129 lines
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APP = cc-metric-collector
2022-03-03 11:03:51 +01:00
GOSRC_APP := cc-metric-collector.go
GOSRC_COLLECTORS := $(wildcard collectors/*.go)
GOSRC_SINKS := $(wildcard sinks/*.go)
GOSRC_RECEIVERS := $(wildcard receivers/*.go)
Modularize the whole thing (#16) * Use channels, add a metric router, split up configuration and use extended version of Influx line protocol internally * Use central timer for collectors and router. Add expressions to router * Add expression to router config * Update entry points * Start with README * Update README for CCMetric * Formatting * Update README.md * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Update README.md * Add README to metric router * Update main README * Remove SinkEntity type * Update README for sinks * Update go files * Update README for receivers * Update collectors README * Update collectors README * Use seperate page per collector * Fix for tempstat page * Add docs for customcmd collector * Add docs for ipmistat collector * Add docs for topprocs collector * Update customCmdMetric.md * Use seconds when calculating LIKWID metrics * Add IB metrics ib_recv_pkts and ib_xmit_pkts * Drop domain part of host name * Updated to latest stable version of likwid * Define source code dependencies in Makefile * Add GPFS / IBM Spectrum Scale collector * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Avoid go vet warning: struct field tag `json:"..., omitempty"` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: suspicious space in struct tag value struct field tag `json:"...", omitempty` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: key:"value" pairs not separated by spaces * Add sample collector to README.md * Add CPU frequency collector * Avoid staticcheck warning: redundant return statement * Avoid staticcheck warning: unnecessary assignment to the blank identifier * Simplified code * Add CPUFreqCollectorCpuinfo a metric collector to measure the current frequency of the CPUs as obtained from /proc/cpuinfo Only measure on the first hyperthread * Add collector for NFS clients * Move publication of metrics into Flush() for NatsSink * Update GitHub actions * Refactoring * Avoid vet warning: Println arg list ends with redundant newline * Avoid vet warning struct field commands has json tag but is not exported * Avoid vet warning: return copies lock value. * Corrected typo * Refactoring * Add go sources in internal/... * Bad separator in Makefile * Fix Infiniband collector Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <40787752+ho-ob@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-01-25 15:37:43 +01:00
GOSRC_INTERNAL := $(wildcard internal/*/*.go)
COMPONENT_DIRS := collectors \
sinks \
receivers \
internal/metricRouter \
internal/ccMetric \
internal/metricAggregator \
internal/ccLogger \
internal/ccTopology \
Modularize the whole thing (#16) * Use channels, add a metric router, split up configuration and use extended version of Influx line protocol internally * Use central timer for collectors and router. Add expressions to router * Add expression to router config * Update entry points * Start with README * Update README for CCMetric * Formatting * Update README.md * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Update README.md * Add README to metric router * Update main README * Remove SinkEntity type * Update README for sinks * Update go files * Update README for receivers * Update collectors README * Update collectors README * Use seperate page per collector * Fix for tempstat page * Add docs for customcmd collector * Add docs for ipmistat collector * Add docs for topprocs collector * Update customCmdMetric.md * Use seconds when calculating LIKWID metrics * Add IB metrics ib_recv_pkts and ib_xmit_pkts * Drop domain part of host name * Updated to latest stable version of likwid * Define source code dependencies in Makefile * Add GPFS / IBM Spectrum Scale collector * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Avoid go vet warning: struct field tag `json:"..., omitempty"` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: suspicious space in struct tag value struct field tag `json:"...", omitempty` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: key:"value" pairs not separated by spaces * Add sample collector to README.md * Add CPU frequency collector * Avoid staticcheck warning: redundant return statement * Avoid staticcheck warning: unnecessary assignment to the blank identifier * Simplified code * Add CPUFreqCollectorCpuinfo a metric collector to measure the current frequency of the CPUs as obtained from /proc/cpuinfo Only measure on the first hyperthread * Add collector for NFS clients * Move publication of metrics into Flush() for NatsSink * Update GitHub actions * Refactoring * Avoid vet warning: Println arg list ends with redundant newline * Avoid vet warning struct field commands has json tag but is not exported * Avoid vet warning: return copies lock value. * Corrected typo * Refactoring * Add go sources in internal/... * Bad separator in Makefile * Fix Infiniband collector Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <40787752+ho-ob@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-01-25 15:37:43 +01:00
BINDIR = bin
2022-05-25 15:45:21 +02:00
GOBIN = $(shell which go)
.PHONY: all
all: $(APP)
$(APP): $(GOSRC)
2022-05-25 15:45:21 +02:00
make -C collectors
$(GOBIN) get
$(GOBIN) build -o $(APP) $(GOSRC_APP)
install: $(APP)
@if [ -z "$${WORKSPACE}" ]; then exit 1; fi
@mkdir --parents --verbose $${WORKSPACE}/usr/$(BINDIR)
@install -Dpm 755 $(APP) $${WORKSPACE}/usr/$(BINDIR)/$(APP)
@mkdir --parents --verbose $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector $${WORKSPACE}/etc/default $${WORKSPACE}/etc/systemd/system $${WORKSPACE}/etc/init.d
@install -Dpm 600 config.json $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/cc-metric-collector.json
@sed -i -e s+"\"./"+"\"/etc/cc-metric-collector/"+g $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/cc-metric-collector.json
@install -Dpm 600 sinks.json $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/sinks.json
@install -Dpm 600 collectors.json $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/collectors.json
@install -Dpm 600 router.json $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/router.json
@install -Dpm 600 receivers.json $${WORKSPACE}/etc/cc-metric-collector/receivers.json
@install -Dpm 600 scripts/cc-metric-collector.config $${WORKSPACE}/etc/default/cc-metric-collector
@install -Dpm 644 scripts/cc-metric-collector.service $${WORKSPACE}/etc/systemd/system/cc-metric-collector.service
@install -Dpm 644 scripts/cc-metric-collector.init $${WORKSPACE}/etc/init.d/cc-metric-collector
.PHONY: clean
@for COMP in $(COMPONENT_DIRS); do if [ -e $$COMP/Makefile ]; then make -C $$COMP clean; fi; done
rm -f $(APP)
.PHONY: fmt
2022-05-25 15:45:21 +02:00
@for F in $(GOSRC_INTERNAL); do $(GOBIN) fmt $$F; done
Modularize the whole thing (#16) * Use channels, add a metric router, split up configuration and use extended version of Influx line protocol internally * Use central timer for collectors and router. Add expressions to router * Add expression to router config * Update entry points * Start with README * Update README for CCMetric * Formatting * Update README.md * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Add README for MultiChanTicker * Update README.md * Add README to metric router * Update main README * Remove SinkEntity type * Update README for sinks * Update go files * Update README for receivers * Update collectors README * Update collectors README * Use seperate page per collector * Fix for tempstat page * Add docs for customcmd collector * Add docs for ipmistat collector * Add docs for topprocs collector * Update customCmdMetric.md * Use seconds when calculating LIKWID metrics * Add IB metrics ib_recv_pkts and ib_xmit_pkts * Drop domain part of host name * Updated to latest stable version of likwid * Define source code dependencies in Makefile * Add GPFS / IBM Spectrum Scale collector * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Add vet and staticcheck make targets * Avoid go vet warning: struct field tag `json:"..., omitempty"` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: suspicious space in struct tag value struct field tag `json:"...", omitempty` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: key:"value" pairs not separated by spaces * Add sample collector to README.md * Add CPU frequency collector * Avoid staticcheck warning: redundant return statement * Avoid staticcheck warning: unnecessary assignment to the blank identifier * Simplified code * Add CPUFreqCollectorCpuinfo a metric collector to measure the current frequency of the CPUs as obtained from /proc/cpuinfo Only measure on the first hyperthread * Add collector for NFS clients * Move publication of metrics into Flush() for NatsSink * Update GitHub actions * Refactoring * Avoid vet warning: Println arg list ends with redundant newline * Avoid vet warning struct field commands has json tag but is not exported * Avoid vet warning: return copies lock value. * Corrected typo * Refactoring * Add go sources in internal/... * Bad separator in Makefile * Fix Infiniband collector Co-authored-by: Holger Obermaier <40787752+ho-ob@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-01-25 15:37:43 +01:00
2022-01-20 12:09:22 +01:00
# Examine Go source code and reports suspicious constructs
.PHONY: vet
2022-01-20 12:13:50 +01:00
2022-05-25 15:45:21 +02:00
$(GOBIN) vet ./...
2022-01-20 12:09:22 +01:00
# Run linter for the Go programming language.
# Using static analysis, it finds bugs and performance issues, offers simplifications, and enforces style rules
.PHONY: staticcheck
2022-05-25 15:45:21 +02:00
$(GOBIN) install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
$$($(GOBIN) env GOPATH)/bin/staticcheck ./...
RPM: scripts/cc-metric-collector.spec
# Setup RPM build tree
@eval $$(rpm --eval "ARCH='%{_arch}' RPMDIR='%{_rpmdir}' SOURCEDIR='%{_sourcedir}' SPECDIR='%{_specdir}' SRPMDIR='%{_srcrpmdir}' BUILDDIR='%{_builddir}'")
@mkdir --parents --verbose "$${RPMDIR}" "$${SOURCEDIR}" "$${SPECDIR}" "$${SRPMDIR}" "$${BUILDDIR}"
# Create source tarball
@VERS=$$(git describe --tags $${COMMITISH})
@VERS=$$(echo $$VERS | sed -e s+'-'+'_'+g)
@eval $$(rpmspec --query --queryformat "NAME='%{name}' VERSION='%{version}' RELEASE='%{release}' NVR='%{NVR}' NVRA='%{NVRA}'" --define="VERS $${VERS}" "$${SPECFILE}")
@git archive --verbose --format "$${FORMAT}" --prefix="$${PREFIX}/" --output="$${SRCFILE}" $${COMMITISH}
# Build RPM and SRPM
@rpmbuild -ba --define="VERS $${VERS}" --rmsource --clean "$${SPECFILE}"
# Report RPMs and SRPMs when in GitHub Workflow
@if [[ "$${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" == true ]]; then
@ RPMFILE="$${RPMDIR}/$${ARCH}/$${NVRA}.rpm"
@ SRPMFILE="$${SRPMDIR}/$${NVR}.src.rpm"
@ echo "RPM: $${RPMFILE}"
@ echo "SRPM: $${SRPMFILE}"
@ echo "::set-output name=SRPM::$${SRPMFILE}"
@ echo "::set-output name=RPM::$${RPMFILE}"
DEB: scripts/cc-metric-collector.deb.control $(APP)
@mkdir --parents --verbose $$WORKSPACE $$DEBIANBINDIR
#@mkdir --parents --verbose $$DEBIANDIR
@VERS=$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 $${COMMITISH})
@VERS=$$(echo $$VERS | sed -e s+'-'+'_'+g)
@ARCH=$$(uname -m)
@ARCH=$$(echo $$ARCH | sed -e s+'_'+'-'+g)
@SIZE_BYTES=$$(du -bcs --exclude=.dpkgbuild "$$WORKSPACE"/ | awk '{print $$1}' | head -1 | sed -e 's/^0\+//')
@SIZE="$$(awk -v size="$$SIZE_BYTES" 'BEGIN {print (size/1024)+1}' | awk '{print int($$0)}')"
#@sed -e s+"{VERSION}"+"$$VERS"+g -e s+"{INSTALLED_SIZE}"+"$$SIZE"+g -e s+"{ARCH}"+"$$ARCH"+g $$CONTROLFILE > $${DEBIANDIR}/control
@sed -e s+"{VERSION}"+"$$VERS"+g -e s+"{INSTALLED_SIZE}"+"$$SIZE"+g -e s+"{ARCH}"+"$$ARCH"+g $$CONTROLFILE > $${DEBIANBINDIR}/control
@make PREFIX=$${WORKSPACE} install
@dpkg-deb -b $${WORKSPACE} "$$DEB_FILE"
@rm -r "$${WORKSPACE}"