# See: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions # Workflow name name: Release # Run on tag push on: push: tags: - '**' jobs: # # Build on AlmaLinux 8.5 using go-toolset # AlmaLinux-RPM-build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # See: https://hub.docker.com/_/almalinux container: almalinux:8.5 # The job outputs link to the outputs of the 'rpmrename' step # Only job outputs can be used in child jobs outputs: rpm : ${{steps.rpmrename.outputs.RPM}} srpm : ${{steps.rpmrename.outputs.SRPM}} steps: # Use dnf to install development packages - name: Install development packages run: dnf --assumeyes group install "Development Tools" "RPM Development Tools" # Checkout git repository and submodules # fetch-depth must be 0 to use git describe # See: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/checkout - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 # Use dnf to install build dependencies - name: Install build dependencies run: | dnf --assumeyes install 'dnf-command(builddep)' dnf --assumeyes builddep scripts/cc-metric-collector.spec - name: RPM build MetricCollector id: rpmbuild run: make RPM # AlmaLinux 8.5 is a derivate of RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (UBI8), # so the created RPM both contain the substring 'el8' in the RPM file names # This step replaces the substring 'el8' to 'alma85'. It uses the move operation # because it is unclear whether the default AlmaLinux 8.5 container contains the # 'rename' command. This way we also get the new names for output. - name: Rename RPMs (s/el8/alma85/) id: rpmrename run: | OLD_RPM="${{steps.rpmbuild.outputs.RPM}}" OLD_SRPM="${{steps.rpmbuild.outputs.SRPM}}" NEW_RPM="${OLD_RPM/el8/alma85}" NEW_SRPM=${OLD_SRPM/el8/alma85} mv "${OLD_RPM}" "${NEW_RPM}" mv "${OLD_SRPM}" "${NEW_SRPM}" echo "::set-output name=SRPM::${NEW_SRPM}" echo "::set-output name=RPM::${NEW_RPM}" # See: https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact - name: Save RPM as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector RPM for AlmaLinux 8.5 path: ${{ steps.rpmrename.outputs.RPM }} - name: Save SRPM as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector SRPM for AlmaLinux 8.5 path: ${{ steps.rpmrename.outputs.SRPM }} # # Build on UBI 8 using go-toolset # UBI-8-RPM-build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # See: https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/ubi8/ubi/5c359854d70cc534b3a3784e?container-tabs=gti container: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:8.5-226.1645809065 # The job outputs link to the outputs of the 'rpmbuild' step outputs: rpm : ${{steps.rpmbuild.outputs.RPM}} srpm : ${{steps.rpmbuild.outputs.SRPM}} steps: # Use dnf to install development packages - name: Install development packages run: dnf --assumeyes --disableplugin=subscription-manager install rpm-build go-srpm-macros rpm-build-libs rpm-libs gcc make python38 git # Checkout git repository and submodules # fetch-depth must be 0 to use git describe # See: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/checkout - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 # Use dnf to install build dependencies - name: Install build dependencies run: dnf --assumeyes --disableplugin=subscription-manager builddep scripts/cc-metric-collector.spec - name: RPM build MetricCollector id: rpmbuild run: make RPM # See: https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact - name: Save RPM as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector RPM for UBI 8 path: ${{ steps.rpmbuild.outputs.RPM }} - name: Save SRPM as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector SRPM for UBI 8 path: ${{ steps.rpmbuild.outputs.SRPM }} # # Create release with fresh RPMs # Release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # We need the RPMs, so add dependency needs: [AlmaLinux-RPM-build, UBI-8-RPM-build] steps: # See: https://github.com/actions/download-artifact - name: Download AlmaLinux 8.5 RPM uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector RPM for AlmaLinux 8.5 - name: Download AlmaLinux 8.5 SRPM uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector SRPM for AlmaLinux 8.5 - name: Download UBI 8 RPM uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector RPM for UBI 8 - name: Download UBI 8 SRPM uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: cc-metric-collector SRPM for UBI 8 # The download actions do not publish the name of the downloaded file, # so we re-use the job outputs of the parent jobs. The files are all # downloaded to the current folder. # The gh-release action afterwards does not accept file lists but all # files have to be listed at 'files'. The step creates one output per # RPM package (2 per distro) - name: Set RPM variables id: files run: | ALMA_85_RPM=$(basename "${{ needs.AlmaLinux-RPM-build.outputs.rpm}}") ALMA_85_SRPM=$(basename "${{ needs.AlmaLinux-RPM-build.outputs.srpm}}") UBI_8_RPM=$(basename "${{ needs.UBI-8-RPM-build.outputs.rpm}}") UBI_8_SRPM=$(basename "${{ needs.UBI-8-RPM-build.outputs.srpm}}") echo "ALMA_85_RPM::${ALMA_85_RPM}" echo "ALMA_85_SRPM::${ALMA_85_SRPM}" echo "UBI_8_RPM::${UBI_8_RPM}" echo "UBI_8_SRPM::${UBI_8_SRPM}" echo "::set-output name=ALMA_85_RPM::${ALMA_85_RPM}" echo "::set-output name=ALMA_85_SRPM::${ALMA_85_SRPM}" echo "::set-output name=UBI_8_RPM::${UBI_8_RPM}" echo "::set-output name=UBI_8_SRPM::${UBI_8_SRPM}" # See: https://github.com/softprops/action-gh-release - name: Release uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') with: name: cc-metric-collector-${{github.ref_name}} files: | ${{ steps.files.outputs.ALMA_85_RPM }} ${{ steps.files.outputs.ALMA_85_SRPM }} ${{ steps.files.outputs.UBI_8_RPM }} ${{ steps.files.outputs.UBI_8_SRPM }}