## `BeeGFS on Demand` collector This Collector is to collect BeeGFS on Demand (BeeOND) metadata clientstats. ```json "beegfs_meta": { "beegfs_path": "/usr/bin/beegfs-ctl", "exclude_filesystem": [ "/mnt/ignore_me" ], "exclude_metrics": [ "ack", "entInf", "fndOwn" ] } ``` The `BeeGFS On Demand (BeeOND)` collector uses the `beegfs-ctl` command to read performance metrics for BeeGFS filesystems. The reported filesystems can be filtered with the `exclude_filesystem` option in the configuration. The path to the `beegfs-ctl` command can be configured with the `beegfs_path` option in the configuration. When using the `exclude_metrics` option, the excluded metrics are summed as `other`. Important: The metrics listed below, are similar to the naming of BeeGFS. The Collector prefixes these with `beegfs_cstorage`(beegfs client storage). For example beegfs metric `open`-> `beegfs_cstorage_open` Available Metrics: * sum * ack * close * entInf * fndOwn * mkdir * create * rddir * refrEnt * mdsInf * rmdir * rmLnk * mvDirIns * mvFiIns * open * ren * sChDrct * sAttr * sDirPat * stat * statfs * trunc * symlnk * unlnk * lookLI * statLI * revalLI * openLI * createLI * hardlnk * flckAp * flckEn * flckRg * dirparent * listXA * getXA * rmXA * setXA * mirror The collector adds a `filesystem` tag to all metrics