fields for key, value := range m.Fields() { s.encoder.AddField(key, influx.MustNewValue(value)) } // Encode time stamp s.encoder.EndLine(m.Time()) // Check for encoder errors if err := s.encoder.Err(); err != nil { // Unlock encoder usage s.encoderLock.Unlock() return fmt.Errorf("Encoding failed: %v", err) } s.numRecordsInEncoder++ if s.config.flushDelay == 0 { // Unlock encoder usage s.encoderLock.Unlock() // Directly flush if no flush delay is configured return s.Flush() } else if s.numRecordsInEncoder == s.config.BatchSize { // Unlock encoder usage s.encoderLock.Unlock() // Stop flush timer if s.flushTimer != nil { if ok := s.flushTimer.Stop(); ok { cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Write(): Stopped flush timer. Batch size limit reached before flush delay") s.timerLock.Unlock() } } // Flush if batch size is reached return s.Flush() } else if s.timerLock.TryLock() { // Setup flush timer when flush delay is configured // and no other timer is already running if s.flushTimer != nil { // Restarting existing flush timer cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Write(): Restarting flush timer") s.flushTimer.Reset(s.config.flushDelay) } else { // Creating and starting flush timer cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Write(): Starting new flush timer") s.flushTimer = time.AfterFunc( s.config.flushDelay, func() { defer s.timerLock.Unlock() cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Starting flush triggered by flush timer") if err := s.Flush(); err != nil { cclog.ComponentError(, "Flush triggered by flush timer: flush failed:", err) } }) } } // Unlock encoder usage s.encoderLock.Unlock() return nil } // Flush sends all metrics stored in encoder to InfluxDB server func (s *InfluxSink) Flush() error { // Lock for encoder usage // Own lock for as short as possible: the time it takes to clone the buffer. s.encoderLock.Lock() buf := slices.Clone(s.encoder.Bytes()) numRecordsInBuf := s.numRecordsInEncoder s.encoder.Reset() s.numRecordsInEncoder = 0 // Unlock encoder usage s.encoderLock.Unlock() if len(buf) == 0 { return nil } cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Flush(): Flushing", numRecordsInBuf, "metrics") // Asynchron send of encoder metrics s.sendWaitGroup.Add(1) go func() { defer s.sendWaitGroup.Done() startTime := time.Now() err := s.writeApi.WriteRecord(context.Background(), string(buf)) if err != nil { cclog.ComponentError(, "Flush():", "Flush failed:", err, "(number of records =", numRecordsInBuf, ", buffer size =", len(buf), ", send duration =", time.Since(startTime), ")", ) return } }() return nil } func (s *InfluxSink) Close() { cclog.ComponentDebug(, "Closing InfluxDB connection") // Stop existing timer and immediately flush if s.flushTimer != nil { if ok := s.flushTimer.Stop(); ok { s.timerLock.Unlock() } } // Flush if err := s.Flush(); err != nil { cclog.ComponentError(, "Close():", "Flush failed:", err) } // Wait for send operations to finish s.sendWaitGroup.Wait() s.client.Close() } // NewInfluxSink create a new InfluxDB sink func NewInfluxSink(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Sink, error) { s := new(InfluxSink) = fmt.Sprintf("InfluxSink(%s)", name) // Set config default values s.config.BatchSize = 1000 s.config.FlushInterval = "1s" // Read config if len(config) > 0 { d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(config)) d.DisallowUnknownFields() if err := d.Decode(&s.config); err != nil { cclog.ComponentError(, "Error reading config:", err.Error()) return nil, err } } if len(s.config.Host) == 0 { return s, errors.New("missing host configuration required by InfluxSink") } if len(s.config.Port) == 0 { return s, errors.New("missing port configuration required by InfluxSink") } if len(s.config.Database) == 0 { return s, errors.New("missing database configuration required by InfluxSink") } if len(s.config.Organization) == 0 { return s, errors.New("missing organization configuration required by InfluxSink") } if len(s.config.Password) == 0 { return s, errors.New("missing password configuration required by InfluxSink") } // Create lookup map to use meta infos as tags in the output metric s.meta_as_tags = make(map[string]bool) for _, k := range s.config.MetaAsTags { s.meta_as_tags[k] = true } // Configure flush delay duration if len(s.config.FlushInterval) > 0 { t, err := time.ParseDuration(s.config.FlushInterval) if err == nil { s.config.flushDelay = t } } if !(s.config.BatchSize > 0) { return s, fmt.Errorf("batch_size=%d in InfluxDB config must be > 0", s.config.BatchSize) } // Connect to InfluxDB server if err := s.connect(); err != nil { return s, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect: %v", err) } // Configure influx line protocol encoder s.encoder.SetPrecision(influx.Nanosecond) s.extended_tag_list = make([]key_value_pair, 0) return s, nil }